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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Thats a pretty big drop, and it's droped more from the time of your posting. not good, not good at all.


Here seems to be the cause:


By Dan Gallagher SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch)


-- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.



Yeah so not good, looks like investors are heading to the escape pods, lol


I hope they can pull it off because i really do like the game and would hate to see a Tabula Rasa size fail.



Analyst use anything to justify it. The thing is EA share hasn't done well for the month, and dropped by nearly 20%. With such of end of year drop (despite that some is epxected always at end of year) it is difficult to tout 28$ per share. So the analyst suddenly hurry and make a revision down, using excuse.

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As I've said a few times already, the one thing this really showed me is that while the valor gains in Ilum were too fast, warzone gains are too slow. I just don't think it should take 20+ matches to get 1 valor rank when I'm not even 60.


The thing that this really shows me is that we have a ton of knee jerk whiners that will cry about anything given the opportunity. Most of the people complaining about Ilum haven't even been there. A lot of them aren't even level 50. Many of them didn't even log into the game to confirm the rumors for themselves before getting on here and crying their eyes out.


There are no level 25 battlemasters. Nobody got from rank 20 to rank 60 in a day. Nobody gained more than maybe 5-10 ranks, and thats at the mid-range.


I've learned a lot more about this game's community than about the game itself as a result of this fiasco, and what I've learned isn't pretty. It's absolutely pathetic the kinds of reactions I'm seeing on here.


I've seen people that aren't level capped, that haven't ever been to Ilum, that haven't even begun grinding away at valor or pvp gear, threatening to quit as a result of something that hasn't even impacted them. Sad. Grow a pair and move on.

Edited by Celebrus
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Reducing the population on Ilum only stops players from pvping. Instead of decreasing you should be increasing. If your capping Ilum then your making it a warzone not an open pvp world.


wrong reducing pop forces people into both world instance as there is a illum(1) and (2) that way you dont have like 400 imps in illum(2) vs 20 pubs. Just last night I was on Illum(1) and people were screaming about imps at the base yet I couldnt find a soul because they were all on Illum(2)

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I would say the behavior displayed was in blatant violation of the Rules of Conduct, and appropriate action should involve suspension of accounts, even if as small as 1 day for those who spawn camped in the bases.


Except for the fact that you can't harass a willing participant. Again............. even the people getting zerged were able to get large valor gains and as such they wanted it to continue. Stop basing your opinions on screen shots, videos, and rumors, try actually participating.

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The thing that this really shows me is that we have a ton of knee jerk whiners that will cry about anything given the opportunity. Most of the people complaining about Ilum haven't even been there. A lot of them aren't even level 50. Many of them didn't even log into the game to confirm the rumors for themselves before getting on here and crying their eyes out.


There are no level 25 battlemasters. Nobody got from rank 20 to rank 60 in a day. Nobody gained more than maybe 5-10 ranks, and thats at the mid-range.


I've learned a lot more about this game's community than about the game itself as a result of this fiasco, and what I've learned isn't pretty. It's absolutely pathetic the kinds of reactions I'm seeing on here.


I've seen people that aren't level capped, that haven't ever been to Ilum, that haven't even begun grinding away at valor or pvp gear, threatening to quit as a result of something that hasn't even impacted them. Sad. Grow a pair and move on.


I've been saying this as well. The community has been little better than a cess pool since pre-release and if people are going to "cancel" due to screen shots and misunderstandings then I'm perfectly happy with that. I'd even pay more if there were less whining.

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Full with those numbers you posted? They said the caps were per-faction not total players.


I am confused. Are you empire or republic?

They decreased the numbers of players allowed per planet instance. It's now a 100 player cap going after my numbers.


And i'm Republic.

Edited by kaesebreze
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Funny, I look at that and think, "Now would be a really good time to buy EA stock." This definitely won't kill the company, so get the stock while it's at a low point before it bounces back.


Go ahead. It stood at 25 at the start of November, quite possibly due to speculation regarding possible profits from a succesful launch of such a big project. It lost THIRTY percent of its value since then.


The stock could very well be headed further down before it stabilizes around a much less inflated value. Perhaps I wouldn´t start buying until MEIII pre-release optimism kicks in, and sell again a month later. But how do you think a stock with such a negative record will perform against the release of GWII or Diablo III?

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Right but shouldnt it let in like 50 emp and 50 repub? Not 84 emp and 16 repub?


It should but they obviously didn't have the brains to cap it in the way you mentioned it, which any normal person would do i guess, instead they just capped the number of players and not the number of faction specific players.

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This doesn't happen often, so it's really cool to read an article where Warren Buffet agrees with me. I highly suggest that those who post links to a stock falling in a single day give serious thought about the reasons behind that fall. And then, buy into that stock at the low point. Make yourself some money instead of cvetching about a PVP problem that already got patched.


Buy some EA stock before 5pm QQ crew

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