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Fix Marauder!


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Stop whining, they aren't going to buff it. Each class is geared toward different play styles and balanced based on that. The classes aren't meant to be easy for everyone to play. And if you are talking Huttball PVP, tanks pretty much own that game so good luck with that. Not every class is going to be good at everything. If you are a medium/light armor wearer, you are always going to be squishy and depend on escape techniques to survive. That is how RPGs work. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Every class has a weakness and a role. If you want to be able to take big hits, go Jug or Powertech.
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Wow you guys are clueless if you think the class is working as it should... Either that or you play an OP.....


I am level 50 and i have been for some time....I have full tier 2 pvp and pve gear. I really dont understand how you can even argue that our damage in pvp is gimped.....We cannot put out EVEN CLOSE to the burst that other dps classes can and lets face it....Sustainable dmg is NOT optimal for pvp thats strictly pve....Why is that so hard to grasp?


We have power techs who can not only nuke from far away but hit like *********** trucks...then u have the 6k critting stunning OP class OP, then u have mages who can just sit back and blow you up with ease....


Our damage in pvp is very minimal in terms of burst....and we cant stay alive very long in fights either....Our cooldowns do not last very long and that means that after what 10 seconds or so of blowing all of our cds we die? Is that survivability in pvp? Sure you can argue that it is.....ExCEPT for the fact that we hit like *****es in pvp .....So by the time we have done even half the dmg an OP has done we are dead.


Hell even a jugg smash on the ground does an instant 3k on me.....


One last thing.....Why in the **** bioware.... does kick not work in PVP....Honestly why do you give us a move that does pretty hefty damage and we cannot use it in pvp...I mean we are a melee class we are in fights constantly and we are nuked down by every class that has a *********** stun or some way to CC us until we are dead.


We basically cant pvp unless all our CDs are up and they are on long cool downs.


So the people who are successful at playing the class are the one who are clueless? Interesting. Only thing that needs to be fixed is the ability lag, and occasional non-firing of certain skills. I'm not sure what you are doing wrong to make you feel like you hit like a ***** in pvp, but I certainly don't have that problem.

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You forget how dumb we look, wearing medium armor is ok, but WHY HEAVY ARMOR gets some robes (well LOTS of them) looks and WE GET ONLY ONE ???? One that is available in blue/purple form at least to heavy armor too what a shame !!


You also forgot how we bounce like dead puppies in a homeless party with all those knockbacks in the metagame atm !! It'd be freaking hilarious if not for the fact that you have a 80% of being killed during those with stuns and bad survivability of us (and that often our tools are on cooldowns OR 2 sec delayed too late)

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Stop whining, they aren't going to buff it. Each class is geared toward different play styles and balanced based on that. The classes aren't meant to be easy for everyone to play. And if you are talking Huttball PVP, tanks pretty much own that game so good luck with that. Not every class is going to be good at everything. If you are a medium/light armor wearer, you are always going to be squishy and depend on escape techniques to survive. That is how RPGs work. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Every class has a weakness and a role. If you want to be able to take big hits, go Jug or Powertech.

Yeah bro, those sorcs with their shields are so squishy for a light armor users.

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My marauder hasn't even broken lvl 30 yet, and during heroics, I've been asked to slow my DPS down because i hit too hard. The Marauder class is comparable to modern technology: It's only as smart as it's user. I'm no pro at this Marauder thing, and I honestly don't care in the slightest about PvP. (I'm more into the story, heroics, and endgame operations. Forgive me for not being as competitive as the rest of you, it seems, and to quit based on one currently "broken" feature is utterly retarded and I'm glad we weeded out the players who are too impatient to wait for a still fresh out the stables game to improve.)


I'd say if you pay attention to your class, do some reading, ask questions to players with a bit more knowledge/experience than you, and overall put some effort into your class, and you'll be fine. Don't expect your Marauder to come out the gate swinging tree trunks if you equipped him with *****s.

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THIS IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY stop QQuing L2P or change class


it might have been more impressive if the maurader in this video was fighting level 50s with battlemaster gear, however its not very impressive to see a level 50 maurader in champion gear running around squashing level 18-25 players any class can do that.:cool:

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I love the higher skill cap.




My opinion; leave them how they are, balance Operatives and Sorcerers.


Video in signature is me fresh at Level 50 with only 1 piece of PvP gear (38 expertise).


I do think marauders need some kind of buff. I am not opposed to the idea though that other classes get nerfed to the point where it is a fair fight.

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So what I'm getting from most peoples comments are that marauders are fine as long as your one of the best players at it.... where as a sorcerer/operative you can nuke down players w/o much skill at all, so what happens if a great op meets a great marauder? The op wins, that isn't fair... but I don't think that they need a buff, just more tools so that their pve (which is fine) stays the same but they could compete better in pve
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if an operative or scound gets the jump on me and is a great player i'm fine with dying.

