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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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I am 61 years young, retired U.S. Navy, a technical writer and illustrator... and a Jedi Knight Sentinel. A few friends and I recently formed the Stargeezers guild on the Sith Wyrm PVE server. My fellow guild officers are close to my age, one a legal assistant and the other in education. Anyone interested can contact me, Eclipce, or Alrisha through this forum or in game.
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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.


Question is, if a Sith kept grieving you for an hour or 2 and you found out the next day it was someone at work on your team. Would you fire them?



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35, IT Engineer, UK


All alone on a server where I know no one. And I keep out of general chat unless I know an answer to a question someone asks.


We had Pong and an Atari 2600 when everyone else was on the Mega Drive and SNES :)

Edited by joeypesci
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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons.



While I do not quite meet your age criteria, I am a 37 year old wife and mother of 4 sons. I just wanted to say that I literally snorted a laugh that earned a funny look from my husband when I read your sock comment.


I'm a professional mom who manages a household dominated by males AND I manage to keep the dirty sock smell down to a minimum. I'd say I'm a pro.


Many of my socks pre-date Nirvana. My feet cry out their indignation.

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We need cross server guilds so all us "old" people can join up! :D


I have to say I'm more than pleasantly surprised at the ages here, from what I see on my server I can tell that a lot of players are beyond their teens but had no idea there were so many like me around! (47 btw).

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45 and 3/4 lol.


Had a construction business with 12 employees till the recession .


played wow too much but started to try other games because I was losing interest in wow ,This one has all the things I was hoping wow would get ,so I hope they get over the bugs they have ,then I can see myself playing this more.

I,am not rushing ,cause I got sick of hanging around the capital in wow at 85, so am gonna focus on enjoying the levelling on different characters ,give em chance to iron out end game.

Definitely a good way to escape into another dimension.


Trying to get mates to play as a social thing using the free skype to chat and keep up with whats going on.


If there is a geriatric guild I would love to hear about it I know you can have 25 people on skype would be nice to play with other oldies .


I got in a really nice mature guild on aion but the game ended up to grindy after lvl 20 ,you would have to be brain dead to get to 50 in that so I couldnt bring myself to play it .

Hopfully this wont happen here.

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I'm 47, a retired civil servant, and a mother of a 15-year old daughter. We both play. I adore this thread. :D


I too love this thread!! It makes me want to find people like this in-game. Been so frustrated lately with the state of general chat that more often than not, I just turn chat off.


It's neat that you play with your daughter. My husband and I play together and like I said, we've just been turning off chat and playing in our own little universe. Which is sad because I hate not interacting with other players. It's encouraging to know the servers aren't just populated with mouth breathing, foul mouthed jerks.

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We need cross server guilds so all us "old" people can join up! :D


I have to say I'm more than pleasantly surprised at the ages here, from what I see on my server I can tell that a lot of players are beyond their teens but had no idea there were so many like me around! (47 btw).


I have a theory about that. I believe that the loudest and most vocal in general chat and whatnot make it LOOK like they are the majority...simply because the older, more sedate, and more mature crowd merely wish to play the game and stay out of the nonsense in chat. And when I say older and more sedate, I am not referring to age. I am referring to maturity level.


Maybe we should start speaking up more, huh? I'm serious, I have been seriously disheartened by the pervasive BAD ATTITUDE found in-game. If you DO speak up against rude or abusive behavior, you are told to grow a thicker skin and 'this is your first mmo, isn't it?' I'm sorry, but just because this is the way it's always been in mmos doesn't make it ok.


And I just re-read your post and realized I mis-read it the first time, but I hope you get my meaning. :D

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I will be 45 in March and have been gaming since there were games. I am an artist and writer with a background in the game industry, but currently working in advertising. Mother of 3; I raised them all to be gamer geeks and my oldest daughter is nearly as huge a fans of comics, Star Wars and gaming as I am.


The average age of gamers continues to climb every year. Last I checked it was 33 years old. Of all the other first gen gamers I know, none of them has any plans to stop playing.


Hey my birthday is march I cant rememeber if I'am 46 or 45 on my next birthday ,Christine will probably surprise me an tell me am 47 .I know when I was born so I will have to get acalculator to be sure lol.

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"You're only as old as you feel..."


Well, this 37-year old; disabled; security specialist feels 57 so I'll pipe in. My earliest memory is of seeing Ep. IV in the theater opening day in '77. I've been a fan ever since. Most people I know are.


It's been wonderful reading through this thread. Age be damned. If you're down with the Wars, you're part of one of the best communities out there. Stand tall peeps, regardless of age.


