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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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"Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "



Since people seemed to miss this. Sounds like those exploiters who got 30 valour levels in a day are going to be paying for it- and really, that much in one day is very, very easy to track.


Also- no valour from turrets... so, all the people saying they got 50 ranks just killing turrets are clearly full of it.



Previous exploiters were 'hand slapped' with only a 7 Day suspension -- but were able to keep what they gained during he exploits.



So I am not too sure the exploiters are trembling in their boots, nor will their punishment improve the damage done.



It is like grounding the shoplifter, and letting him keep his loot.



And ultimately, I don't care about the exploiters being punished.


I would rather see the BW team that messed this up be reprimanded - and see a better quality team put in charge for future work.

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I agree with roll backs. My self being an imperial on Swiftsure when from 50 - 55 in a matter of hours, where it took my guild mates several days to accomplish. It is not fair for those who actually farmed valor doing endless upon endless of warzones. I my self got to 50 legitimately so I could feel the sense of unfairness those who are at 60+ feel. Lets not forget however that when early release was out, there was a bug that people exploited to gain valor. In early release it was common to see low levels at champion valor rank, and their valor was not rolled back. Folks who gain a burst of valor today over illum where not exploiting a bug in game play, but exploiting the fact that their faction outnumbers the other, and that in my opinion is not breaking any sort of rule. Be that as it may, I still think that idiot bioware dev's overlooked the lvl 50 statistics of each faction, and severely underestimated the swtor community. Roll back valor if you must are my final words.


To any Republics in the Switfsure that might be reading this, as an imperial I offer my sincerest of apologies for the irritation we may have caused you. Hopefully one day we may compete in illum on a balanced system.

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A bit late to the party here. Can someone explain exactly what happened?


From how I understand it:


- Some people saying that turrets were giving valour, others deny it.

- Due to better constructed stories and universal mirror imbalances favouring Imperials, on most servers they outnumer Republic significantly.

- Imperials spawn camped Republic for hours in the zone with no way for them to escape/return to the normal game without essentially exploiting themselves.

- Imperials benefitted from this with extreme amount of valour.

- In the future this may well give Imperials an insurmountable gear advantage in PvP against Republic on many servers.

- A rollback is neither expected or essentially possible at this point.


Is that the basics?


If I cared about PvP whatsoever, I would be annoyed.


1.They were.

2. Yes, this was and is known by Bioware.

3.Yes, pretty much.

4. 100%.

5. At least for a while.

6. I've never heard of a rollback happening, even when asking beta players.


So yes, pretty nice summary and yes I am annoyed... :D

Edited by mrjoemama
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1.They were.

2. Yes, this was as is known by Bioware.

3.Yes, pretty much.

4. 100%.

5. At least for a while.

6. I've never heard of a rollback happening, even when asking beta players.


So yes, pretty nice summary and yes I am annoyed... :D


2) oh ya it was known. 30 sec CD difference on flashbang from IA and Smug.



I lost faith in BW, i really wanted to love this game. Storylines are nice. PVE is nice. But PVP is what makes an MMO for me, otherwise its just extended cooperative.

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Whats funny is, lets say (this is probably way bigger than what it is) 100,000 users are ACTIVE on the forums...that's barely 10% of subscribers.


And what percent of that care about the 'abuse' of Ilum today? Now what percent of those are 'cancelling'?


You really think you coming on here "QQ IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE *takes ball and leaves*" is gonan do anything?


This is the hottest viewed thread so far today...at a whopping 132,000 views +/-


How many of those are people trolling the thread? Or coming back to it again and again?


You know where the rest are? Probably either


A) Living out a "Life"


B) Enjoying the game.


So stop acting like your gonna make them see the light. You are a drop in a bucket. Ripple all you want, not gonna make a whopping difference.


Well if it makes you feel better, let it all out. Plenty of tissues to go around.

Edited by Shumney
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Whats funny is, lets say (this is probably way bigger than what it is) 100,000 users are ACTIVE on the forums...that's barely 10% of subscribers.


And what percent of that care about the 'abuse' of Ilum today? Now what percent of those are 'cancelling'?


You really think you coming on here "QQ IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE *takes ball and leaves*" is gonan do anything?


This is the hottest viewed thread so far today...at a whopping 132,000 views +/-


How many of those are people trolling the thread? Or coming back to it again and again?