After all if i get him out of stealth i eat him alive, so its only fair he got his chance as well.


All of this marauder cries is only an L2P issue honestly. just get in touch with a successfull one out there ( there are more than you think ) , and ask for tips.


Also the complexity of the class isn't really an issue , there are specs for it that are much simpler to play than the others , carnage for example is easier to play than annihilation or rage in pvp dps wise. if you take into account all the different cooldowns and escape moves , interrupts and buffs we have sure there is a few buttons to have , but no big deals , get a naga or/and a speedpad and you'll be fine.


I'm using about 28 direct keybinds not counting movement keys, i clic a few other skills that are low priority and i've been ok so far.

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The problem isnt Marauders are underpowered, its that healing is severely overpowered as people get expertise. You've been noticing it more and more, troopers and sages switching to healer, because they can throw out decent damage and still heal. Every game Ive played today has been half healers. Games end with huge damage numbers, but low deaths, and no objectives taken


Expertise means that if everyone gets full battlemasters, we will all get the same bonus damage as damage reduction...so the ONLY overall effect is that healing is more powerful. It means that it becomes harder and harder to kill a team that has stacked healers, and they will eventually wear you down.

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So, nothing is wrong, but the juggernaut gets a mobility fix.


All I'm asking for is:

- 10-15 meter range on our snare. I cannot use a snare if I'm getting kited and can't get to 4 meters.

- Give back saber throw. Dunno why it was taken from marauder. Maybe because we could at least gain some rage with it while getting kited?

- Change Unbreakable Rage because uninterruptable Ravage only hurts us right now (enemy moves, you are rooted). Make it "cannot be cc-d while Ravage is channelling".

- Force Choke should be non-channeled by default, and not just with a Juggernaut-only talent. That would bring SW closer to all the classes that have an instant cast stun at lvl 9. Or just give SW an insta cast stun at lvl 9?

Edited by Tyrpak
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I really hate when people talk about how bad class x damage is in this game without a proper parse but I think it's safe to say that if you think your single target damage is significantly behind all other dps classes then you are either deluding your self or are doing something wrong.


I have played one charracter to lvl 50 and 6 other charracters as alt to lvl 20-30. Marauder being one of my alts so I could do pretty wide range comparsion from classes and I could say that Marauder dps is among one of the best from all classes I have played.


As I have played same content with many of the different classes I could say that marauder can kill everything very rapidly and deal very high dps very long period of time without running out of energy or overheating.


In PVP good geared marauder is real killer when paired up with pvp tank that could protect marauder.


DPS is not the problem for marauder people who say so are doing something wrong. Sorry to say but I am just being honest.


Marauder Strenght:

- One of best DPS in game

- Cannot overheat or run out of energy in longer fights (like what could happen imperial agents or Bounty Hunters)

- Have Best single target stun in game (that does good damage and stun as long as other classes stuns) Many other classes stuns do 0 damage.



- Survivability

- Being one of purest Melee in game

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I have played one charracter to lvl 50 and 6 other charracters as alt to lvl 20-30. Marauder being one of my alts so I could do pretty wide range comparsion from classes and I could say that Marauder dps is among one of the best from all classes I have played.


As I have played same content with many of the different classes I could say that marauder can kill everything very rapidly and deal very high dps very long period of time without running out of energy or overheating.


In PVP good geared marauder is real killer when paired up with pvp tank that could protect marauder.


DPS is not the problem for marauder people who say so are doing something wrong. Sorry to say but I am just being honest.


Marauder Strenght:

- One of best DPS in game

- Cannot overheat or run out of energy in longer fights (like what could happen imperial agents or Bounty Hunters)

- Have Best single target stun in game (that does good damage and stun as long as other classes stuns) Many other classes stuns do 0 damage.



- Survivability

- Being one of purest Melee in game


This is a ridiculously stupid statement. Force Choke is a channel and as a result an extremely bad "stun". With Rakata/Battlemaster gear you will be doing around 1500-1700 damage over the 3 seconds. This is horrifically bad compared to the damage any class can do over the duration of a stun. To make matters worse many classes have 4-second stuns that have a very large range and aren't channeled. Force Choke is widely known as the absolute worst "stun" in the entire game.


We're also overshadowed in DPS by many other classes. The fact that we're melee and a pure DPS class seems to be a total disadvantage. Unlike WoW being a pure DPS class doesn't mean we have more utility or versatility since Rage spec is terrible compared to the Jugg version(their T1/T2 talents are far better suited for this spec) and Carnage spec is overall fairly bad DPS compared to Annihilation(based on 100+ tests on council Annihilation is 200DPS better in columi gear even without using berserk). We're actually worse off than most hybrids when it comes to utility and versatility. A sorc or BH dps simply offers far more to an Operation or a WZ. Snipers offer a great raid wall during operations. We offer party-wide Bloodthirst but it isn't nearly as good as it's WoW equivalent.

