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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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43 yr old female veterinarian....it all started with Pong. Graduated up to Atari (Adventure,Pitfall & Chopper Command,) then moved on to the C-64 (the Ultima series and Bards Tale) then got my first real PC and started with Baldur's Gate. I love reading that many of my "old-timer" peers play MMORPGs----no one seems to understand my fascination with the virtual world. As a self-admitting sufferer of MTPD (multi-toon personality disorder,) I have 6 Imperial toons that I'm attempting to level simultaneously ;) I too would love to create an older adult guild --anyone interested can contact me in-game on "Owel" or "Tigrina" on the Karth Hound server.
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I'am not sure how many have posted on this thread but I would like to know if there are enough of us interested I could help set up a guild for us .

what makes an mmo good for me is the social interaction as much as the gameplay.


So firstly I would like to know what servers your on and whether you prefer empire or republic .


I propose the server that has the most of us on

And the majority that prefer empire or republic should determine were we should at least have a character .


I would like us to communicate through skype its easy and free .

Dungeons and raids are easy to explain tactics and I have found it much easier to have a laugh.


If you post your current server and preferred faction we can start the ball rolling.



Wow! This is so cool! I had no idea that my little thread would generate so much response. It has been great reading everyone's posts.


I am interested in starting a guild. From the posts I read, it seems like most liked "The Older Republic" as the guild name. I currently play on The Razor, but would be open to any of the servers. I prefer PVE and only play Republic. Thanks for taking the lead on this!

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I am 62 year old Electrician – youngest (23) plays SWTOR also.


First Beta was around 83 for Air Warrior (any DAMNED out there ? Shout Out to Doc Gonzo if you are still alive, heh heh)). Required a ST or Apple machine (was a UNIX world back then). Ran the Mega Wars as Game Master for them in 89 – two 12 hour days of campaigns that took about two weeks to set up and needed dual computers and phone lines to punt the info up fast enough (yeppers it was a dial up world ) – great times. Funny story about then – we had to portal through GEnie and it cost me about 200+ bucks a month. Folks at work gave me grief about spending that much for a game so I had to point out that you could not Fish, Golf, or even Bowl for $200 a month, (and the fact that the wife did not have to wonder where the hell I was). So…


Gaming never stopped. Loved the origin Star Wars. I had Jabba’s Souvenir Shop (go home with more than a lousy T-shirt) right at the foot the hill to his stronghold and sold the best sliced weapons on the server for reasonable costs. My vendor was always getting empty even though it was a 12 minute run to Jabba’s before rides were invented. More great times. Bit of a shame how they did crafting on this go around – but I can live with it.


Burned out on Air Warrior, Eve, EQ, Linage, Wow, Aion, Rift, D&D, Diablo (moo), Unreal, and the list goes on. So far I am enjoying this version of SW, but sadly it will probably also lose luster someday down the road. They all do sooner or later it seems.


To slow that down I am taking my time and actually listening to the cut scenes. They are interesting and the story lines have an impact to where you actually Feel for your toon and what it is involved in. Good call on their part.


Still in the wind on end game. PvP has an addictive side - which will wear away. On the upside, it took a year for AV to become boring - so there is hope. The rest just seems like Grind Away stuff (the usual – sigh). Hopefully they will bring out additional end game as more and more folks cap level. What that would have to be to keep my interest I have no clue.


Edited by brokendrum
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Wow! This is so cool! I had no idea that my little thread would generate so much response. It has been great reading everyone's posts.


I am interested in starting a guild. From the posts I read, it seems like most liked "The Older Republic" as the guild name. I currently play on The Razor, but would be open to any of the servers. I prefer PVE and only play Republic. Thanks for taking the lead on this!


FWIW, I'm extremely picky about who I group up with and have avoided joining a lots of guilds because this is the kind of guild I've been looking for. The guild I'm in now, Business Casual, fits what we're looking for pretty well, IMHO. If I might be so bold as to suggest it to the group, I wonder if you might all be interested in joining me in my guild?


Business Casual


We're Republic, and on the Mask of Nihilus server. Feel free to give me a shout if you're there and you'd like to, btw; Bobgoldstein. They have a Vent server as well, and while they aren't hugely active in the forums, they're very laid back, helpful, and definitely not "uber," "leet" players just looking to gring everyone to 50. I started six days before the official launch date, only got to 50 a few days ago, routinely suck at PvP, and they're very accepting towards me (they also have a few very good players who are willing to show you how to play better if you're interested).

Edited by georgemattson
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I think I miss the mark by a little bit. Can I be an honorary member?


I'm 24, married, and I do quality assurance on 4 and 5 star hotels in Malaysia.