You know where the rest are? Probably either


A) Living out a "Life"


B) Enjoying the game.


So stop acting like your gonna make them see the light. You are a drop in a bucket. Ripple all you want, not gonna make a whopping difference.


Well if it makes you feel better, let it all out. Plenty of tissues to go around.


They said the same thing about AoC, Aion, Warhmamer etc etc..

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Well they may not be addressing their in-game issues, but they are certainly issuing warnings for discussing those issues in the forums.


They indeed are in full force. Amazing how Ilum can take all day to post about, but my very nonthreatening, in fact rather innocent post about another person and their chances of being an imp facing a ban got a response from them quite quickly.


Stop wasting time focusing on stuff that doesn't matter BW. Its been the theme of your shortcomings since launch.

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Rift did. They had the same problem when they introduced world PvP "rifts." In those rifts, you carry stones across the battlefield until you carry enough to close the rift.. Well, you got extra "favor" for killing a guy with a stone. So, both factions got together and took turns killing each other and destroying each other's rifts. You had people reaching Rank 8 (the max PvP gear rank) in one day. Under normal circumstances it would take weeks for even the most hardcore no-lifer.




There were many such threads like the one above about the issue. And, just like here, tons of people shouting at the top of their lungs that they were cancelling unless Trion did something about it. And just like here Trion said they were "investigating." People kept making threads about the issue asking Trion to ban or rollback people and the threads were promptly closed. It really ticked a lot of people off because Trion was very vague on details about what they planned to do about it.


Finally Trion came out and said they were rolling back the cheaters, but only one or two people ever came forward saying they were punished, so there's no doubt that many people got away with it. The cheating was rampant -- guilds were putting it on Youtube, etc.. I have no doubt that 90% of the cheaters got away with it.


The same will likely happen here. Just get ready for it. Some will probably be rolled back, but most wont.


That's not the "rollback" people in this threads are demanding.


They're asking for EVERYONE to be brought back to pre-patch conditions, which would mean hitting the vast majority of players that did nothing wrong at all.


To achieve that they don't even need to "rollback" anything. All they have to do is parse the logs for valor gain of everyone that has logged on the ilum subservers in a certain timeframe. Decide an arbitrary threshold past which their valor gain is arbitrary, and remove the gained valor from the characters affected.


Simple, efficent, clean.


And that's what people should be asking for.

Edited by Abriael
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Whats funny is, lets say (this is probably way bigger than what it is) 100,000 users are ACTIVE on the forums...that's barely 10% of subscribers.


And what percent of that care about the 'abuse' of Ilum today? Now what percent of those are 'cancelling'?


You really think you coming on here "QQ IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE *takes ball and leaves*" is gonan do anything?


This is the hottest viewed thread so far today...at a whopping 132,000 views +/-


How many of those are people trolling the thread? Or coming back to it again and again?


You know where the rest are? Probably either


A) Living out a "Life"


B) Enjoying the game.


So stop acting like your gonna make them see the light. You are a drop in a bucket. Ripple all you want, not gonna make a whopping difference.


Well if it makes you feel better, let it all out. Plenty of tissues to go around.



Thread views for a long time have been tracked by IP so as to not get extra hits for revisitinv a thread.


But given bioware's ability to screw things up, maybe only 10 people have viewed this thread 13,200 times.

Edited by digitaldew
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So their fault, not the players. Why are people calling for punishing the players. Some people are even asking for bannings...


they calling punishing players cause they did something they shouldnt?


i mean they just spawn in a certain platform and 60-70 ppl aoe them on spot, they cant teleport they cant run and if they try to go in wz they warned cause of bug exploit and player which made farm cant think thats wrong? if i suffer like they did i dont know how much anger i store in 10-15 min


and even some folks say whiners etc. and try to be cool about that even some ppl gave some cheap philosophy about game is game life is life money is money lol


i killed 150 player today on illum, i just team up with 3 hide-able ppl and ambush imps on their way, simple effective and fast... i didnt get extra valor or farm but the reason why im angry is i just rip my *** to gain valor ranks and others just stand and spam their lighting on republics medcenter


The game is game ofc, but we spend money and they should provide support thats why they got our money right? and we spend time which is belong our lives and we spend money which obtained our hardworks


so **** seriously, if they farm u like video i watch proably u guys just whine as much of them.

