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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Before today we had very few ppl with battlemaster on both sides. Friend just played a match, all sith had battlemaster gear.


Well, its official PvP is broken on our server. Guess we'll give it another go after we get the tier 3 PvE gear.


Or we can continuously go into a match and get killed because of a crappy exploit that favored the side with more people. That works too.

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you know what this remind me of? NGE



Thousands of players working their way to become Jedi for months.


NGE comes and now you can be a Jedi with the click of a mouse button.


This post highlights the issue. SWG brain ***** all of it's original players and now they are all certifiably insane. Now they are dragging their baggage along to every other game they play. I say get out to former SWG players if you are so traumatized by your SWG experience that you are going to have a conniption fit over every issue that, in your mind, resembles the situation with SWG.

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First week = I realy like this game I can see myself playing for a long time so I will Sub for 6 months.


Week three = Im not so sure about 6 months , this imbalances is getting to be a pain , Ill change to 1 month Subs for now and see how it goes.


Week Four = I just about had enough of this bullchit ! canceled


Week Five = ooh patch 1.1 maybe they will address some issues and I will re-subscribe .


patch 1.1 killed it for me , Im sorry but unless you are palying Imperial and are Imature how can you be satisfied with this?


And long term (3-6 months in the Imature mind) the kiddies will get bored and run back to wow or cod because even they wont find what they are doing fun in a couple of months.


Dont know why i can still post , I canceled days ago , flame all you like Imp kiddies we all know there is no real imbalance other than all the LEET masters of gaming pvp happend to join the same side ...........what chances of that eh?

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While this doesn't affect me much, I do see why this is such a big issue to many people.


1) Republic got hosed from day 1. Imperials had several advantages in terms of skills (despite being 'mirrors') over Republic. This caused a larger than average popultion imbalance and still has not been fully resolved.


2) Due to a badly thought out and implemented patch, Republic players were trapped in the area (basically griefed) with no way out aside from deliberately AFKing out of a warzone.


3) Imperial players were able to farm up a great deal of bonus gear. Republic were essentially shut out of these rewards and those trapped were prevented from progresing themselves.


4) With no rollback, the Imperial side gains an additional advantage in PvP which snowballs as new Imperial players are likely to be carried by the gear advantage present in their faction.


5) More people gravitate to Imperial for easy wins. Huttball becomes the only form of PvP for most people.


6) Imperials are annoyed, Reps are annoyed.


Well said. They also should have brought the servers offline as soon as they saw what was happening to prevent the hours & hours of exploiting that went on. Leaving it up while they decided how bad it was made things worse & encouraged people to continue to abuse the system.

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I feel bad for BW


If rollbacks happen = Players ragequit


If rollbacks don't happen = Players ragequit



I think they chosed the safest option regarding subscription loss


Because they waited too long and now they are screwed. They dug their own grave and now they will pay the consequences for their ineptitude.


Will this teach them sound MMO design and emergency response? Judging by how the development of Dragon Age 2 went and Mass Effect 3 has been going - nope!

Edited by EternalFinality
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I don't understand what all the ************'s about.


I'll agree that this Ilum change wasn't fully thought out, and that it resulted in certain effects that were suboptimal to the state of the game, but honestly the amount of QQ going on would make someone think the world was ending.


First, Battlemaster gear's not much better than Champion gear; I'm sure someone could do the math and find it to be somewhere around 2-4% stronger in terms of stat advancement, and in some cases (depending on class/build) it's not even worth upgrading your champion gear to battlemaster gear because you may swap to unwanted stats (Crit to Alacrity for example.)


It's not QQ'ing when it's a game breaking issue seen on both sides that pretty much every player realizes is wrong, and bad for the game.


Certain effects that are suboptimal.. Do you work for Bioware? If not you should. This is better then their 'Not working as intended' lies. Battlemaster gear has more expertise which is why it's better. You are delusional to think otherwise or to try and brush it off as a 'no big deal' thing. Let me make it clear..


Servers are heavily sided towards Imperials. (On my republic toon, Ilum had 25 people in it total. Imperials had at least 40 running around just in the pvp area.)

Imperials have more #'s + Exploit = Spawn camping the Republic base for insane Valor.

The quicker you get to Battlemaster rank, the quicker you get Battlemaster gear.

Battlemaster gear = more expertise.

More expertise turns an already lopsided fight into an unwinnable landslide.

Republic side getting crushed because of an unfair advantage due to an exploit = Republic's quitting/unsubbing.

Republic population decline = Huttball for Empire.


Bioware has caught themselves in a Catch 22/Lie here. If they don't start telling the truth and fixing the problem I will quit just because they have broken my trust. I don't mind they made a change they couldn't predict the outcome of. That's fine. But be honest about it. We all know they never intended an insta-death for entering the enemy base. But they claim this is so. They claim getting into the base is an exploit. Therefore, the offenders need to have whatever gains they made from the exploit removed. Otherwise they send the message that says 'Find an exploit and abuse it while you can because we won't punish you.'

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First week = I realy like this game I can see myself playing for a long time so I will Sub for 6 months.


