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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Amazing. Bioware admits, that there was a miscalculation, and acknowledges that the system needs to be fixed. Before programmers have time to touch the build and prep a re-deployment...ie tonight...in under 24 hours...people are rage quitting. And these are the same people that thump that wow is better? Blizzard would mess a class up horribly and then tell you MAYBE we will fix it in a couple of weeks if not never, live with it and we'll buff other things.


You had one day of hard PvP Wont be the last. If you didnt want PvP why didnt you go PvE? or RP?


Give them a chance, they are atleast in gaming terms instantly fixing it. Instantly meaning in under a day. And again, the Valor gains...alot, but not what they are made out to be. 8-10 levels in 6-7 hours of fighting if you were lucky. And to be honest, to got hat long fighting, well, reps had to fight or show up. no one told them too



think you better go spend some time on Ilum my friend.. for I got 4 ranks in 20 minutes.. and I was Republic, just dying over and over and over and over.. couldnt even step away from the medcenter.. so 8-10 ranks in 6-7 yeah right.. thats from a person who haddnt been there lol

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If there wasn't any valor gained from said turrets how come so many players would post as such, and secondly, if these changes weren't intended and some players STILL gained significant amounts of valor, why wouldn't you roll back the servers?


More players will complain about a lack of a rollback verses the players that don't have a job/class and could abuse a system that wasn't ready to be released:/


yeh there was a constant stream of lightning on the turrets in every video and stream i saw.


we held them at the gates for an hour or so on my server but they eventually broke through with there overwhelming numbers.

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Cant you people read?????


They said they are aware of the people that camped to gain the valor...so obviously they will ban these people to fix the no rollback issue.


These players weren't aware they were exploiting. Can you explain why the turrets are OUTSIDE the kill zone?


Go ahead though ban all those Imps, that'll show em for beta testing a broken patch...!

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Cant you people read?????


They said they are aware of the people that camped to gain the valor...so obviously they will ban these people to fix the no rollback issue.


"Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "


How the did you come up with that assumption...

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Cant you people read?????


They said they are aware of the people that camped to gain the valor...so obviously they will ban these people to fix the no rollback issue.


They can't ban these people. It's not their fault. All they did was doing what bioware encouraged them to do. It's 100% bioware's fault and we can't blame players unless they used a 3rd party cheat or mod.


This problem is way beyond anyone's control.

There is no answer/fix to this problem.


Whatever answer bioware come up with, it will still lose millions of subscribers.

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I don't understand what all the ************'s about.


I'll agree that this Ilum change wasn't fully thought out, and that it resulted in certain effects that were suboptimal to the state of the game, but honestly the amount of QQ going on would make someone think the world was ending.


First, Battlemaster gear's not much better than Champion gear; I'm sure someone could do the math and find it to be somewhere around 2-4% stronger in terms of stat advancement, and in some cases (depending on class/build) it's not even worth upgrading your champion gear to battlemaster gear because you may swap to unwanted stats (Crit to Alacrity for example.)


Secondly if you thought the title of Battlemaster was some sacred achievement then you're delusional. Anyone could get it with very little PvP skill by spamming WZ queues for a few weeks.


I'll admit the Valor gains are fairly absurd in Ilum, I myself went from rank 51 to rank 54 in a couple hours, but really this only has a very minor impact on the overall state of the game. I'd say the biggest impact from this is that it further tarnishes BioWares reputation in regards to their ability to accurately test their game before releasing new content.


Rollback? Why would they. In MMOs, rollbacks are generally reserved for things that cause a major economic impact to the game such as item duping or credit/gold duping. This particular situation has caused no such impact.


It just boils down to one thing: people want their achievements to mean something so they can justify the time sink into their game of choice. If their achievement doesn't seem "amazing" then ti feels like you accomplished nothing at all. The only thing being hurt here is peoples feelings.

Edited by MightyMortox
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I feel like we all just got trolled so hard by this company........ keep the $60 bucks. Fine.


Myself and at least 5 other friends are unsubbing guaranteed.

Game had so much potential too......


Republic players should all just quit or reroll Empire, bottomline....


Game is so broken and unfinished...

Devs seem completely out of touch, test realm obviously is a complete joke as was "beta".


Game has been out 1 month now and it has soo many problems that are so crucial I cant even begin to list them all .....



Never buying another Bioware product again.

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They won't rollback, they like the smell exploiters $$ too much. I wish they would, but instead they bring out Founders Medals & titles for subbing. Expect sparkly ponies if you promise to never leave them ever. And if you exploit, you keep all your ill gotten gains and as long as you sub, we will even pin a medal on ya' & give you a title cause BW cares.... not about you or your game experience, but about your $$.
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I don't understand what all the ************'s about.


I'll agree that this Ilum change wasn't fully thought out, and that it resulted in certain effects that were suboptimal to the state of the game, but honestly the amount of QQ going on would make someone think the world was ending.