No, no one (other than my wife, who also plays) knows I game. "Gaming" in Malaysia means playing Angry Birds :p

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37 / Sgt. at a county jail. Got hooked on WoW then burned out, came back for swtor and I'm hooked even worse...After dealing with some of the people I deal with on a daily basis, I guess you can say it's like meditation for me to log onto my Assassin and....well, assassinate things. Also, I think Bioware is doing a great job and after the minor fixes that need to be done, this will be the best MMORPG ever. In my opinion it already is. I've leveled 1 of each class on empire side to 30, and plan on taking them all to 50. My only real gripe with swtor right now is that I can't use macros. Unless that's changed recently.
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My wife and I currently play on Iron Citadel (Republic side) but we would definitely be interested in "The Older Republic" no matter what server it ends up on. Since there aren't server transfers (yet - hopefully), it will hurt to give up my sage that I'm finally closing in on 50 with, but it'd be worth it.


We would prefer Republic and non-PVP, but that's just us.


She's a VERY casual player, I'm a casual with delusions... :p

Edited by kadafu
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48 IT Consultant

Sith'ari Server, Republic

I play all class and my name always begin with Makk ( Makko,Makku,Makki,Makka )

keeping them near the same level.


Nice to know that there are so many of us.

I play computer games since 86.

WoW was my first MMO, and I was addicted. I raided hardcore 4 years, than quited.

Now SWTOR. I couldn't resist being SW fun.


Noone among my RL friends or even colleagues play any MMO, so they think that I am not completly normal. My wife hate it. My daughters ( I got 4 ) don't have any friend who's parents play MMO, etc, etc.


Playing WoW I always feel some kind of barrier, between me and other players ( younger ?, but I am not sure it's age dependent, maybe it's just me ).

It's some kind of "faster,faster" attitude, which I can't bear. Just run through the instance like storm, being overleveled and overgeared. I just don't get it. I feel comforlable in group when not in hurry. Talk a bit, think a while. Perfect cooperation is so ... exiciting.

I can't describe it well, but I am curious if someone feels the same way. Or it's age independent. I often think about that.

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Just turned 30, and I have the feeling that the best years are still to come! But I wanted to say that this thread made me smile... My dad, now almost 60, got me into gaming. He's moved away from Greece and is currently in Australia.


I'm thinking of asking him to join the game, even though I think he'll decline because he doesn't like too many of his personal details on the Internet (it's what stopped him from joining WoW) :( I haven't been that close with him to be honest and haven't heard his voice for years... But it would be cool if he joined the game and we played together some time.


Much respect and love to you "old fogeys" from a "future old fogey"!

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Playing WoW I always feel some kind of barrier, between me and other players ( younger ?, but I am not sure it's age dependent, maybe it's just me ).

It's some kind of "faster,faster" attitude, which I can't bear. Just run through the instance like storm, being overleveled and overgeared. I just don't get it. I feel comforlable in group when not in hurry. Talk a bit, think a while. Perfect cooperation is so ... exiciting.

I can't describe it well, but I am curious if someone feels the same way. Or it's age independent. I often think about that.


I think I understand what you're referring to in the quote. I, too, felt something like this in my old guild on WoW. I was never quite sure if the "we don't relate" feelings I had were due to personalities or age differences; but, I had some strong suspicions a lot of it was due to the latter.


That's one reason I'm so interested in this idea of an Older Republic Guild being formed! It would be fun to visit with folks in-game who relate more to filing taxes than taking final-exams. I hope somebody actually does it. I'll be there in a heartbeat if they do! :)

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Playing WoW I always feel some kind of barrier, between me and other players ( younger ?, but I am not sure it's age dependent, maybe it's just me ).

It's some kind of "faster,faster" attitude, which I can't bear. Just run through the instance like storm, being overleveled and overgeared. I just don't get it. I feel comforlable in group when not in hurry. Talk a bit, think a while. Perfect cooperation is so ... exiciting.

I can't describe it well, but I am curious if someone feels the same way. Or it's age independent. I often think about that.


Amen to that; I know exactly how you feel. 38 days to make it to 50, which seems about 32-33 days longer than some players take. Luckily, my guild is very understanding and doesn't rush me at all. A lot of that delay was due to not gaming every single day and taking time for family stuff and work, but even when I'm online I like to spend a lot of time doing... well, "whatever," I guess. Some days I spend crafting, collecting datacrons, or doing side missions, and I almost always like to go through all the dialogs and listen to everything.


This is actually one of the other reasons why I've historically played MMOs as a solo player. Even in the more inclusive and friendly guilds, I haven't had a lot in common with the other members.


But... at the risk of spamming this thread, I'd like to point out the guild I've joined on Mask of Nihilus. As a 44-year old IT manager with 32 years of gaming (yeah, I remember card punches, programming in BASIC, the Commodore 64 and TRS-80 Color Computer, etc.), I've managed to find a guild that I think fits pretty well with what a lot of people here are asking for. It doesn't have the "The Older Republic" tag name, but IMO is essentially what we're looking for:


FWIW, I'm extremely picky about who I group up with and have avoided joining a lots of guilds because this is the kind of guild I've been looking for. The guild I'm in now, Business Casual, fits what we're looking for pretty well, IMHO. If I might be so bold as to suggest it to the group, I wonder if you might all be interested in joining me in my guild?


