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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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50 here.


Are any of you folks on the Ebon Hawk server?


Only 40 here.


Government contractor, retired Navy Chief, and Sith Warrior Juggernaut.


Also on The Ebon Hawk server.

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A few years too young to make this list, but i'm 38 and a District Manager for a Fortune 100 company. I find time where I can to play at night because I am married and have three great kids. What can I say? I've been in love with Star Wars since the first time I saw it at the movies.
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I totally hear you. I've been in love with Star Wars ever since I saw it in '77. If you're on the Corellian Run server and want to join a good-sized group of older players, just type in /cjoin Older (in either faction), give us a shout in the Older chat channel, and we'll be happy to give you more information. We're Republic-heavy, so if you don't get an answer right away on the Imp side, we might all be over on the Rep side doing some PvP or questing. Feel free to click the guild link in my signature for our forum.
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45 year old grandpa to 3 wonderful grandkids (ages 5, 2, 8 months old I call them my little ewoks) I work at a power plant as a technician and have been there for 15 years. Disabled U.S. Navy Vet.


I started in MMO's with Everquest and moved on to the Unreal Tournament series, then to BattleField and Battlefield2. I play WoW and used to do a little arena (5v5 and 2v2) and lots of rated Bg's and have seen all raid content currently in Warcraft, I have 2 accounts on WoW and 14 Lvl 85 toons all horde so been there and done that.

Got bored with Diablo 3 real fast.... (way to linear should have been a console game)


I may give PVP a shot here in TOR (just cause im an older player doesn't mean Grandpa can't still pwn a little face now and then :p)


Just started with TOR and while not as polished as WOW im having a lot of fun because of the newness factor. That same wonder I felt just exploring the world in Wow when I started at launch.

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  • 1 month later...

You don't know how good it feels to be the "youngin" in a group... about 3 months from 32 here and haven't been able to stand other peoples' kids in quite some time...


Older Republic and Older Empire are over on Corellian Run. :)
I've been hearing this and fully plan on transferring over as soon as I'm able to. The only reason I don't reroll is, I don't want to give up what I've built with my current eight toons.
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42 Here, been playing games for 35+ years, wife, children, job, "The boss", etc... Been leading our guild, Ring of Destiny, for 10 years and loving it.


Your not alone in your perception. I noticed the other day I have a 20 year old shirt that is older then some of the people who I work with. I remember when I was younger my father saying this to me. "i've got clothes older then you" lol!


Games are a great way to stay young. Much more fun then a boring TV & watching the same old movie again.


Keep on gaming & wish you the best!


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny


2002-2012 - 10 years of Teamwork & Fun together!

Edited by Lord_Kismet
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I know I don't fall into this crowd as I am 23 and my chosen profession is being a full time student studying IT Network Security, but I just want to say that this thread is wonderful and to all the people who say playing games keeps them young good for you because I intend on playing games the rest of my life.
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32 with wife, 2 kids, job, etc. Hardcore gamer at young age but now a very casual gamer. It's still a whole lot of fun though. Been playing SWTOR solo since first day cause I didnt want any kind of commitments. Being in a guild filled with people like me would be awesome. Have not found any yet though, I'm on Tomb of Freedon Nadd btw
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46 y.o. diagnostics engineer here


Been playing RPGs (starting with D&D) for 30+ years. This is the 1st MMO I've really gotten in to. WoW=hated it. SWG=meh. Rift=fun for like a day. DCUO=well this one I actually like but not as much as SW(KO)TOR

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Early 40's, tech support for 15+ years, first MMO but lifelong gamer.


If I ever move to a new server, I'm going to have to check out Corellia Run. A guild of age appropriate people sounds awesome.


Is there a similar type of Guild already on Canderous Ordo?

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41 years and retired from the Army. I may not be quite 45, but I have seen and done more in my life than most folks who live to 100. Also have a technical degree in webdesign , and have managed a couple of IT companies before I retired for good. It blows me away that folks think I am old. Hell, it seems my twenties were just yesterday! :D
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46, ex Navy submariner. Lifelong game player. Most here would count D&D as the original blueprint for MMO's today. I take Sun-Tzu's philosophy to heart when I play all factions and classes to learn their game mechanics. My professional life has a fresh Bachelor's degree on the resume but am collecting a production wage-earner's paycheck for the time being.
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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.


I'm a retired professional Firefighter, 56 years young and enjoying my retirement after over 30 years on the job. My signature refects my outlook on life. :)

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Hitting 40 in February. My first video game was Pong and have played just about everything since. I was a Hardcore raider in WoW. Too busy now.


I'm a Podiatrist that works at 4 offices, 2 wound care centers, cover 3 hospitals and am in the Operating Room a couple times a week, if not more. Been married for 14 years to my High School sweetheart of 21 years and have 3 kids that ROCK!


Love this game, but occasionally like to just blow things up on the PS3.

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Love this post. Im not 45, Im 29, but im a cheer mom. I often times feel like im floating around in a sea of the kids I coach. Im lucky to have found a guild full of professionals like yourself and it makes my gaming experience that much better. I prefer to find myself in the company of old farts that understand my daily struggles with juggling parenting, work, volunteering and gaming. We're a new generation, filling the stereotype of the "gamer", while still blazing the way and being productive ;) Edited by Rooey
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OK, 66 and counting. My 73 year old buddy and I kick *** on MTBikes, very few can keep up on the down hills, I still race a vintage F1 car and just started a new company in the skiing industry. But, the game is serious fun and requires mental focus almost as intense as racing and biking. If you think young and act young you are. I would like to find an older guild on Droogas Pleasure Barge if you know of any, kids just don't get the strategy thing. I have a Gunslinger full WH and a Hunter at 50 and just starting gearing him up.
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I'll be 42 in a couple of months, and like you my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that I was a gaming nerd who pretended to be an Imperial Bounty Hunter that has a virtual wife named Mako. I shudder to think what they might do to me! Some of those guys are pretty rugged!


I think there are a lot of older gamers out there. We just are not as vocal as the much younger and more numerous gamers.

Edited by Apache
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Hello club :D


I'm 44, a housewife with dreams of professional writing, and the better half is 48, and is a Hazmat tech supervisor. We have a soon to be 17 year old son, and we're all gamers. The only difference between young and older is, that the boy skips and flits from game to game, and we older ones usually stick with one, atleast a year, sometimes even longer if it stays interesting and fun to us. :p

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Hey all,


43 years old male, saw Star Wars when I was a kid and remember being stunned at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. I didn't get it. How can you end a movie and not end a movie???? I work for a major engineering company and sometimes place Star Wars while my wife watches TV so that she gets to see me at least some of the time ;).

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