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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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all i read from the first 20 pages on this post is people crying because of faction imbalance and the republic players got farmed way more "honor" (wow term) then they should have. Personally everyone of you who left the game because of this i'm glad. 12 year olds shouldn't be playing mmo's anyway. Also if it wasn't this patch you were going to for whatever random reason anyway. If you think this is the first mmo to have a pvp glitch you should talk to ppl who played wrath wow where the pvp zone wintergrasp bugged out plenty of times and crashed the servers as a result.


To those of you still here but are still mad and i'm mostly speaking to those who "earned" their battlemaster rank. You didn't earn anything you farmed low levels in pvp you aren't any better than the people who glitched the game out. Before this patch whoever had the most lvl 50's in the warzone won the game.


Every mmo has their bumps just deal with it like adults. Or if you are children feel free to leave. Our community as a whole will be far better off without you.


just adding on to this as I said yesterday, Illum was always supposed to give valor for kills so everyone who thinks they got it "legit" are just mad because they farmed a broken system for ungodly hours.. try having a life instead of turing pale white infront of your pc and as you said every game has had massive fails like this ppl need to calm down because BW adressed it faster than almost any other MMO team has. As far as roll backs, there are servers that did not have the same imbalance problem and illum was working fine so this is why they stated they are investigating who exploited it to extreme measures, because some ppl got legit valor from illum.

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In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Reducing the population on Ilum only stops players from pvping. Instead of decreasing you should be increasing. If your capping Ilum then your making it a warzone not an open pvp world.

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For those people who thinks this post is only for whinning... This is not a joke.


Numbers talks more than words. 5 points in a day... GG




Anybody who knows the abc of finance and market knows that most of it works on speculation and "the feeling of the day".


Even if this thread and all the complaints about the game were completely made up, they would still affect the company in a very negative way. EA is going to be hit by all this negative posts. I am curious to see what the ripercussions on the game will be. Will they abandon it, as it happened to WAR? Most probably, yes.

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Even those getting spawn camped made a killing (in comparison to warzones) but even an hour of farming at 500 valor a minute would only be 30,000 valor. This isn't even a full level when you're near 60.


In two hours of base fighting, I got about 30k and one valor level so the QQ is obviously stupidly overblown. Still, compared to pre patch it really was a ball punch to anyone who grinded high valor.

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Here's an idea for you BW about the whole valor problem on Illum


You could put a cap on the amount of valor you can obtain from illum in a single day (call it 5 valor ranks), once you reach your cap, there would be no real reason for mobs of imps to stay on illum and gank reps.


Another idea of mine, is maybe implement some kind of lockout system for illum based on the amount of valor earned there. Sort of like how you are locked out of raids for a certain perioid of time.


Just a thought I hadn't seen posted yet. Good luck and get the servers back up asap, i wanna play!

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Reducing the population on Ilum only stops players from pvping. Instead of decreasing you should be increasing. If your capping Ilum then your making it a warzone not an open pvp world.


It's a technical restriction...



You can always go back and play pandas... they have a zone like this on a timer with a set limit.

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Just gonna mention (sorry if it has but I'm not reading all of this) that Rift had a similar exploit when it released PvP rifts and they did nothing to resolve it. The servers had similar faction imbalances and the results were almost identical.


Ofc a hell of a lot less people cared then because SWTOR was just around the corner.


Oh well. Korean grinder TERA is coming in May for those who can't put up with this.


Personally I'll stick around and hope that Bioware begins to address the growing list of issues.

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In two hours of base fighting, I got about 30k and one valor level so the QQ is obviously stupidly overblown. Still, compared to pre patch it really was a ball punch to anyone who grinded high valor.


As I've said a few times already, the one thing this really showed me is that while the valor gains in Ilum were too fast, warzone gains are too slow. I just don't think it should take 20+ matches to get 1 valor rank when I'm not even 60.

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They need to cap zones at an equal ratio of imps to rebs. If the imps whine about it to much isnt it an issue of their own creation?


After all, if the imps are as good as they think they are then shouldnt they be on the reb side, where they are vastly outnumbered, so they could show their superior combat prowess instead of hiding behind their numbers like sacred wow babies.


Their superior combat skills on many servers comes down to zerging apparently.


Only those who have the fortune of being on a more or less balanced server can show their real skills.


I'm having trouble understanding how fight with a 50-60 to 10 ratio can be fun even for the Imps, lets face it, that's not PvP in all it's glory.

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From the Rules of Conduct....


Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.




I would say the behavior displayed was in blatant violation of the Rules of Conduct, and appropriate action should involve suspension of accounts, even if as small as 1 day for those who spawn camped in the bases.

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Did you even click the link and look at that fat drop? That is not the cyclical fluctuations in market prices you normally see. Do you even know anything about finance/investments?


Again there was a much stronger drop on the 12th. Click on the 5D to see it. Heck the same drop you are touting was seen on 16th and 9th. Consider this : the drop youa re speaking of is nothing in comparison to the drop of 4$ per share since end of december. Today we are 17.5 fluctuating, end of december it was 21$ per share. You are reading into this much more than should be.

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Their superior combat skills on many servers comes down to zerging apparently.


Only those who have the fortune of being on a more or less balanced server can show their real skills.


I'm having trouble understanding how fight with a 50-60 to 10 ratio can be fun even for the Imps, lets face it, that's not PvP in all it's glory.


It's capped now so this wont be an issue. Move along.

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Reducing the population on Ilum only stops players from pvping. Instead of decreasing you should be increasing. If your capping Ilum then your making it a warzone not an open pvp world.


That's not very smart.


IMO, it's pretty much a zone-wide Alterac Valley.


Which is awesome.

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