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Todays subscription day for me, I've had 1 warfront pop in 2 hours on my server due to lack of 50's and it didn't even count to my daily when we won it. Llum is a mess, sound effects are messing up, ability delay is still bad ect... but hey I get another PVE dungeon that I completed in 35 minutes! oh and a title if I resub... I can hardly hide the excitment.


Think I'll hold off till they fix a few things before I chuck more money thier way.

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Unnecessary and unexpected reward. Thanks!


And for the rest of you "not falling for this trick" people, you remind me of the "threw it on the ground" lonely island video....


"Some kid tries to give me some cake, what am I supposed to do, eat it?"


QQ about free stuff...


You paid for the title hence not free.

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Why on earth would people want a title?

That's like giving a 4y old a golden sticker on their forehead saying "YAY!!! your special!".


for the same reason they play for hours just to find an armor or a hat they like, or a lightsabre crystal with the color they love etc.. Distinction. You know how it works and dont play sily. Bioware just gave away a small token to say thanks to the first players , nothing more nothing less.


I must admit that the timing is not the best it could (because of the bugs and the recent patch that didnt solve most of them ) BUT dont forget that its also the end of the first month so its a great timing to give first players whatever present you want.


How about instead of adding junk like this you fix your damn game.


Well i dont think that the programmer that would add the founder title is the one that will solve our bugs, probably he is all the way to the other side of Biowares building or on another level or another building from were the serious guys that try to solve the bugs are.. so for him making the tolken thing is his job and making it doesnt take away hours of work that would otherwise go to solving the bugs..

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Todays subscription day for me, I've had 1 warfront pop in 2 hours on my server due to lack of 50's and it didn't even count to my daily when we won it. Llum is a mess, sound effects are messing up, ability delay is still bad ect... but hey I get another PVE dungeon that I completed in 35 minutes! oh and a title if I resub... I can hardly hide the excitment.


Think I'll hold off till they fix a few things before I chuck more money thier way.



No you won't. You'll be back tomorrow complaining some more. Thanks for your money!

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Let's keep things in perspective here ... please!


The medal was in the works long before the game launched, perhaps even before a segment of Beta began.


It is a thank-you for staying with SW:TOR beyond the "free" 30 days included with the box purchase, since historically certain groups of people race to maximum level in a game and then quit, regardless of how good the game might be.


This has NOTHING to do with PvP, although players with a myopic PvP-centric view of the universe will rage at the heavens, like King Lear.


Enjoy this perk for what it is: a thank-you from the Devs for loyally staying with the game and supporting the efforts for which they have given *years* of their lives!

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I can't wait until all you cry babies leave tomorrow. I thought it was good entertainment to hear all these people complain and cry about the shortcomings of this game, but now it's just getting annoying.

The game needs some fixing, I know that, but I'm still going to play and pay bioware next month and maybe the next month after that. I am going to give them a chance.

Please go back to Wow or whatever game you came from and don't come back.


Haha, yes we are all babies and in no way we are unsubbing because of massive problems we've been facing with TOR since day 1 :D


Have fun playing this soon-to-be-dead buggy mess with other Bioware and Star Wars fanatics, because only these people will stay.

Edited by Kozor
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1. Thanks for the extra title, won't use it but thanks...

2. I got the Deluxe version and got my extra items so i'm happy I got what I paid for. So those of you who are saying we preordered and are entitled to something else should reevaluate that statement. While true we meet the essence of what the title stands for I cna be patient. I'll be playing long after my 30 days.


I honestly don't think the entire development / programming team spent all their time on this. I would imagine it was maybe 1 person that was assinged the task of ... Hey add this title with "X" Requirements and even then i'm sure it didn't take them long to do this.


I'm not having any of the issues people are addressing on the forums but I bet you the development team is working on them (Dev Blog). Bugs aren't instant fixes, when you go to patch a break you have to test it, as more than likely it has a chance to break something else. The game was released in Decemeber, I highly doubt any other MMO that was released (No matter how well you think it was released), was bug free.