Business Casual


We're Republic, and on the Mask of Nihilus server. Feel free to give me a shout if you're there and you'd like to, btw; Bobgoldstein. They have a Vent server as well, and while they aren't hugely active in the forums, they're very laid back, helpful, and definitely not "uber," "leet" players just looking to gring everyone to 50. I started six days before the official launch date, only got to 50 a few days ago, routinely suck at PvP, and they're very accepting towards me (they also have a few very good players who are willing to show you how to play better if you're interested).

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Wow! This is so cool! I had no idea that my little thread would generate so much response. It has been great reading everyone's posts.


I am interested in starting a guild. From the posts I read, it seems like most liked "The Older Republic" as the guild name. I currently play on The Razor, but would be open to any of the servers. I prefer PVE and only play Republic. Thanks for taking the lead on this!


I would also be interested in being a part of a adult guild (posted earlier, 42 year old auditor). I originally started a toon on The Razor - Republic, think she's around level 25. I don't mind starting on another server either, whatever works. If your around this weekend look me up or I'll try to catch up to you.

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39 yr old Land Surveyor here. Been playing MMOs'?RPGs' since I was about 15. Watched the original (No episode no.) at a Drive In Theater in my small town. Anyone remember those crap speakers that you had to hang on you car window? Boy did those things suck!



One of the greatest moments of all time was taking my 9 yr old son to the midnight opening of Revenge Of The Sith and he was in full Vader gear. All of the fans were cheering him on as we walked by (We had reserved seats) and he and I had a light sabre duel in the theater while we waited for the start. Great Times!

Edited by JadedSinner
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I'm 53, I mainly wonder why in the heck well-adjusted, successful people care one whit about what other people think of them if they play computer games.


I was told, when I was unsuccessfully shipping my resume' around once again after being laid off from IT programming and Network Administration for the second time, that saying that you play computer games as a hobby as opposed to, knitting (bleh!) or stamp collecting, could actually make you seem sharper and more of a first-adapter for new technology.


If you think about it a bit, as I have, learning about hardware and software innovations are an integral part of computer gaming. It is a multi-million dollar industry after all.


Just sayin' :)

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37 yrs old, work in IT and been playing MMO's for the last 15 years or so, starting with Ultima Online.


it's not so much the gaming itself that keeps me going but the fact i play with the same people for quite some time now and our talks on TS while playing go about just everything, from everyone's day or troubles at work or personal life.

have to say those people have become part of my life and i wouldn't want to miss them.

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57 year old Senior Unix Systems Admin for a major grocery store chain. Retired military, 3 kids, 6 grand-girls, married to the same beautiful woman for 37 years.


I've been gaming all my life, board games when I was a kid then pinball, then pong and space invaders and on and on an on.


Started Ultima Online in 1998 and been an MMO fanatic ever since.

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I coordinate production for a CM.


First MMO was Asheron's Call, and I loved the genre ever since.

SWTOR is somewhat the physical manifestation of the childhood fantasties in my head, playing with my action figures when I was a tyke.


I think growing up alongside gaming from it's beginnings gives a more relaxed attitude towards issues in the games today, just by having the perspective of how far along things have come.

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Turning 30 within a month. Glad to read the post.. i am heading home to level my 47 sith juggernaut . Played almost all mmo's that came out in the last decade or so. Besides playing atari.. my first 486x pc had this game where the central character looked like a trooper.. "crusader: noregrets no mercy no remorse" if anyone remembers that game. :p


IT consultant in rl.. grinding away all my creative energy.. in the corporate blackhole. Did bachelors in comp sc. Would love to work with like-minded ppl someday.



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65 retired Federal business executive. Been gaming nearly my whole life starting with games like Clue and Risk and Monopoly, then going on to Avalon Hill board wargames, then single player computer games, and for several years now, mmos. My wife also plays mmos. ;) Edited by lightmentor
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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.



Well put, youngling. (54 here)

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53-year-old psychiatrist. Vividly remember the first movie, opening week, and how I felt dizzy at the first jump into hyperspace. Never seen before (can you imagine that?) and utterly unexpected. No DVD's then, not even VCR, so when I saw it 6 more times, it was at the theater, all before it left town.


Heh - I know some child psychologists who play, but this is beneath all the other psychiatrists I know.


I get that a lot in my own neck of the woods. I suppose its socially acceptable to game where I'm at, but only if it's Minecraft or Angry Birds on your iPhone or iPad.


It's socially acceptable to also have a closet Wii addiction, but only for the sports games, and the Wii Fitness games. Maybe Mario if you have kids.


MMO's? O'lawdy, horrible timesinks, just think of all the books you could read and publications you could write and all the trips you could take and all the conventions you could attend, and do you really think those things are a good investment of your time, and how do you network in an MMO; even shmoozing at conventions bars would be better than hiding in your house killing zombies in a video game.



Kyaha. Happiness: Still not conforming to procedural engineering or conformity biases in all cases.

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