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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Just inferring in general, I don't notice people on game yelling about quitting.


Also seems the type of gamer to leave over a matter such as this would be the same type to voluntarily go out kicking and screaming on message boards, trying to see if anyone cares.


I am in a guild of 74... so far 1, ONE, is not subing tomorrow. These forum troll are stupid.

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I’d love to know if BW won’t roll back Valor because they choose not to, or because they lack the capability? Isn’t it just a value in a database that you could create query for, which would compare today’s value, to 1/17/2012’s value, produce an output and then run a query for any % increase of value outside the norm? Any hit you got, could simply have 1/17/12 value replace 1/19/2012 value - Is this just not possible, because if it can be done then I literally can’t fathom what BW is thinking.


PS. If I was on the Board and read that release about EA's stock price, I'd be on the phone to upper management right now wanting to know what went wrong, whose fault it was, and how we fix it.

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This is were I become confused .. wait actually it is a bit of clarity. So The Dev team/teams (i hear there are lrg project groups) Working on the PVP aspect didn't look at every aspect that could be exploited when introducing the world PVP planet Illum. and im sure they racked their brains to add all the little things .. What I dont understand is 90% of PVP players will grief other players and WILL EXPLOIT when their is a exploit available. TBH THERE WAS NOT MUCH THOUGHT IN TOR PVP FROM A GAMERS PROSPECTIVE. I mean there are a lot of good intentions, but nothing fully thought out. Yesterdays ILLUM Incident for example was one of them.

Whats going through a PVPers head:

"Oh finally rewards for killing other faction nice ... hummm our side is heavy IMPs wounder if there are going to be and any republics on illum .. lets go see (meanwhile over guild/general chat) Hey were camping these guys and getting a bunch of valor ... Hell yha im going to go. lets camp their spawn point we love tears .."

I was on illum for a brief minute but saw so many of my faction out i just left .. so i was not involved in the Camp fest for high valor gains ...sadface


To the PvP Team you have to look at ever signal aspect ... Im sure you did, but have made some pretty heavy unintentional mistakes. Some time function outweighs pretty aspects. Like for instances .. I like to catch ppl off guard .. i would make a assassin and cloak and sit inside the other factions space port.. and wait for unsuspecting players. I would kill them a couple time till they figure they need to "Move along". and if they "Cry" then the i camp em till either they log or sneak away... So in this aspect Fix the Re spawn to send a player to a Discovered bind point of the Players choice on the planet, easy fix (well im not a programer so maybe not that easy).. that takes care of the camping issue for the most part (Im sure ppl will find a way around that but it will be much harder to "exploit")..


but thats just my opinion .. Its a great game just needs some tweaking here and their .. And thanks Dev's for keeping us up-to-date.



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If you knew anything about the stock market, you would realize that much of what determines stock prices is speculation. If the game is performing much worse than expected (sales-wise), they will be losing huge amounts of revenue. Think of it this way, $15 a month from each subsciber over the course of a fiscal year... millions of dollars. Not to mention the millions of dollar invested into this game with development and advertising. I think its safe to say EA is taking a hit from all this


They are.


Let´s also speculate about this: the acquisition of Bioware that was booked as investment has been by now written off (as in depreciated), leading to an drop in the accounting value of the company. In short, the money that EA spent for Bioware is gone from books. If this is not offset by profits of comparable volume, well, the balance sheet suddenly doesn´t look so good, leading to investor distrust and further drops in market capitalization.


EA could take quite a nasty hit there.

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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.






I hope you learned your lessons Bioware. You can not treat MMO and Masses like you did yesterday with your patch and response. Wish you luck!


Funny, I look at that and think, "Now would be a really good time to buy EA stock." This definitely won't kill the company, so get the stock while it's at a low point before it bounces back.

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1.1.0a patch notes are out... NOW STOP YUR *****IN! Can we now have a rational discussion about faction imbalance?




Karagga’s Palace


· Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga’s Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.





· Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base.

· Turrets inside faction bases were not intended to be destroyed and are now immune to damage.

· The population cap for instances of Ilum has been reduced to improve performance.

· Implemented optimizations to improve performance on Ilum.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes


· Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.