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It's reason like this I have 4-5 toons between level 25-41. The game balance an issues that are in high need to be resolved. Between bugs an a poor design in a pvp system it got a lot of issues.


I for one was pissed because the morons that did war hammer pvp is doing the pvp in this game. A lot of people claimed it was good but bugged out the *****. Now I didn't even care for war hammer an now as I knew in the past those tarts from war hammer are now screwing up the pvp in tor.


I've given this game a grace period an it's a good amount of time. Six months to a year. Anything after six months I could cancel. I really really hope they pull there head out of there hind ends an start fixing the fps issues an balance issues (if any). This world pvp area seems like a nightmare that I'm glad I personally am not apart of with all it's non sense.


Hopefully when I do decide to play one class to achieve items threw pvp an pve allot you people get all issues out an Bw can correct them. Well at least I hope they correct them any how. I still think they need to drop those people from war hammer like a bad habit. As a former player of WoW I still favor there system far more. Only thing keeping me here in this game is because I enjoy syfy an star wars type game far more then elfs an pixie dust. IMO wow did do a great pvp system. Just my two cents


Keep up the complaining an don't let any nonsense go by. This way it's hopefully worth a damn bout time I finish one of my toons


In all honesty, having come from the beta and watched it before the beta, WAR was screwed up by EA trying to WOWitize it to appease the ridiculous amount of WOW players in it's player base.


Had EA stepped aside and let Mythic do it's thing and develop Warhammer instead of WOWhammer there is a very good chance it would have been a far better game.


Case and point of just one of many key differences from how Mythic handles things: Class balance. Class balance in Dark Age of Camelot was constantly changing as classes were buffed up or nerfed accordingly. Nobody stayed at the top for too long. Now look at WAR and the comparitivley glacial pace that they handled the AOE imbalance in the game and Warrior Priests/Disciples of Khaine.







In stark contrast Bioware seems to be mostly fending EA off and has made a great game with decent PVP. YES they most certainly screwed up here, and how they handle this will tell the tale of whether they did their job or not. Believe it or not, screw ups happen people. NO matter what the job or the number of people involved. No matter how much money involved. Screw ups happen, it's how they deal with them that is important.

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Again, site where they said they WERE NOT going to ban/suspend/ and/or roll-back these accounts that spent HOURS in Ilum.


Because I read a developer posting that they were looking into taking appropriate action.


"Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "


All this nonsensical blathering must be the genetic anomaly I like to call the "Entitlement Generation".


They're going to ban every single imperial who set foot into Ilum and obtained ill-gotten valor?


They'd be banning half their users. Do you seriously think that is what is going to happen? Are you THAT gullible?

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Whats funny is, lets say (this is probably way bigger than what it is) 100,000 users are ACTIVE on the forums...that's barely 10% of subscribers.


And what percent of that care about the 'abuse' of Ilum today? Now what percent of those are 'cancelling'?


You really think you coming on here "QQ IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE *takes ball and leaves*" is gonan do anything?


This is the hottest viewed thread so far today...at a whopping 132,000 views +/-


How many of those are people trolling the thread? Or coming back to it again and again?


You know where the rest are? Probably either


A) Living out a "Life"


B) Enjoying the game.


So stop acting like your gonna make them see the light. You are a drop in a bucket. Ripple all you want, not gonna make a whopping difference.


Well if it makes you feel better, let it all out. Plenty of tissues to go around.


I am not quitting due to these issues (I care very little about PvP). I may be qutting due to other issues though (High res textures used in Advertising but deliberately unavailable from game, class bugs and imbalances well known and ignored).


That said if you want a company to change quitting won't do very much. Making a lot of noise won't do very much.


Making a lot of noise *and* quitting, and encouraging others to do the same is often the only way to get a change implemented in a game. Once enough people start doing it the company is either forced to take action or at least offer compensation.

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Most idiotic MMO developers i've ever dealt with. All of the problems this game has had were brutally obvious, i pointed out the faction imbalance causing problems in illum last week, the biochem balance problem pre-release... They just seem incapable of seeing glaring issues and their fixes just make things worse.

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All VALOR should be rolled back.


The entire PvP team on this game should be replaced. They've done a terrible job on just about all aspects of PvP and today's lack of a reasonable response promptly is merely one example.


I cancelled last night due to the state of PvP and today's fiasco just made me certain I came to the right decision for me. This is primarily a PvE game; let's face it.



Edited by Gratus_Mortuus
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