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Who's going to cancel if BW don't roll back Valor to pre 1.1?


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Why are we trolls, idiots or whiners for wanting a slightly balanced game?


Troll=the one that started this post without any metrics or evidence to back it up. The valor gains claimed for turrets was a lie. The spawn camping for valor while true is exaggerated in terms of gains rate.


Idiots=people that fall for trolls without finding out facts for themselves or from trusted friends.


Whiners=Those that think the game will only be balanced when said balance suits their playstyle/character. True objective balance comes from cold hard metrics and not from subjective individual experiences or opinions.


The servers probably have not come down because an investigation based on observation and metrics has not yet justified doing so.

Edited by Hellapain
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I think the last few Imperial players to reply to this thread better decide whats more important to them.


Walking over the remaining Republic players for the next week or possibly month or having your unearned valor removed.


Its a simple choice, but think long and hard if you have to

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I myself have farmed warzones today, but I wouldn't mind a rollback really, it's needed.


Did my dailies and logged off my main. No point in playing it until there's official word on whether there'll be a roll back. The longer they leave it the less likely it'll be though.

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No roll back for me, On bloodworthy this is the first time the rebels have managed to muster any sort of mass pvp against the imps and im having a blast all be it at the gates outside the reb base but they beat us back and we beat them back its really the best bit of open world pvp since launch.
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I don't mind if the valor I gained today in Warzones would be effected, but they do need to roll back the valor due to this exploit or intelligent use of game mechanics or whatever you want to call it.


I realize it will effect players that have legitimately gained valor and not abuse the game mechanics but take it as a collateral damage for the good of the game if you really care about SWTOR and want to see it thrive rather than die due to Imp/Repub battlemasters ruining Warzones who have done this.


One thing I am so glad is that they released this patch before the first sub goes in which I wont be paying for if they continue to keep this patch as is. I could stay on for the PvE content but why pay full price for only half the game when it was advertised as being a comprehensive story driven MMO with the two factions.

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How about you all whiners go to PTR instead and find those bugs before they go live?


No, you're right, it's easier to complain.



How can you be in a bad mood while walking over people and being rewarded for doing so?


I feel bad for you

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Rolling stuff back is asking for unsubs.


I'm Valor rank 15 or something like that since I'm not even 50 yet, but I disagree with a rollback. Even if im only rank 15, I would unsub if a rollback were to happen. It would mean many hours wasted, lost for nothing. How will we actually be compensated for that?

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I think the last few Imperial players to reply to this thread better decide whats more important to them.


Walking over the remaining Republic players for the next week or possibly month or having your unearned valor removed.


Its a simple choice, but think long and hard if you have to


Why is the valor unearned? We had some great 48 x 48 (minimum) combat today on both sides. I damn sure earned my valor. No one picked a side for you, so live with your choice. Consider it a life lesson.

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No roll back for me, On bloodworthy this is the first time the rebels have managed to muster any sort of mass pvp against the imps and im having a blast all be it at the gates outside the reb base but they beat us back and we beat them back its really the best bit of open world pvp since launch.



Exactly what this fine player is saying.

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Why is the valor unearned? We had some great 48 x 48 (minimum) combat today on both sides. I damn sure earned my valor. No one picked a side for you, so live with your choice. Consider it a life lesson.


You realize if everyone rolled Empire there would be no PvP at all right? That they're continually punishing republic players indirectly is leading down that path.

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Won't quit if Valor is not reset. Just won't PvP or do anything on Ilum. Which, of course, will shorten the game for me and make me quit faster.


BW really needs to reset Valor. if they let people profit so much from such an obvious exploit then future situations will be exploited to the max. By wiping it out they can make it clear that it won't be tolerated. People will still exploit, but the more you wipe out their ill-gotten gains, the less people are going to be willing to try.


You also have the problem whereby people feel their legit efforts to get PvP ranks mean nothing,

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How can you be in a bad mood while walking over people and being rewarded for doing so?


I feel bad for you


I'm republic, and haven't even been to Ilium today.


Point is, all you people cry that bug made it to live servers. But obviously nobody bothered to go to ptr and see if there is anything wrong.


As result, BW had to release untested patch, and do tesing on live.


It's like voting. If you don't go and vote, you have no right to complain.

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