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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Reducing the server cap? That's gunna help. Should just fix the server issues. Making the world less inhabited isn't going to help.


Why is there no sliders for draw distance, detail draw distance, max characters on screen, max npcs displayed on screen, etc?


Pop cap is necessary. To be clear, such a cap would dictate that only x players from the republic and x players from the empire be allowed to play. So if the cap were, say, 50 then that would mean no more than 50 empire and 50 republic players could be on illum.


Why is this good? Because Illum is unbalanced to the point of broken when its 47 Republic players an 178 imperials on illum. The cap would reduce server lag, decrease the likelihood of client stuttering, and give illum at least a chance of being a balanced experience for everyone.

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This is the update and official response on the state of Ilum?




Don't ignore the fact that massive faction imbalance makes it pointless for Republic to even consider going to Ilum. Or the fact that controlling bases means next to nothing when you're outnumbered 30:1.


Ilum is a massive fail. BioWare needs to get their head on straight and ADMIT THAT THEY FAILED.


These "fixes" are a band-aid on a broken leg.


Well, it's not like this kind of problem happened in any incredibly famous MMO before in a open PvP area (I'm looking at you, Wintergrasp) - also spiralling aout of control till "snow storm" decided to let it go and abandon it.


Open PvP areas are NOT open it there's a population cap - they are just BGs with a different queue style. C'mon, 2012.

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Rollback is all we want, devs. Undo the damage and most players will be willing to look past this debacle.




The patch rolling out will fix it. Im willing to "look past it" lol.

Rollback would affect all players, not the (literally) couple of hundred lvl 50's this whole situation applys to.

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Amazing. Bioware admits, that there was a miscalculation, and acknowledges that the system needs to be fixed. Before programmers have time to touch the build and prep a re-deployment...ie tonight...in under 24 hours...people are rage quitting. And these are the same people that thump that wow is better? Blizzard would mess a class up horribly and then tell you MAYBE we will fix it in a couple of weeks if not never, live with it and we'll buff other things.


You had one day of hard PvP Wont be the last. If you didnt want PvP why didnt you go PvE? or RP?


Give them a chance, they are atleast in gaming terms instantly fixing it. Instantly meaning in under a day. And again, the Valor gains...alot, but not what they are made out to be. 8-10 levels in 6-7 hours of fighting if you were lucky. And to be honest, to got hat long fighting, well, reps had to fight or show up. no one told them too

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Rollback is all we want, devs. Undo the damage and most players will be willing to look past this debacle.


This ... this is no joke BW , this is not a small bug you hope turn away their eyes.

People spent a month to get what you allowed others get in a day , this is a serious matter and will cause people like me to quit.

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Not sure I like the idea of a population cap. In theory it makes sense when there is such an imbalance of imperial vs republic players but, as said before in this thread, it takes away the idea of 'open world'.


The servers should definitely be rolled back if people have gained and insane amount of valor that would normally take at least a month to get. That's ridiculous.

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What do you want them to say?


Then, as they say in Saw, Make Your Choice. Same as I will.


Well said.


So it seems a majority of people venting here want a rollback but can't say I saw anyone actually give an opinion on how that rollback should be handled.


OPTION 1 100% valor rollback for 100% of players = easiest solution to implement but also equals a significant proportion of players complaining because they have been penalized despite doing nothing wrong.


OPTION 2 100% valor rollback for 100% of players who were on Ilum during this period = slightly harder (but still easy) solution to implement and would produce less players complaining about being penalized for doing nothing wrong.


OPTION 3 rollback to average valor gain during the period for 100% of players = again a harder (not super hard but not easy) solution that should reduce complaints even more but will still catch some who played fairly.


OPTION 4 analyze logs closely and rollback 100% of the players who breached the 'safe zones' and camped spawn points or even just benefited from the camping = very hard and time consuming but should not be any unfair treatment claims.


Now I would suggest that a good proportion who posted "What no rollback ... this suxors ... unsubed!!!!" or something similar probably wants OPTION 1 as they don't really care and are just forum trolls. Certainly everyone who immediately posted after the OP isn't going to wait for OPTION 4 if they can't even wait to find out what exactly is going to be done about the water damage if they can't wait for the plumber to even leave the building after plugging the leak.