Week three = Im not so sure about 6 months , this imbalances is getting to be a pain , Ill change to 1 month Subs for now and see how it goes.


Week Four = I just about had enough of this bullchit ! canceled


Week Five = ooh patch 1.1 maybe they will address some issues and I will re-subscribe .


patch 1.1 killed it for me , Im sorry but unless you are palying Imperial and are Imature how can you be satisfied with this?


And long term (3-6 months in the Imature mind) the kiddies will get bored and run back to wow or cod because even they wont find what they are doing fun in a couple of months.


Dont know why i can still post , I canceled days ago , flame all you like Imp kiddies we all know there is no real imbalance other than all the LEET masters of gaming pvp happend to join the same side ...........what chances of that eh?


I agree with u. It was fun in the beginning. But then story for jedi sentinel was so boring it was all about go to A, bring this or go to B to stop this, kill someone to become dark side and save someone to become light side.


And then once you finish your quests and flashpoint, there was nothing more than just challenging yourself with hardmode, and getting better gear.


They just broke PVP and gave everyone in ilum battlemaster gear. There is no point of playing MMO when I know that my hard work and time that I spent go will go in vein.

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LOL i love all the QQ about roll backs and calling this an exploit. As you can see from biowares updates, its clearly not an exploit so why roll back the valor? There is just a ton of people doing it so it makes it worth it, if there were very little amount of people doing it, it would be pointless, therefore, no exploit. so **** and get to illum and farm that valor. And all you battlemasters that got it before this, stop whining cuz u cant 1 shot anyone anymore cuz they have the same gear as you now, and u actualy have to have skill, not just put hours into a game to get a rank. IMO everyone with battlemaster gear is better cuz then we got to rely on skill, not gear. SO **** and stop complaining about no rollbacks, and unsubscribe, there will be 10 more to take ur place.
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No rollback? We should belive you that ppl didnt lvl tons ov valor lvl s, ppl we realy know in irl which said so?

So you realy think your customers are bunch of tards expecting that we will tolerate everything is happening becouse this is SW?

My guild disapired last night after this situation from 24 members 22 left back to other games, SW tor is dead for them, and still no roll back?


Game is dead. Give us merge servers , in this situation 5 servers merge to 1 becouse you lost , how many 50+++++% of players?

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Patch notes:


World PvP




The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.


Players now gain increased Valor from player kills in Ilum.


Players now gain increased bonus Valor for kills based on the number of objectives controlled by their faction.


Increased bonus Valor is now granted for player kills when defending an objective your faction owns.


A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.


Three new respawn points have been added for each faction.


Companions are now restricted from the PvP objective area on Ilum.


Notifications are now displayed when enemy players are close to an objective.


Automated defense turrets have been added to Empire and Republic taxi spawn points.


Particle Cannons around the Empire and Republic bases now activate more reliably.


I don't see anywhere in these Patch notes that state there was a time limit, Valor limit, Kill limit ect. Patch notes say, "Hey, go to Ilum and kill people and were going to give you valor for it". I say cool, let me hang out there for a few hours and farm. 4 hours later people call this an exploit? Really? Its ok that when i was leveling i quested for 18 hrs straight the first 5 days. Its ok that after hitting 50 i have spent hours upon hours a day farming Warzones. But all of a sudden im wrong for doing a few hours of world pvp? To Bioware: If you didnt want people getting This much valor from Ilum then you should have lowered the amount of valor per kill to begin with. I was already Half way thru 57. I hit 60 in a few hours then left. All this did was save me about 2 days at the rate i was going. Big deal. Get over it.

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It's not QQ'ing when it's a game breaking issue seen on both sides that pretty much every player realizes is wrong, and bad for the game.


Certain effects that are suboptimal.. Do you work for Bioware? If not you should. This is better then their 'Not working as intended' lies. Battlemaster gear has more expertise which is why it's better. You are delusional to think otherwise or to try and brush it off as a 'no big deal' thing. Let me make it clear..


Servers are heavily sided towards Imperials. (On my republic toon, Ilum had 25 people in it total. Imperials had at least 40 running around just in the pvp area.)

Imperials have more #'s + Exploit = Spawn camping the Republic base for insane Valor.

The quicker you get to Battlemaster rank, the quicker you get Battlemaster gear.

Battlemaster gear = more expertise.

More expertise turns an already lopsided fight into an unwinnable landslide.

Republic side getting crushed because of an unfair advantage due to an exploit = Republic's quitting/unsubbing.

Republic population decline = Huttball for Empire.


Bioware has caught themselves in a Catch 22/Lie here. If they don't start telling the truth and fixing the problem I will quit just because they have broken my trust. I don't mind they made a change they couldn't predict the outcome of. That's fine. But be honest about it. We all know they never intended an insta-death for entering the enemy base. But they claim this is so. They claim getting into the base is an exploit. Therefore, the offenders need to have whatever gains they made from the exploit removed. Otherwise they send the message that says 'Find an exploit and abuse it while you can because we won't punish you.'


