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Does anyone else feel like they've bought a half-finished product?


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im more of picking at the poor choice of words.


saying that half the game is missing implies that those missing features add up to equal the entirety of what we have currently, and that just isnt true no matter how you look at it.


Ok, poor choice of words on my part, I should've expected extreme amounts on knitpicking of course, this is an MMO forum afterall.


Unfinished! Fixed.


And before you start in: Not unfinished as in "MMO is a work in progress blahblahblah", but unfinished as in "Not ready for the public"

Edited by Crowleyz
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MMOs are never a finished project. Ever. Sooner you learn that the sooner you can enjoy yourself.


With all due respect, you've just pointed out the obvious and sort of missed out the point of the OP's post. Of course MMOs are always an evolving, never finished project. But look at company's like Trion, who have proven supremely polished, almost bug-free MMORPGs can be launched. Any bug game-breaking bug that was discovered - which were only few - was stamped out immediately. The game ran as it should and delivered what it promised. It's 2012 and people are getting tired of shoddy, half-baked MMOs that clearly needed more time before launch.

Edited by spacepuppy
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I agree with the OP.


The game does feel small at the moment, and it's paced so fast it's almost over before you know it. I've barely played the game for a month and I'm already almost capped level and seen every planet but one.


Realistically, running the same "flashpoints" over and over again isn't going to keep people interested for very long.


I give this game 6 months tops before it starts to see huge migrations elsewhere unless they introduce some serious new content that takes more than a couple of days to eat through - because this game desperately needs more depth and complexity added to it's gameplay. The "Legacy" system may be just what the doctor ordered, i just hope the patient isn't dead by the time they get around to introducing it.

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I like it.


It's in a better state than wow on release.


It's more complex than most.


If I had to complain about anything it was that I got ripped off for the collectors edition, I am truly upset about that.


if you hate it stop playing it, if you like enough to play it, then enjoy the good and wait for them to fix the other ****.


They are releasing content at an exceptional rate when they could have sat back and done nothing but bug fix for a a year.

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From my own thread on the same topic



When I was a boy, I asked my father if I could cut our grass and get paid for it. At the time he was paying some of our neighbor boys to do it for us. He said he'd be happy to, but he expected me to do just as good a job as our neighbors.


"But they're bigger than me." I told him. "I'm just a kid."


And what did my father tell me? "If you can't do as good a job as the other boys, you shouldn't get paid for it. It doesn't matter about why you can't do it."


It was an important life lesson to learn, and I'm glad my dad taught it to me. And if it was good enough for my four year old self, its sure good enough for the most expensive MMO ever created.


SW:TOR doesn't exist in a vacuum. Other games do everything this game does, and in most cases better. The only exception being the story line and the voice overs. It doesn't matter that its Bioware's first MMO... it doesn't matter that its 'only been out a month' and 'that other game has been out for 8 years!'


"If you can't do as good a job as the other boys, you shouldn't get paid for it. It doesn't matter about why you can't do it."


Right now:


  • Even on top of the line computers, the game looks dated, and frame rates drop for no reason.
  • Using your abilities is clunky half the time, and completely unresponsive the rest of the time.
  • Mirrored classes aren't. Animation delay between JC's and SI's give the sith a clear advantage that is obvious.
  • Despite several warnings that Illum would not work due to population imballances, they patched it in anyway. They are still unclear as to whether or not they will remove the unfair advantage that the Sith got during this.
  • The user interface of the game is incomplete, buggy, and clunky.
  • UI customization, Macros, and Mods are not available in this game to make up for the UI problems.
  • Very poor customer service and heavy handed forum mods have planted their feet in the sand instead of trying to work with the users to impove the game.
  • User feedback is still largely ignored.


And that is just the obvious problems. The game has potential. But right now the only thing it has going for it are light sabers, voice acting, a decent story, and an awesome sound track.