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Changed my sub from 3 months to just 1. They got 1 month to bring pvp to a state where it is at least somewhat balanced, enjoyable and in the case of Open World PvP, playable with more than just 1-2 fps. I enjoy the game for the single player experience that it is, but I had planned for PvP to be my main if not sole occupation at 50. In the current state I cant see myself enjoying PvP that much as my endgame entertainment, so I will watch them fix this mess during the next month. If they improve it a lot, I ll continue my subscription, if it is still in the sorry state it is now I wont.


My biggest concern is still the engine that doesnt seem able to handle any large scale battles, as proven by testers and those guys from the Ravager server, who showed a youtube video of them lagging and crashing during a relatively small sized raid vs raid battle on Ilum.

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That fact is that the exploiting probably only occurred on several very high population pvp servers. On a PVE server with high population...we could get like 20 pvpers together at a time and would get smoked by the cannons as intended. My server Imps outnumber the Pubs probably 3:1 and basically we all just circled the Pub base hoping someone would come out, during peak times it took people hours to just get the daily done. There was no one on my high population PVE server that got more than a few hundred Valor.


I'd expect most of the crying comes from the same trolls that said that cannons gave valor and the rare servers that had big exploits.


Bioware knows which servers were having problems and the real scale, not the forum QQ blow out proportion scale. If they aren't doing rollbacks...it's because it's a drop in the bucket of the total game population and the 10 people that leave over this <24 hour goof up are less trouble than programming a valor roll back.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Problem solved. Now go ahead and resub.

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Things like these are only acceptable for FREE games. This is not a free game. This is a premium game.


The year is 2012... Repeating mistakes that have been made by other companies in the past is not acceptable in a premium game. You expect money, we expect quality.


We have agreed to trade a certain amount of money in exchange for a certain level of service. If this service is not delivered, we stop trading currency. It's that simple.

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Amazing. Bioware admits, that there was a miscalculation, and acknowledges that the system needs to be fixed. Before programmers have time to touch the build and prep a re-deployment...ie tonight...in under 24 hours...people are rage quitting. And these are the same people that thump that wow is better? Blizzard would mess a class up horribly and then tell you MAYBE we will fix it in a couple of weeks if not never, live with it and we'll buff other things.


You had one day of hard PvP Wont be the last. If you didnt want PvP why didnt you go PvE? or RP?


Give them a chance, they are atleast in gaming terms instantly fixing it. Instantly meaning in under a day. And again, the Valor gains...alot, but not what they are made out to be. 8-10 levels in 6-7 hours of fighting if you were lucky. And to be honest, to got hat long fighting, well, reps had to fight or show up. no one told them too


No, instantly fixing it would have been to take the servers down at noon today, rolled back the hours since the deployment of 1.1 so as to undo all valor gains, place a hotfix disable the Ilum PvP zone entirely, then bring the servers back up placing a notification in game on login that states that Ilum is messed up so please stay away while working on a patch to be released within 24 hours. 24 hours is not instant. 24 hours can ruin the game.


NOT let the problem continue unabated and then not roll anything back. Blizzard rolled servers back immediately numerous times (when an Arathi Basin exploit was discovered and farmed soon after its introduction was one example), and you'd be a liar to say otherwise because I was there. Say what you want, but they were FAST with hotfixes to issues like this....at least in the beginning.

Edited by EternalFinality
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amazing. Bioware admits, that there was a miscalculation, and acknowledges that the system needs to be fixed. Before programmers have time to touch the build and prep a re-deployment...ie tonight...in under 24 hours...people are rage quitting. And these are the same people that thump that wow is better? Blizzard would mess a class up horribly and then tell you maybe we will fix it in a couple of weeks if not never, live with it and we'll buff other things.


You had one day of hard pvp wont be the last. If you didnt want pvp why didnt you go pve? Or rp?


Give them a chance, they are atleast in gaming terms instantly fixing it. Instantly meaning in under a day. And again, the valor gains...alot, but not what they are made out to be. 8-10 levels in 6-7 hours of fighting if you were lucky. And to be honest, to got hat long fighting, well, reps had to fight or show up. No one told them too




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This ... this is no joke BW , this is not a small bug you hope turn away their eyes.

People spent a month to get what you allowed others get in a day , this is a serious matter and will cause people like me to quit.


That's what killed SWG....


Plz BW, don't make the same mistake. Can't have my heart broken twice.

Edited by Warrex
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All you people calling for a rollback just stop and unsub. It won't happen. Hasn't happened in Beta (don't know why it would ever need to though) so I don't see it happening now.


People who glitched credits either:


A) Didn't get banned


B) Were banned seven days and allowed to keep all credits.


