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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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When you allow people to reap the benefits of exploiting ... with no adverse consequences ...



it encourages people to exploit in the future.




For the good of the game, and to prevent people from exploiting in the future, you have to punish the people who took advantage of this.







Edited by Brad-
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When you allow people to reap the benefits of exploiting ... with no adverse consequences ...



it encourages people to exploit in the future.


Meh, what they care?

BW is clearly biassed and they are sure that in the long run things will smooth out by itself.

Eventually the guys who exploited the system now will get bored in a month two, drop out and come back with new content.

By them the other regular players, if any will be around, should be high enough.


So far BW showed blandaly that they don't give a **** about their customers :(

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This comment just made me sick.


Good job BW punish your paying customers for your own F*ck up. I cannot believe they would treat their members this way.


Originally I was excited to hear about things like ranked pvp coming in the future. But how can I be hopeful of future content when the current content is borkenz.


Please don't start flaming saying that I am probably one of the exploiters. After reading the thread of horror yesterday I didn't even attempt to go to Ilum but instead spent all yesterday leveling an alt. You know since this game is becoming mostly solo.


In my eyes BW has until D3 to get this sh*t fixed, or they will not be seeing me as a continued member.




Just because someone laid down a one hundred dollar bill on the counter and stepped away for a moment doesn't mean you can take it.


Gabe and his team should be fired.


You should be having your valour rankings rolled back.

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It takes about a month to grind BM than you have to you know, get the gear.


It could be longer than a month. Bioware needed to yank the servers down all day yesterday instead they let people gain insane valor by "exploiting"!!


GG Bioware! What a joke.

Edited by mrjoemama
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I tried out this "fixed" ilum this morning, I can now safely spawn and use the speeder which is certainly an improvement but we still have the real problem which is... imps easily outnumber us 3 to 1 on my server. This means directly outside our base we got like 100 imps standing there killing anyone who steps out instantly. Furthermore because they control all the points they get more valor per kill than we do...


I understand the need to reward a side for going and taking the points but there needs to either be a mechanic that makes it easier to for outnumbered side to put up a fight or at least be given increased rewards per kill because its much harder to compete when heavily outnumbered.


BW isnt going to punish those who exploited the system because they designed the system to give the winning side more rewards. this will as many have pointed out simply lead to one side completely dominating both with numbers and gear.

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Don't you see what this means?? The Republic must come back from the shadows and conquer them after all!


Bioware did this on purpose so we have a challenge! Just like in the movies. We'll get the rewards honestly and beat them based on skill.


I look forward to being the underdog and destroying the ugly Sith!


See you on the battlefield!


PS. Stop crying you like the game keep playing it!!



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I was waiting for someone to say this!


I've been laughing HARD. If I was level 50 and 20+ people were camping my spawn point after the 2nd death I'm staying dead. No more free valor for them off my head. But they didn't and are crying for an exploit.


Granted Empire exercised bad form spawn camping but when I talk about these kind of things previously on the forums you get people shouting roll on a PvE server care bear or some other type of nonsense like that.


NOW they're crying exploit. Where's the pro PvP server players now? Where's the "That's what you get for rolling on a PvP server." comments?


Forums are sooo funny.


You are pretentious.

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Don't you see what this means?? The Republic must come back from the shadows and conquer them after all!


Bioware did this on purpose so we have a challenge! Just like in the movies. We'll get the rewards honestly and beat them based on skill.


I look forward to being the underdog and destroying the ugly Sith!


See you on the battlefield!


PS. Stop crying you like the game keep playing it!!




That guy is just right...

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Don't you see what this means?? The Republic must come back from the shadows and conquer them after all!


Bioware did this on purpose so we have a challenge! Just like in the movies. We'll get the rewards honestly and beat them based on skill.


I look forward to being the underdog and destroying the ugly Sith!


See you on the battlefield!


PS. Stop crying you like the game keep playing it!!




This is what they call "Delusions of Grandeur"

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I said this before and I'll say it again. Quit cryin about this crap. EVERYONE exploited slicing, but you don't want them taking away the hundreds of thousands of credits some of you got now do you? They fixed it and there's nothin they're gonna do about the valor, get over it. By the time you get up to Battlemaster legitly, the douches that exploited will have gotten bored and be gone for a while. Quit gettin butt hurt about every bug you find. It's a month old game, there's gonna be problems, serious and not so much.
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PVP balance is already ****ed on my server. Any warzone i get in to is full of Battlemasters on imp side. Before 1.1 Battlemasters were a dime a dozen, and greatly influenced the outcome of a fight. Now the least amount of battlemasters I've seen in a warzone is 4. Half the team was battle master with none on republic side.