Can't wait to see how this thread evolves.

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I'm 45 and a computer technician for a major media company. And like others who are older, I also saw all of the movies in the theater during their first run. I think I saw EP4 something like 8 or 10 times when I was a kid.
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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.


While you are much older than I; I am a 31 year old Immunologist. I have my MD/PhD and have a clinic with 30 regular patients and see around 10-15 referrals a week. I also work in a lab for my director, until I can get my K grant that is.


Only one person I work with knows I play MMOs; he plays them as well, sadly he is 23 and fresh out of his undergrad.

Edited by RG_jhanlec
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Turning 40 this year. (Ugh, I really don't want to admit that.) :eek:


Engineering Technician for a city government. (I get to draw up the plans for parks, bridges, and railroads.)


Saw the original movie in the theater in 77, had the 12" (?) figurines of Luke and Leia.

Started pen and paper gaming at about 15.

Had a Commodore Vic 20 for my first gaming computer.

First MMO was EQ, then SWG, then EQ2, and ran away screaming from SWG NGE. ... I still miss my creature handler. I also dabbled a little in LotRO.


I will admit, I just started this weekend. Friends from EQ2 dragged me over. I then had to tweak the graphics so I don't get motion sick. But that was also what told me that I'm going to like the game, as if I'm willing to get sick while playing.... yah, I'll probably stay.


It doesn't hurt that my hubby has also been playing here since launch as well.


I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted, playing Republic. I'm too much of a goody two shoes to ever be comfortable playing anything dark, sorry.

Edited by Cerilynn
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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.


48 years old here. CTO of a telco (some of you probably hate). Play a couple of hours a night to unwind. Been playing computer games since the early 80's.


One of the many benefits of playing these games, is that I learn the "lingo" of the younger players. Which has served me well, over the years.


Oh and yes, I remember seeing the original Star Wars back in 77. I saw it 13 times. Seen every film since and read several books. And played every SW computer game as well. Obviously I'm a big fan of the series.

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Just turned 39 at the beginning of the year. Single with a pug puppy. 1st MMO ever but am having the time of my life. I play far more than I should. I am an IT lab administrator for a company that 90% of you have something of on your PC's / Mac's
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Turned 40 this past September. I own and operate a physical therapy clinic and co-own a bonding office (yeah I know, totally unrelated). Married, 5 year old twins, and a 5 month old. I must say I don't feel so strange playing MMOs now knowing that a bunch of other crusty old farts are playing too. :eek:


Yes, I do recall Star Wars in theaters.


Ha! :p

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Loved reading this thread :)


Will be 40 this year. Not a professional. Chose to stay home with the kiddos. Lived in Asia for 8 years during which time we started homeschooling. We loved it so much we kept going when we came back stateside. So, my job is educating younglings (well, one has moved on to college).


Husband is 45 soon. Military.


Kids are 19 and 13.


We all play. And, thanks to being raised right, my boys hate f2p and actually like to earn their way through a game :p

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42 and a Surgeon.


had a good chat with a nurse who was going on about SW:TOR and how he was having a blast playing his Jedi, and was shocked when I asked him how the Hard Modes were going.


Awesome! I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall :)


I'm 35 going on 18 Network Consultant running my own IT Consultancy company and very close to being a Dad for the first time!


Been PC gaming for over 20 years and console gaming many years before that. Deffo got the t-shirt! :)

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I'm there with you McGraw. I got the first Atari console and Atari 800 Computer in my youth, this led me to an education and career in Engineering and IT. I am now approaching retirement age as an Analyst/Developer in a Major Aerospace Company. Always been a 'gamer', started at work playing Adventure after hours on a Data General minicomputer. Started Online RPGs with Ultima Online, then Everquest, EQ 2, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, Lord of the Rings Online and now SW:TOR. Tried a lot of styles, but have gravitated towards healer/support role. Always the same character name, Hobneb, since DaoC.


Hobneb the Sage


I have tour shirts older than the vast majority of the player base. This is not a joke or exaggeration, I STILL have a tour Jersey for Megadeth from a little club from their 1983/84 tour. It's ragged, it's thread bare, dang near see through it's so thin now, and, no it doesn't fit anymore, but I still have it in a frame on my wall in my gaming room.


I predate home computers. I predate console systems. I predate CDROM games and CD's. I predate Cartridge games. I predate VHS. I dang near predate Cassettes and 8 Tracks. Most the people here won't know what an 8 track is since Wiki is down for the day, and definitely won't know why they sucked as a medium for music.

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