First, Battlemaster gear's not much better than Champion gear; I'm sure someone could do the math and find it to be somewhere around 2-4% stronger in terms of stat advancement, and in some cases (depending on class/build) it's not even worth upgrading your champion gear to battlemaster gear because you may swap to unwanted stats (Crit to Alacrity for example.)


Secondly if you thought the title of Battlemaster was some sacred achievement then you're delusional. Anyone could get it with very little PvP skill by spamming WZ queues for a few weeks.


I'll admit the Valor gains are fairly absurd in Ilum, I myself went from rank 51 to rank 54 in a couple hours, but really this only has a very minor impact on the overall state of the game. I'd say the biggest impact from this is that it further tarnishes BioWares reputation in regards to their ability to accurately test their game before releasing new content.


Rollback? Why would they. In MMOs, rollbacks are generally reserved for things that cause a major economic impact to the game such as item duping or credit/gold duping. This particular situation has caused no such impact.


It just boils down to one thing: people want their achievements to mean something so they can justify the time sink that is MMORPGs. If their achievement doesn't seem "amazing" then ti feels like you accomplished nothing at all. The only thing being hurt here is peoples feelings.


hey look a "nothing to see here, everything is fine" imp.

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Yeah... I don't think they were prepared for this at all lol.


I think the best solution at this point is return our money back.

Whoever still wants to play star wars will subscribe again.

Whoever thought that this game shouldn't be played anymore still had fun at least and won't complain anymore. They will just use that money to preorder diablo3 or guild wars 2.

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I don't understand what all the ************'s about.


I'll agree that this Ilum change wasn't fully thought out, and that it resulted in certain effects that were suboptimal to the state of the game, but honestly the amount of QQ going on would make someone think the world was ending.


First, Battlemaster gear's not much better than Champion gear; I'm sure someone could do the math and find it to be somewhere around 2-4% stronger in terms of stat advancement, and in some cases (depending on class/build) it's not even worth upgrading your champion gear to battlemaster gear because you may swap to unwanted stats (Crit to Alacrity for example.)


Secondly if you thought the title of Battlemaster was some sacred achievement then you're delusional. Anyone could get it with very little PvP skill by spamming WZ queues for a few weeks.


I'll admit the Valor gains are fairly absurd in Ilum, I myself went from rank 51 to rank 54 in a couple hours, but really this only has a very minor impact on the overall state of the game. I'd say the biggest impact from this is that it further tarnishes BioWares reputation in regards to their ability to accurately test their game before releasing new content.


Rollback? Why would they. In MMOs, rollbacks are generally reserved for things that cause a major economic impact to the game such as item duping or credit/gold duping. This particular situation has caused no such impact.


It just boils down to one thing: people want their achievements to mean something so they can justify the time sink that is MMORPGs. If their achievement doesn't seem "amazing" then ti feels like you accomplished nothing at all. The only thing being hurt here is peoples feelings.


I agree with most of what you said, but taking advantage of an obvios flaw in design is indeed exploiting the game.

I dont want a rollback because I knew the zone was messy as hell and stayed away from it. I still managed to advance from r47 to r51 today, but only by WZ spamming. I would rage hard if they rolled back the server just because some asses thought it would be fun to take advantage of the system.


Bioware should just take note of the Valor ranks gained vs time spent aquiring them. If someone was r51 and got to r59 in 3-4 hours, he obviously exploited. Hell, it doesnt even need to be that obvious, if someone went from r51-r53 in 1 hour he obviously exploited.

People who intentionally abused the flawed system should be banned or at the very least have their valor rank rolled back.


A massive roll back is just plain retarded.

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I think the best solution at this point is return our money back.

Whoever still wants to play star wars will subscribe again.

Whoever thought that this game shouldn't be played anymore still had fun at least and won't complain anymore. They will just use that money to preorder diablo3 or guild wars 2.


Actually i'll be getting the purchase price back on a credit card chargeback

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I agree with most of what you said, but taking advantage of an obvios flaw in design is indeed exploiting the game.

I dont want a rollback because I knew the zone was messy as hell and stayed away from it. I still managed to advance from r47 to r51 today, but only by WZ spamming. I would rage hard if they rolled back the server just because some asses thought it would be fun to take advantage of the system.


Bioware should just take note of the Valor ranks gained vs time spent aquiring them. If someone was r51 and got to r59 in 3-4 hours, he obviously exploited. Hell, it doesnt even need to be that obvious, if someone went from r51-r53 in 1 hour he obviously exploited.

People who intentionally abused the flawed system should be banned or at the very least have their valor rank rolled back.


A massive roll back is just plain retarded.


How did this player exploit?


Bioware never posted this was an exploit for HOURS and even afterward, do you expect players getting insane valor to leave a zone, or logout to check the forums for the status?

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Totally absurd Bioware, you need to rollback all valor gains from the last 24 hours period. People just gained in a few hours sitting around what took others hundreds of hours to gain.


Bioware continues to prove they are an EA company now, I've lost all faith in you.

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