Now the disparity will get only larger as more battlemasters = more warzone wins. Which, begets more valor... and it snowballs...


Rollbacks are the only way to fix this. It is common knowledge that on almost every server imperials profited much higher (simply because of larger population). The faction imbalance in this game is unreal and it will only continue to favor the empire if there is no roll back.

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I said this before and I'll say it again. Quit cryin about this crap. EVERYONE exploited slicing, but you don't want them taking away the hundreds of thousands of credits some of you got now do you? They fixed it and there's nothin they're gonna do about the valor, get over it. By the time you get up to Battlemaster legitly, the douches that exploited will have gotten bored and be gone for a while. Quit gettin butt hurt about every bug you find. It's a month old game, there's gonna be problems, serious and not so much.


This, plus why the hell were you idiots feeding them valor? On my server the Republic managed to get a few large PvP guilds together and push the Sith off the spawn point, then Ilum was the way it was intended to be.


Instead you people showed up on Ilum bent over and gave the Empire free valor, then did it again, and again, and again.


You deserve a faction imbalance on your server.

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PVP balance is already ****ed on my server. Any warzone i get in to is full of Battlemasters on imp side. Before 1.1 Battlemasters were a dime a dozen, and greatly influenced the outcome of a fight. Now the least amount of battlemasters I've seen in a warzone is 4. Half the team was battle master with none on republic side.


Now the disparity will get only larger as more battlemasters = more warzone wins. Which, begets more valor... and it snowballs...


Rollbacks are the only way to fix this. It is common knowledge that on almost every server imperials profited much higher (simply because of larger population). The faction imbalance in this game is unreal and it will only continue to favor the empire if there is no roll back.


I have had the same experiance so far. IT SUX!!

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is bioware still keeping quiet?


I am sure they will unless we keep posting here and show them that we want a rollback asap and we are still serious about it.


They just thought everything is fine etc. they will realize only how bad it is and it will just get worse.



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I said this before and I'll say it again. Quit cryin about this crap. EVERYONE exploited slicing, but you don't want them taking away the hundreds of thousands of credits some of you got now do you? They fixed it and there's nothin they're gonna do about the valor, get over it. By the time you get up to Battlemaster legitly, the douches that exploited will have gotten bored and be gone for a while. Quit gettin butt hurt about every bug you find. It's a month old game, there's gonna be problems, serious and not so much.


You don't have to say it again, we heard it the first time.. your an ***hole. So you know everything now right?


I don't think continued favor for the Empire faction is a bug.. They know the Republic is outnumbered but they choose to implement a change in the game that once again is more beneficial to the Empire than the Republic.


My opinion- more people play empire, so please the empire and you will have pleased the majority of your players...


my only worry is that more Republic players will get tired of this imbalance and un-subscribe.. leading to more of an imbalance. Why don't they just cut the crap and call it Star Wars The Old Empire.. Change it to a one faction game and make only PvE content.. the game and Bioware would probably be criticized less.

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Nice facts about rollbacks. Wonder have you actually played anything?


Ragnarok had rollbacks.

Ashen Empires had rollbacks (actually several).

If I remember correctly Lineage2 had a rollback.

I worked on EQ1 (yes, as an SOE employee in San Diego). Believe me, we did intentional and, "unintentional" rollbacks. Unintentional, being server crashes by bugs, zone resets, and server resets via in-game command line input. Intentional, being copying entire character backups from prior days or prior backups throughout the day to the server and overwriting current character db files.


It's NOT hard. We did it by hand via a web form interface and no scripting. I assure you the technology to do so has vastly improved since then.

Edited by Nangasaur
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This, plus why the hell were you idiots feeding them valor? On my server the Republic managed to get a few large PvP guilds together and push the Sith off the spawn point, then Ilum was the way it was intended to be.


Instead you people showed up on Ilum bent over and gave the Empire free valor, then did it again, and again, and again.


You deserve a faction imbalance on your server.


Worse than that, actually. You had people trying to get their mains out- there was a livestream of one guy just sitting there in a zerghorde's worth of constant AOE...for over two hours straight.


Seeing this, some people got the bright idea to drag some Republic alts out there and just keep feeding their friend's mains valor with kill after kill after kill.


And of course, then you had stuff like

where people express their ultimate carebear form of PvP- quietly standing in mobs to alternate AoEing each other to death, because it was the most efficient way to farm valor in that case. Not actually fighting, mind you. Just ezmode grinding that valor up.


It's an ongoing issue, alrighty.

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