So even if these players who "exploited" (what a joke Bioware do you think 99% of Imps on a server testing your broken open world PvP are "exploiting") and they ban all these Imps.


A) Republic will finally get to play Huttball a majority of the time.


B) After seven days all these people (if they come back) still have the valor needed to open Battlemaster bags.


Remember which side has more players and you'll see a rollback won't happen.


Oh and I unsubbed when I saw 1.1 notes, couldn't copy a 50 to test changes and knew this would most likely happen.


Bioware threw a match on the smoldering fire that was server imbalance. I play Empire by the way :-)...

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To all of you that are not going to resubb. Goodbye, get out. o back to WoW. It's pvp is -SO- much more practical, never one sided, and has never been exploited! *eyeroll*


Seriously, you don't mater. They lose a few hundred ticked off children, keep the die hard fans. We look passed this. Why? Because we love the game. We've seen the debacles of WoW, EQ and others in their opening months. So far ToR hasn't been even slightly half that terrible.


To Gabe. Rollbacks. S'all I'm saying. Fixing the issue is nice too, and glad to see you jumping on it, but the result this issue has caused, is just not right. It was basically an exploit. If those who used it dont like it, they can come repub side and see how it feels.


I dont think you'd reward the guy that took all your money by cheating at a game of Texas Hold 'Em would ya? If so, card night is on Mondays. bring ya wallets, bankbook and pink slips :D

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To all of you that are not going to resubb. Goodbye, get out. o back to WoW. It's pvp is -SO- much more practical, never one sided, and has never been exploited! *eyeroll*


Seriously, you don't mater. They lose a few hundred ticked off children, keep the die hard fans. We look passed this. Why? Because we love the game. We've seen the debacles of WoW, EQ and others in their opening months. So far ToR hasn't been even slightly half that terrible.


To Gabe. Rollbacks. S'all I'm saying. Fixing the issue is nice too, and glad to see you jumping on it, but the result this issue has caused, is just not right. It was basically an exploit. If those who used it dont like it, they can come repub side and see how it feels.


I dont think you'd reward the guy that took all your money by cheating at a game of Texas Hold 'Em would ya? If so, card night is on Mondays. bring ya wallets, bankbook and pink slips :D


No you'd blame the house for running a rigged game for hours...


Oh wait, Bioware did.


And all this "hardcores will stay" was said about Warhammer, AoC, Aion etc. etc...

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To all of you that are not going to resubb. Goodbye, get out. o back to WoW. It's pvp is -SO- much more practical, never one sided, and has never been exploited! *eyeroll*


Seriously, you don't mater. They lose a few hundred ticked off children, keep the die hard fans. We look passed this. Why? Because we love the game. We've seen the debacles of WoW, EQ and others in their opening months. So far ToR hasn't been even slightly half that terrible.


To Gabe. Rollbacks. S'all I'm saying. Fixing the issue is nice too, and glad to see you jumping on it, but the result this issue has caused, is just not right. It was basically an exploit. If those who used it dont like it, they can come repub side and see how it feels.


I dont think you'd reward the guy that took all your money by cheating at a game of Texas Hold 'Em would ya? If so, card night is on Mondays. bring ya wallets, bankbook and pink slips :D


Spoilers: Die hard fans cannot sustain a successful game. Not even a Star Wars game. You're in essence asking for the game to die.

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At end game you basically have two choice raids/dailies and pvp. I personally think you've underestimated how demanding pvp players are, and as a whole, how much of an impact pvp would make to your game. Having said that, by simply putting a stop to further exploitation is not going to be enough to fix the issue. The large valor gains players have received are going to unbalance the entire games pvp element more so than it already is. In essence the pvp portion of the game will still be hemorrhaging from this if you dont roll back valor experience. I like this game a lot but the pvp element is killing it for me. Ilum as a whole has been bugged from the moment I got there. All Ilum provided is a breeding ground for exploits, from credits to ill-gotten valor xp.


No one should blame you for taking back what players illegally received through exploitation. They exploited the game, and nullified the agreement. Take it back. However Im sure this option has not escaped your notice which leads me to believe you may be incapable of rolling back valor xp. If that is the case you are going to have to consider a more drastic measure.


BW you are new to MMO's, thats ok, we all make mistakes. Where your strength will come from is how you respond and fix these errors. MMO players are the most fickle and the most demanding because we are paying a monthly subscription. You made a mistake, now you need to fix it properly. Just remember what happened to AoC, learn from that. Good luck.

Edited by Folgrin
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