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[POLL] Do you think a Rollback is necessary?


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Not rollback, but reducing the gained valor if it is possible.


This. (Pre-50s that went to Ilum for the gankfest should probably get a full rollback, that's knowingly exploiting, for anyone else illegitimate early access to the higher tier PVP gear isn't YET a gamebreaker).


***** (Five Stars).

Edited by Ancaglon
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The fact that Empire players for the opportunity to farm Republic non-stop even to the fact of a temp ban of being stuck in a spawn for hours is ridiculous.

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This is just stupid, I worked hard for my Volar and never used any exploits, now you want it all to disappear, NO I don't think so. You want it re-rolled so badly than go and ask them to re roll you, leave the rest of us out of it...



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Rollbacks and bans are inconsequential to the real problem facing swtor.


The incompetence of Gabe and his PVP development team are the first and most important obstacle facing swtor for any real improvement. These individuals need to be fired... then and only then can actual improvement for this game occur.

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A simple way to do a poll guys, when you reply to the thread you have the option near the bottom of the page to 'rate' the thread.






p.s for anyone unclear, you can only vote by replying to the thread itself, so when you vote be sure to leave a reason for the vote!


I don't care either way tbh. I do think that a hotfix (should have come yesterday) would have been better, but thing about it a full rollback will hurt all people, not just the people that stayed in ilum for hours after hours (I was there for a few hours myself to slaughter republics) its not the players fault it got broken... im0 a fast emergency hotfix should have been applied within a few hours last night instead.


Again I wont cry if they do a rollback nor be happy. because they can't (mark my word) rollback valour gained from ilum only, it will be a full server rollback if they do anything! this will mean that people that spent 10 hours in wz lose valour aswell. etc etc.



But the problem with all this was poor testing and theory from how the ilum pvp should be... thats what lead to this... hopefully we can all shape it to become better and more fun for all..


So I will consider myself neutral in this. I am nor for or agains a rollback


PS. bans would be a problem for BW. on my server atleast 900 people participated in ilum for atleast 1-2 hours... if not more (thats pure lvl 50's). banning people for playing the game is a no go. had people done a real exploit I could understand (but this is not a real exploit) just a bad bad pvp patch from BW.

Edited by LordSahl
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NEVER let exploiters get away with it .. its like the old Radar days of DaoC over again.




the Faction bug in SWG. Instant max level Faction, after some people had spent months grinding towards their colonel titles.


Abusing a design hole, which this is, shouldnt be punished .. just roll-backed.


Bioware needs to take a Mulligan on this one. I isnt fair to the dedicated PvPers who have spent weeks PvPing their asses off to gain their Battlemaster title, and then see the scrubs all running around in Battlemaster gear.


It isnt fair to the underpopulated side who gets rolled by hordes of scrub-masters in their illgotten gear.


Basically .. making a plea to "stay away from Ilum", and "fix" the problem AFTER the damage is done is too little, weak and an unfair solution and bad response.

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4 Stars **** from me. I think that a rollback is adviced incase they don't come up with a very, very very good fix. And not just a fix for valor (which is the smallest problem) but rather a fix for

A) Melee classes

B) Faction balance

C) Getting a clue on what such a retarded patch does to the server.

Honestly - I feel like 99% of the content of this patch has been a no brainer. If I would produce such crap during my studies - I could kiss the course / seminar / project goodbye and prepare for a long speech by my supervisor. Here at Bioware however it seems like you get payed for it.


And to adress this:

You people expecting a perfect game less than 1 month after launch created by a company whos taking their first crack at a mmo make me laugh. Go Away.


We do not expect a perfect game. However we expect common sense, logic and the ability to read what was being said during testing. If you just glance over the population on the servers you would think it more than obvious that you'd be in deep **** if you roll out a patch like this. Well - I just learned that there is truly no limit to shortsightedness.

Edited by Eranus
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