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No, I don't feel like I bought a "half-finished" product. Last time I checked, I was able to level 2 characters to 50 and several others to 20+, while having a great time doing it. Also, I didn't encounter a single "game breaking" bug and so far endgame is sufficient.


You people need to check your priorities if you seriously want to imply this game was only haf done on release.


By the way, save yourself the time to type some fake "issue list" in response. Most of those are features you personally miss and the rest are bugs, which simply need a fix. Either get some perspective or do the adult thing and leave the game you despise.


Disclaimer: The last paragraph is directed at the people who rush into every thread, just to badmouth the game. It is easy to distinguish between constructive criticism and people who obviously have an agenda.

Edited by PuchuuTwo
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No, I don't feel like I bought a "half-finished" product. Last time I checked, I was able to level 2 characters to 50 and several others to 20+, while having a great time doing it. Also, I didn't encounter a single "game breaking" bug and so far endgame is sufficient.


You people need to check your priorities if you seriously want to imply this game was only haf done on release.


By the way, save yourself the time to type some fake "issue list" in response. Most of those are features you personally miss and the rest are bugs, which simply need a fix. Either get some perspective or do the adult thing and leave the game you despise.


Disclaimer: The last paragraph is directed at the people who rush into every thread, just to badmouth the game. It is easy to distinguish between constructive criticism and people who obviously have an agenda.


You never played Beta if you don't see the same bugs littered like strewn trash throughout the game. Bug's reported and never fixed. Heroengine website nearly tosses Bioware in front of a bus, go look it up.

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I do feel that the game has been released prematurely.


I know mmo is never finished and this is a very new game.


However, a lot of the basic game mechanics give me the impression that they really put effort and due consideration into it.


I think what they had in mind was to release the game with a basic working mechanics in place and then fix or improve it later, such as the non customizable UI.


Since I am going away for more then a month, I have cancelled my subscription for now and hopefully it is worth resub when I return.

Edited by leznix
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You never played Beta if you don't see the same bugs littered like strewn trash throughout the game. Bug's reported and never fixed. Heroengine website nearly tosses Bioware in front of a bus, go look it up.


Even if this is true, which I doubt, the game is still in a decent state. All these "gamebreaking" bugs are nothing of the sort. They are either mild annoyances or things Bioware already has on their radar (see interviews, dev tracker, etc.).


Get some perspective, before calling a game a failure or half-finished, okay?

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I am not a spoiled child that sets massive expectations for things and then throws tantrums when they dont meet them.


But then again, I also understand the development process and how money works, so that might put me a step above some of you.

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No.. I feel like I bought a brand new mmo.. Man I wish that some of you would have played WoW from launch...


You're supposed to learn from your competition though, not ignore half the lessons. You simply can not compare the state of this game to the state of WoW (SEVEN years ago) to SWTOR. I played WoW on launch and it had way less "in your face" bugs. Server stability was probably worse though, but not by much. I got plenty of free days from Blizzard in return for that though...

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Would it not be better for those that have a "moan" to play something else for a few months, if their not happy with the state of swtor as it is now? Then perhaps these forums won't put off other people from trying the game. Because sadly people moaning all the time, puts a bad light on swtor when swtor isn't as bad as people are making out.


Proof in the pudding is that if swtor was as bad as people make out, why is there so many lvl 50's at this early stage if the game was as broken as people are making out? Yes there are bugs and yes some things are'nt working as they should. Just get a grip and play something else for a while instead of crying over spilt milk. God! the amount of people that whine like it's the B all and end all of man kind is perthetic:rolleyes:

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No.. I feel like I bought a brand new mmo.. Man I wish that some of you would have played WoW from launch...


“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”


MMO system designers have had 15 years of mainstream games to learn and draw experience from, they have such a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't.


Theres obviously a balance to be drawn between innovation and replication, but to leave out basic functionalilty of the generic MMO pattern thats evolved (mostly due to actual problems or to iterate on successful ideas) over many years is poor business.


Why is expecting designers to have developed with the market such a big deal ?

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