I don't know how they prioritize these problems but I imagine they have several teams dedicated to specific areas (at least I hope). Any information on the status of where the big bugs are in the dev pipeline would be helpful, maybe a post on the dev blog listing the large issues they are currently addressing would ease many minds. Most people just want to know they've been received.


Anyways... Thanks...

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Its sad to read the posts from all those crybabies here.


Why dont you just say thank you Bioware and then leave it with that ? Its something extra, a bonus.


If you just want to complain, then the exit is this way ---->

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Thanks Bioware!



Now that we're past the thanks, lets get all the haters out of here. I grow tired of all the crying and whining I see from people that don't have a payed subscription to this game.


Thanks again Bioware!

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Bioware - This game really feels like a true labor of love. You guys took some huge chances with this game - basically betting the company on it.


for me and my wife and my guildies - you hit a home run and we will be there with yall - money in hand

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I see this as a thank you rather than an incentive item to get people to keep playing. I consider blizz giving away d3 and sparkly mounts an incentive to not quit or get people to reactivate their accounts. If bw were to tack on pets or mounts then I'd say it was more along the lines of getting people to stay put. So...thanks BW. And that is not a sarcastic thanks.
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Let's keep things in perspective here ... please!


The medal was in the works long before the game launched, perhaps even before a segment of Beta began.


It is a thank-you for staying with SW:TOR beyond the "free" 30 days included with the box purchase, since historically certain groups of people race to maximum level in a game and then quit, regardless of how good the game might be.


This has NOTHING to do with PvP, although players with a myopic PvP-centric view of the universe will rage at the heavens, like King Lear.


Enjoy this perk for what it is: a thank-you from the Devs for loyally staying with the game and supporting the efforts for which they have given *years* of their lives!


Look at your forum join date, now look at mine. I started following this game (and all the hype) long before the people who just casually bought the game.

They didnt give me a thank-you for my fanboism and dedication, they wanna give me a "reward" because I have a wallet.


I already stated that i will continue to play the game because my friends are playing it and I appreciate a sincere thank you, but this is pure marketing.


I dont need a title I need a game that I can play and enjoy.

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The general forums of every MMO is filled with children that complain about everything.


Seriously, BW could send them all bricks of gold and they would complain that gold is too heavy.




World of Tanks, for example, recently gave a free premium tank to every active account (which is free to begin with) for the New Year. People flocked to the forums to complain about the free tank they were getting.


Such behavior would be amusing if it weren't for the nauseating level of cultural entitlement it represents. (Clarification: By "amusing," I mean like watching a not-very-bright dog chase his tail for hours on end.)

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hehehe. Ill pass. Im gonna step back since I never play a mmo at launch because of the lack of features and massive bugs and influx of morons that usually come with it. This game was special and made an exception and do not fully regret it. But I will go back to skyrim, Evochron, Eve-online, Batman, and diablo 3 when it comes out very soon.


So work on a real space combat and exploration expansion and I promiss I will buy it and subscribe. Also stop forcing group play on people. Any heroic+2 or +4 quest should be identified differently on a npc so that solo players like myself wont even waste 1 second of there life. Because we simply abandon the quest once the dialog is over. So heads up would be nice to avoid the waste in time. And last but not least make it that I can fil la group with my companions if ever i want to try a group instance and dont want to group with ******* i found in a pug. Not that everyone are ******* do not get me wrong I did find great people I grouped with. But sometimes You group with someone and someting unexpected like life gets in the way and you must quite the game quick and let down all these great people. Would be nice that the 3 other are your companions who wont bother much if you drop out and come back later.


So fix the game right up and ill be back in a few months. Oh also, would be great if your help the guys at wine to get this working in wine. Would have played much more then I was if it did. Its use to but one day something in an update broke it and now you can only play in winblows and not wine which runs on linux which is the only OS i can run on this computer where im posting from.


See you then

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