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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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You know what's wrong with internet today? Everybody thinks they're a frickin game dev or journalist and think they are right all the time. People need to know it's not easy to just "rollback" a lot of players. This will take a looooong time, or they could just frick you all up by remove all Valor gained yesterday and today. And that would suck for people who only play warzones and not Ilum pvp. I just play PVE so no problem for me if they decide to rollback valor gained yesterday and today.
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The thing that this really shows me is that we have a ton of knee jerk whiners that will cry about anything given the opportunity. Most of the people complaining about Ilum haven't even been there. A lot of them aren't even level 50. Many of them didn't even log into the game to confirm the rumors for themselves before getting on here and crying their eyes out.


There are no level 25 battlemasters. Nobody got from rank 20 to rank 60 in a day. Nobody gained more than maybe 5-10 ranks, and thats at the mid-range.


I've learned a lot more about this game's community than about the game itself as a result of this fiasco, and what I've learned isn't pretty. It's absolutely pathetic the kinds of reactions I'm seeing on here.


I've seen people that aren't level capped, that haven't ever been to Ilum, that haven't even begun grinding away at valor or pvp gear, threatening to quit as a result of something that hasn't even impacted them. Sad. Grow a pair and move on.


I agree, the only ones who this really affects are the few people who grinded their way to 60 in wz's. Yes, its unfortunate that some Joe Shmo went from 50-55 in 5 hours, when it took you 20, but seriously... is it that huge of a deal. Your still a BM and its not like the "exploiters" massively outgear you now.


People are gonna log on, and go back to the same ***** as usual and the only ones still talking about this will be the trolls.


That's not to say BW/EA didnt make a mistake, but they are working on it. I do think they have room for improvement, but everyone on this forum knows this is BW first mmo. If this debaucle is enough for you to hate BW, hate swtor, and unsub... then good, the game is probably better without you

Edited by Happy-Killer
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wow guys stop qqing. Illum is working as intended and was as well yesterday except for the fact people got spawn camped. What did you guys expect a small show up in illum PFFT get real newbies. All you battle masters and other qq'ers just need to get over the fact that you farmed a broken system when the game came out. Most the battle masters on suck anyways so it's no surprise that they are going to qq about people being able to get up to their ranks within a week and face stomp them. BW implemented world pvp with valor and NO COMMENDATIONS. Get over it guys you're crying for no reason Bioware did us a favor Grind 60 valor the fixed way next time and make a 24man group and go **** illum. Until then you guys are just proving to be morons. Edited by Xenokane
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They could cap it at 50 per if most of the games designers wernt imps. I like the idea of capping at an equal ratio and having a 5 lvl up or down attack range for open world pvp. Cant attack someone 6 lvls higher or lower than yourself.


I would like to see some form of honor challenge during open world pvp so someone can challenge the opposite faction to a 1 on 1 duel without the other 30 people of the same faction jumping in. They would both be invulnerable from outside effects till the duel is over and a few seconds after.

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You know what's wrong with internet today? Everybody thinks they're a frickin game dev or journalist and think they are right all the time. People need to know it's not easy to just "rollback" a lot of players. This will take a looooong time, or they could just frick you all up by remove all Valor gained yesterday and today. And that would suck for people who only play warzones and not Ilum pvp. I just play PVE so no problem for me if they decide to rollback valor gained yesterday and today.


Right because rolling back a db is hard work.


Mythic did this every time a huge exploit was found in a new patch in DAoC. Yes, it sucked to lose progress made during that time, but everyone understood it was better than flooding the economy with ill gotten gains, etc.

Edited by Kjetl
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ilum sucks now huge waste of time republic are too scared to come out of base and taunting us this is so lame ilum so not worth this crap WOW had it right just copy them



You should roll republic and show em how its done! :D

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Still a waste of time. I'm horribly pissed and saddened. My options are to roll IMP and leave the group of people I've been playing with for over 5 years, ignore PvP - which is what I love, or unsub.


Finger is over the unsub button...

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just to laggy for me i know you want open world pvp but most pcs can't handle the amount of stuff its got to render, cap limit and more instances of just the pvp area and maybe make it smaller depending on how many people there are all in all 1/5th of the field is being used and thats by 2 huge groups fight in the same spot.
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I don't give a **** about the valor gains. Who cares? Mad because people might be able to get Battlemaster gear and be on the level with you? Oh no! Not an fair fight! World PvP should give you more than WZ grinding. That aside...


I JUST WANT TO DO MY DAILIES/WEEKLY! I could care less about *********** Valor.


I can't get them done with the way things are and it *********** blows.

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The FPS for me in Ilum is terrible, making it totally unenjoyable.


whats worse, is my pc is ******. SLI GTX 580's 5Ghz Quad core.


idk.. its got to be optimization. friggen sucks. so i feel super bad for ppl with worse specs.

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And then.. Leave 200 Imps without Reps ?


Well no offense but i wont believe you till i see it myself tonight. 80% of this thread and the forums is full of mis-information, trolls, and outright idiots saying they are canceling every time they hear about a spelling typo.


It would be nice if the devs would comment on how the quing works. Are the caps specific to each shard or to each faction within the shard.

Edited by TwoHearted
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Just gonna mention (sorry if it has but I'm not reading all of this) that Rift had a similar exploit when it released PvP rifts and they did nothing to resolve it. The servers had similar faction imbalances and the results were almost identical.


Ofc a hell of a lot less people cared then because SWTOR was just around the corner.


Oh well. Korean grinder TERA is coming in May for those who can't put up with this.


Personally I'll stick around and hope that Bioware begins to address the growing list of issues.


You are a liar. Trion did a rollback and stripped all thei exploiters of their gear. It happened within a few hours of the exploit. I was there, I saw it.


The problem with PvP in Rift is that it is just a zergfest with no purpose, exactly like in TOR. The PvP community warned Trion of this, but they decided to stick to their vision and PvPers left the game. The rest is history, with Trion merging servers on a regular bases due to lack of players.s


The same thing will happen to TOR, becaue BW developers are deft to the community and think PvP is just about zerging.

Edited by Viareggio
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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


There are times when using "nuclear options" is a good idea.


When you have people pumping tons of game currency into the game, you should have been slamming the door on their back ends as you booted them from the place. Instead, you slapped them on the wrist and let them back in, piles of credits intact.


When you have a clearly malfunctioning and widespread exploitation of an area that is clearly giving bugged valor gains and allowing for farming of said PvP currency at obscene rates- as http://www.kissmybuns.net/Images/ValorBug.jpg clearly shows (70 valor, no control, one kill)...the solution is drastic but required.


You should have rolled the servers back. By now, it's probably too late, and the result is massive negative publicity for TOR.


Stop trying to use a dull knife when you need a sharp axe on things like this. Cutting access to Ilum entirely would have been a wise choice ASAP, but instead we still see people farming valor at rates Bioware clearly did not intend to occur.


And saying "turrets are not working as intended" is a laugh. The turrets not insta-killing targets would have been glaringly obvious in testing. This is closing the door after all the horses have gone through, including the lame one with only three legs and a stump.

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The FPS for me in Ilum is terrible, making it totally unenjoyable.


whats worse, is my pc is ******. SLI GTX 580's 5Ghz Quad core.


idk.. its got to be optimization. friggen sucks. so i feel super bad for ppl with worse specs.


5GHz quad ehhh maybe try un-overclocking cause i'm at 4 ghz on my quad i7 and i have ZERO lag in illum and got about 40 fps yesterday in the mess. OH and i have my graphics set to ultra everything.


how much RAM you got and you better be rolling on an SSD and whats you internet connection?

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