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I'm having fun... I wish you were.


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A few things. I got SWTOR for Xmas. Before that, I heard some good things, and I heard some bad things. If I hadn't of got it for Xmas, I probably would not have bought it myself... See, I just signed on with WoW for the year deal to get the free Diablo 3 and Beta the Panda thing. That said, I'll pay for WoW and SWTOR for a year, but I'll be playing SWTOR, unless My wife needs help with a quest over on WoW. When the year is up, I won't be paying for WoW.




Is it because I'm a rabid fanboy? Nope. Don't get me wrong, Star Wars is fun... Episodes IV, V, and VI where good, but honestly, Ewoks were a sign of things to come. The franchise would be best served wrested from Lucas' twisted grip. Truth be told, I'm actually more of a Star Trek fan... at least there I'm guaranteed a good movie every other release, but even then, STO broke my heart. Just wasn't my cup of tea... but I moved on. I didn't waste my life typing about how I didn't like it.


Nope, I'm paying and playing for SWTOR because I'm having fun. This game is a hoot. To each there own, but I suspect those who don't agree find very little joy in anything, but meh, whatever. I'll be honest here...


Bioware, SWTOR is the best thing to happen to computers since Babbage showed Lovelace his card punch reader and punched her card. Thank you for putting this out. I'm having more fun than should be legal. And that's why I'm here.


What I can not explain is why some of the haters are here. You don't like the game and your month is up and you're going... fine... I feel you. This game was not for you. You're upset that you dropped between $60 and $100 on a game you don't like... sorry... I get upset that my wife dropped $20K on a Chrysler... move on. But why waste precious time of you're life ************. If WoW or Rifts or Hello Kitty Online makes you happy, then have fun and play those games. But don't let your Aspergers driven nerd rage cause you to waste any more time here.


I'm having fun... I wish you were.

Edited by savagepat
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I'm having fun, too. A lot of people are.


Are there issues and problems with the game? Sure there are. And those who bring constructive criticism and legitimate concerns should be addressed.


But as for the constant self-indulgent instant gratification whiners...well, hopefully the bulk of them will be gone after the 22.


And good riddance because then we can have a constructive dialog about some of the things that need to be addressed without having to face screaming incoherent rants about how great Candy Panda Land will be.

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Heheh. Well I'm glad you are enjoying it. To be very honest, if I had never experienced WoW, I'd like this game a lot too. It's just very poorly executed in comparison. At least in the things that I look for in a game.


And see, that is so cool. You don't like it, but you don't come across crazy angry. Flip side for me... I put up with WoW for years, and SWTOR has what I want in a game. What's awesome is that now we both have what we want. How cool is that!

Edited by savagepat
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Wow, someone who feels the exact same way I do. I used to play WoW for several years, including other MMO's such as Rift, Aion, DaoC, and GW, amongst others. I quit WoW about 5 months ago because I just couldn't stand it anymore, due to how it just gets...old. So far, SWTOR has brought me back to the MMO genre, and I love it so far. Yeah, it has it's fair share of problems, but that's what constructive criticism is for. I have hope in BW, and hopefully they'll live up to it. But what I absolutely hate are the people who just scream and yell about how they hate the game, and then proceed to troll the rest of the players. Something everyone needs to realize is that the forums make up for a TINY percentage of players. So even if there are people on the forums complaining and saying, "I'm unsubbing," the fact of the matter is, they are most likely the minority. Have fun playing!
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