Well said. Most of our guild has unsubbed not because we are getting farmed, which is highly annoying to have to use another bug just to retrieve our corpses, because in a game that has such a high population imbalance, farming is going to happen regardless(aka WAR)...It's more the fact that no matter what the PR department says, nothing will be done to the "exploiters". The game already favors imperial, and now it definitely does in terms of PvP. How this went on for an entire day boggles my mind.

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LOL i love all the QQ about roll backs and calling this an exploit. As you can see from biowares updates, its clearly not an exploit so why roll back the valor? There is just a ton of people doing it so it makes it worth it, if there were very little amount of people doing it, it would be pointless, therefore, no exploit. so **** and get to illum and farm that valor. And all you battlemasters that got it before this, stop whining cuz u cant 1 shot anyone anymore cuz they have the same gear as you now, and u actualy have to have skill, not just put hours into a game to get a rank. IMO everyone with battlemaster gear is better cuz then we got to rely on skill, not gear. SO **** and stop complaining about no rollbacks, and unsubscribe, there will be 10 more to take ur place.


Must be you are one of lvl 1 valor ppl until yesterday and now lvl 60 and happy with situation? You are 1 against 1000 here on oficial forums.

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Tomorrow when I log in if I do not like what I read / see /change in the game I will make my decision about my sub. I have yet to even step foot in the game since before the update but from what I saw and read this game is swirling down a toilet ball faster then a piece of ****.


I NEVER even considered canceling as I was actually enjoying the game even with all its hickups but this pretty much does it. And this is coming from a lvl 54 Valor which I worked my *** to get to ....


BIOWARE u got 24 hours.

Edited by Stuckov
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I agree with u. It was fun in the beginning. But then story for jedi sentinel was so boring it was all about go to A, bring this or go to B to stop this, kill someone to become dark side and save someone to become light side.


And then once you finish your quests and flashpoint, there was nothing more than just challenging yourself with hardmode, and getting better gear.


They just broke PVP and gave everyone in ilum battlemaster gear. There is no point of playing MMO when I know that my hard work and time that I spent go will go in vein.


Or you could have went Dark Jedi Sentinel, and have your companions ignore you and pieces of the story dialogue make no sense as they reference events that never happened.


Story-driven into the wall....


But glad to see they fixed it finally, but fixing a quest that was bugged since beta, and absolutely diluting PvP for Imperials...well guess I won't be finishing that story after all.

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Must be you are one of lvl 1 valor ppl until yesterday and now lvl 60 and happy with situation? You are 1 against 1000 here on oficial forums.


actualy no, i started at 57, so hush and go farm if u dont like it to compete with the WREST of the server that is doing it. and im 1v1000 here on the forums, but go to ur server, everyone is in ilum doing it, so they must like it.

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I NEVER even considered canceling as I was actually enjoying the game even with all its hickups but this pretty much does it. And this is coming from a lvl 54 Valor which I worked my *** to get to ....


BIOWARE u got 24 hours.


I am with you. This patch basically made our hard work go into trashcan.

And I even spent 2 weeks of christmas break playing this non stop. What was I thinking...

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Patch notes:


World PvP




The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.


Players now gain increased Valor from player kills in Ilum.


Players now gain increased bonus Valor for kills based on the number of objectives controlled by their faction.


Increased bonus Valor is now granted for player kills when defending an objective your faction owns.


A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.


Three new respawn points have been added for each faction.


Companions are now restricted from the PvP objective area on Ilum.


Notifications are now displayed when enemy players are close to an objective.


Automated defense turrets have been added to Empire and Republic taxi spawn points.


Particle Cannons around the Empire and Republic bases now activate more reliably.


I don't see anywhere in these Patch notes that state there was a time limit, Valor limit, Kill limit ect. Patch notes say, "Hey, go to Ilum and kill people and were going to give you valor for it". I say cool, let me hang out there for a few hours and farm. 4 hours later people call this an exploit? Really? Its ok that when i was leveling i quested for 18 hrs straight the first 5 days. Its ok that after hitting 50 i have spent hours upon hours a day farming Warzones. But all of a sudden im wrong for doing a few hours of world pvp? To Bioware: If you didnt want people getting This much valor from Ilum then you should have lowered the amount of valor per kill to begin with. I was already Half way thru 57. I hit 60 in a few hours then left. All this did was save me about 2 days at the rate i was going. Big deal. Get over it.


Exaggerate much? You could do 110k valor in two days? I guess it is possible if you play two straight days with no sleep.

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This is one of the exploiters, thats quite obvious. Remember too guys Illum isn't actually pvp, its just a tor version of AV, but even more pve geared than AV was. They actually share wins an trade points in Illum. many people I know dont rate them as pvpers in any way, but the small cadre of true world pvpers are much different an much tougher to kill. These silly lads who mass camp the spawn points see 50 on 1 as "real pvp" that says volumes.


I've played many competitive games and many mmo's and rts games where anyone can tell u if there is an oppurtunity to take advantage of the weak, then yes I'm gunna follow ur butt all up and down ilum whether by myself or with my guild. That's my turf and that's what bw intended.

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