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A month playing - review - cool storyline, beyond that ... rather a fail


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swtor - a great game or a big fail?


sofar i was amazed by the inovative ideas and old prinziples which have been displayed in this game. One might say that its too much copy paste from wow with some additions.

granted - i think thats true and alas also holds true for several of the bad aspects of wow.


this post is for summaarizing my feeling after playing this game for a month.


The main aspect that faszinated me is, the incredible faszinating storyline, the dialoges in the quests, the cool instances and the more or less nice pvp.


Of course my expectations are low since the launch took place and with each MMO game launch comes a lot of things to do.


My personal assesment of the game heavily dependet on the endcontent and since i have reached 50 for quite a while now and seen lot of the endcontent i must say, i am dissapointed.


The general storyline is gorgeous, the three pvp zones nice (balancing is an issue of course) but thats about it.



My critics on:





The pvp world ilum is the worst joke ever - thats not a pvp zone with the so much promised pvp content, its a zone with some walkers 2 bases and a little pew pew ...

bad design. I expected at least a planet with lot of different pvp quests including the other faction and not some large alterac without any content.

The new addition in patch 1.1 do not change that, its a simple slaughterehouse in the republic base in form of a slide show (and i got a good computer) ... thats not a pvp WORLD as i would have expected an innovative game would present.


The rewarding system champions bags is also pretty bad since the randomness in getting the items out of the bag has led to many a frustrated player


The pvp quests are bugged to a point where its realy realy annoying.


The balancing of the classes (especially sith sorcerer) need some changes (but that was obvious that there will be balancing issues).

I got the impression that in general the ranged classes are in advantage regarding their dps output.





The Flashpoints vary from difficult to outright easy ... at points the challenge is obviously missing


The factor of gear has, as in wow, a far bigger effect then the players abilities in playing his class. A thing that leads to item grinding and inflation of gear far too quickly.


Crafting is ... boring.




The bugs i have seen in this game are incredibly abundant .... there is not a day passing where i send 1-3 tickets about a bug.

One seriously gets the impression, the game was not tested and released far too early - Keeping sales policy out of the consideration.


There are SO MANY bugs that it reaches a point of uter frustration and dissapointment.

I'd never seen a game launching twith that many errors and i am astaunded that BW releases new content, where not even a friction of those bugs has been fixed yet.


To list just a few of the bugs i found:


Keybindings buggy: reassigning ctrl+F2 or ^ does not work. the former does nothing, the later always comes up with the bug report interface


Objective rating in warzones buggy - i scored 2 times, getting no objective rating - thought that one was about scoring the huttball - besides that objectives doesnt seem to have any influence at all.


Short disconnects in WZ kicks you from the WZ - HEAVILY ANNOYING!!!


More then 8 players in WZ sometimes.


WZ daily - wins do not count - HEAVILY ANNOYING!!!


Proton torpedos in space missions bugged: shield generators can not be targetet by missiles or guns anymore.


Several daily quests bugged on Ilum


Finishing DI 7 crashes the party to desctop - al of us.


Doing some HM instances - no member of the party got any social points accounted for.


Implanted Armor mods - disappering.



Aweful "features":



Mouse targeting - clicking on player is a luck game ...





So summarizing from my point of view:


Gorgeous storyline, nice pvp warzones, lousy implementation of the rest.


Will it keep me playing the game. No, i do not think so. Once you are finished with the stoyline there is not much left. Illum is not interesting as it is and the tons of bugs are realy seriously impairing the gaming experience.



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The ability to continue our story line in a sandbox situation would have been better than the extremely abrupt storyline endings they have come up with. This game has no redeeming characteristics other than the single storyline. I have given up on any of the side quests to hold my attention at all. I just go to pvp arenas, cloak, and craft to feel that its worth my time. This game is such a fail on such a large scale its beyond rediculous.
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Hello everyone!


In order to keep our discussions more orderly, If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic threads for suggestions and bugs and encourage you to continue your discussion there. You can also report bugs in-game by typing /bug into your chat window.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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