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Just inferring in general, I don't notice people on game yelling about quitting.


Also seems the type of gamer to leave over a matter such as this would be the same type to voluntarily go out kicking and screaming on message boards, trying to see if anyone cares.


Most of the people posting about quitting are just doing so to get attention. A sane person wouldn't cancel until they've given up on the game and even if they did decide to post their concerns constructively (unlike most people here) they wouldn't continue to post about it (unlike most people here). Continuing to post isn't a very convincing way to say "I've given up."

Edited by Sicknss
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all i read from the first 20 pages on this post is people crying because of faction imbalance and the republic players got farmed way more "honor" (wow term) then they should have. Personally everyone of you who left the game because of this i'm glad. 12 year olds shouldn't be playing mmo's anyway. Also if it wasn't this patch you were going to for whatever random reason anyway. If you think this is the first mmo to have a pvp glitch you should talk to ppl who played wrath wow where the pvp zone wintergrasp bugged out plenty of times and crashed the servers as a result.


To those of you still here but are still mad and i'm mostly speaking to those who "earned" their battlemaster rank. You didn't earn anything you farmed low levels in pvp you aren't any better than the people who glitched the game out. Before this patch whoever had the most lvl 50's in the warzone won the game.


Every mmo has their bumps just deal with it like adults. Or if you are children feel free to leave. Our community as a whole will be far better off without you.

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This thread has been hilarious.


Once the half of the un-subscribers return due to their gaming addictions, they'll forget all about this ordeal once they reach Valor rank 60.


Maybe some real-life time will be good for them.


Basically this. The anger on these forums is probably mostly a result of lack of sleep, nutrition, and exercise due to too much time spent on this game.


It's not surprising, but give all of these tantrum throwing kids a power nap and they'll be back to pulling all-nighters for valor in no time.

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So, my friend got rank 43-51 in valor in about 4 hours in Ilum as Republic. Empire clearly got a lot more than that. Are you tying to tell me that is working as intended? Really? Because in that case, **** you.


I spent weeks grinding valor rank 60 and now the Empire is getting massive amounts of valor and you're gonna tell me that there's no bug and you meant it to work like that. So, "on servers with lots of activity" Battlemaster means absolutely nothing and everyone runs around in level 58 pvp gear within a few days of hitting 50.


If that's not a bug, then you're the worst designer to ever design a production game. Sorry, I don't personally flame people like this, but to have the audacity to step into these forums and tell us this is working as intended is beyond the mother****ing pale.


Republic got tons of valor too by simply healing the turret as it killed everyone. Only the most unbalanced of servers got spawn ganked and with diminishing returns on player kills there really wasnt that much. I got from 56 to 57 in a few hours there.


That being said it is def BS that people that had the day off were able to grind tons of valor all day and everyone else gets a woops sorry.

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1.1.0a patch notes are out... NOW STOP YUR *****IN! Can we now have a rational discussion about faction imbalance?




Karagga’s Palace


· Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga’s Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.





· Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base.

· Turrets inside faction bases were not intended to be destroyed and are now immune to damage.

· The population cap for instances of Ilum has been reduced to improve performance.

· Implemented optimizations to improve performance on Ilum.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes


· Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.


Way to go Bioware!


Do we know what the cap is for players on Ilum?

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You got an average 120 valor a kill in ilum even in a group. if you faced non-stop zergs you made a killing.


Even those getting spawn camped made a killing (in comparison to warzones) but even an hour of farming at 500 valor a minute would only be 30,000 valor. This isn't even a full level when you're near 60.

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Has there been any proof of players gaining that much valor?


I knew a troll started the rumor, but no evidence has surfaced.


Yea a guy in my guild who just hit 50 got 10 levels fighting at the base. Its nowhere near what the crybabies on here are crying but there was definitely a lot of enearned valor received yesterday.

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They need to cap zones at an equal ratio of imps to rebs. If the imps whine about it to much isnt it an issue of their own creation?


After all, if the imps are as good as they think they are then shouldnt they be on the reb side, where they are vastly outnumbered, so they could show their superior combat prowess instead of hiding behind their numbers like sacred wow babies.

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