Edited by Tumri
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I'm a 35 marauder and I abuse every skill I have. If you haven't noticed that you need to take advantage of every skill then really reroll. I take down group of weak mobs in 3 seconds. If its not crowded I do pretty good in pvp. Mara needs some adjustments but is not broken
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Why is it that you released a major patch and did not do ANYTHING for our class? You left us exactly how we are....We need a buff...We are a class that is so vulnerable to damage in pvp its rediculous.....We have to run into every fight we cannot hide and we get blown up so fast even in full pvp gear...Something is wrong with this picture.....Not only that but we get stunned constantly.....Why in the hell have you not fixed these issues Bioware.....What purpose does a Marauder have if he cannot do damage like other classes and dies faster than any other class?


Even with all of my bubbles and cooldowns I can live for a little while but my damage output even with FULL epics in pvp is absolute garbage.......that I just die anyways....These issues need to be looked at in a serious way...I am paying for this game and I want my class to work correctly and scale properly.


Let me get this straight..you believe they should buff us because we are easier target's in PVP?..I play a Sniper and a 50 Madurr. I do agree that on my level 12 Sniper I can do as much damage as my maurr because I am fighting from a distance. Also die less because I'm less up close.


It's odd how much damage I can do to other classes but no buff will fix that in melee. The ranged if they are in long distance will pick off other classes. That's just the perk's of some of other classes.


I think in PVE they do great. They have great buffs. Do good damage. It's only PVP when it's horrible but we do get a bunch of stuns and we can take alot of damage before going down that's a few of the perks.


I feel the class could be buffed up a bit in light saber damage but I fail to see how any buff will take the design out of the game that ranged have more the advantage.

Edited by DragonAgeOrgins
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I'm a 35 marauder and I abuse every skill I have. If you haven't noticed that you need to take advantage of every skill then really reroll. I take down group of weak mobs in 3 seconds. If its not crowded I do pretty good in pvp. Mara needs some adjustments but is not broken
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I'm a 35 marauder and I abuse every skill I have. If you haven't noticed that you need to take advantage of every skill then really reroll. I take down group of weak mobs in 3 seconds. If its not crowded I do pretty good in pvp. Mara needs some adjustments but is not broken


Get to 50 and we'll see how you feel. :)

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I love my marauder, but i feel like i need more damage, maybe its because i dont have meters but it just seem like mercs do more damage than us and sorcs but were a dps only class, we should pretty much always be ahead but maybe we are.. I guess i cant say anything about our dps until i see meters. Either way our pvp survival is fantastic, learn to use your cooldowns, especially undying rage and force camo.
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I've been having a lot of fun with my Marauder up to now.


I'm running a Carnage build at the moment and i find it really fun and engaging to play. You have to be on top of your abilities and have to think ahead of your opponents all the time.


I like the fact of not having a set rotation that i just rinse/repeat all the time... everything is very situational and you have to take everything into account such as your cd's and rage etc more than other classes i find.


Like most melee i usually find that there is too much CC in pvp :p but i guess thats how the cookie crumbles. Reducing the cd on Unleash would be nice, plus Unbound in the Carnage tree (ForceCamo breaks you out of movement-impairing effects)...

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I'm a 35 marauder and I abuse every skill I have. If you haven't noticed that you need to take advantage of every skill then really reroll. I take down group of weak mobs in 3 seconds. If its not crowded I do pretty good in pvp. Mara needs some adjustments but is not broken


You're level 35 meaning you have no buisness judging the characteruntil you go to level 50 pvp and find out how bad this champion is in pvp. Wait until you get excited ready to jump and use every skill as before your jump ends you are already knocked away or off a ledge or you are squishy so your trapped in cc until you are dead.

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You're level 35 meaning you have no buisness judging the characteruntil you go to level 50 pvp and find out how bad this champion is in pvp. Wait until you get excited ready to jump and use every skill as before your jump ends you are already knocked away or off a ledge or you are squishy so your trapped in cc until you are dead.


This is true, CC will break the back of ANY Marauder. I don't care what you're doing, a stunlock will still **** your day up. Marauders need a little more utility, and either a knockback or a harpoon move. (Hmm, I wonder what people would say to adding a talented knockback effect to Force Scream? To Massacre? Hmmm............)


However, Marauder DOES have a TON of damage if done right. I've been both Carnage and Anni, and they're both good specs, they just play differently. Carnage is the burst spec, we all know this, but in order to survive it has an escape in the form of a snare-break cloak which when stacked with Predation can get you out of range of nearly any class. Annihilation is more sustained that Carnage, doesn't have NEARLY the front-end damage of Carnage. However, on the back end you have (When fully specced out) almost 5% healing and 1% party-healing for every tick of your bleeds which can essentially tick forever. Annihilation also hits for almost 1k more than Massacre, even though Massacre makes up for that with Ataru procs.

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