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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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How short our memories are. Let me take you back a few years. The day was Monday. All was well in the Eastern Plague lands. But a storm was brewing. One unlike the mmo world pvp had every seen. The day was Tuesday, Valor had arrived. The fields ran red with orc and undead blood alike. As roaming death bands of 40 paladins and mages, azeroths best. They killed with out mercy, with out compassion. Till all the plague lands where still. This went on for weeks and weeks, before the gods did take notice. The end result were battle grounds to take people out of the field. It would almost be poetic if not so tragic to repeat such a folly.



Your tears fuel the cry for blood.

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Hi folks,


We're currently investigating potential issues related to the Ilum open world PVP area post 1.1. We understand that this is a topic of much discussion and we ask that you please direct all discussions to this thread.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:

  • No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  • Please stay on topic.
  • If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.


We will update as soon as we have more information.


Update #1


Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues (we used the term "potential" during our initial investigating, and have now removed the wording on the title of this thread) and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.



When creating a game, the successful ones are going to follow three rules...


1) no lag


2) smooth game play


3) no lag


When you have achieved this, you can now start designing a successful game.



Test center... Why in the world would have you people level up on test center? Test center should have the ability to be max level, use any equipment, etc. Otherwise, you can not test accurately.


The sad thing is, before this patch we knew about server load lag in Ilum. We had a lot of it with 20v20.


How do you expect us to play a game where we can't really play a game due to the amount of server lag and lag that we receive with that much going on?


Want to fix it?


Reduce animations that cause lag. This game is full of them. I realize that this goes against much of which bioware makes games... but guess what? This isn't a single player game, so stop treating it as such.


When you say you fixed something, actually fix it. I get the feeling that the developer notes are all just blatant lies.


MAKE THE GAME SMOOTH, especially in mass. You failed to buy servers that were good enough to run the game. Sorry, but you had to know this, I pointed it out many times in BETA.


If the game is unplayable, it doesn't really matter what you put in game. I remember in BETA, I pointed out that the game wasn't ready for release. The Devs claimed that we were 3-4 games behind the one they were on. There really isn't much different in gameplay when I started playing over a year ago and now.


Take a step back from the game, and realize that you made this game bad. You ignored many people telling you what you needed to fix. You did not put this game in the best position to succeed(ignoring beta players, buying bad servers, not producing a smooth game).


Start making moves towards putting this game in a good situation to thrive. Many of you developed some many other failed games. The gaming community is small and word will eventually spread that you guys can not do your job and hopefully will become unemployable in the near future.

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Update 1: We'll get you a response soon!


Update 2: *crickets chirping*


TBH, that's about what I expected for a response to this stupidity.


more like


Thread creation: "ok guys may be something is wrong with the pvp on Ilum"


Update 1: "oh yeah, ok guys, we see there is a problem..."








/shake head


thanks BW

Edited by Mikoul
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All of you saying you are going to cancel your subs your a small fish in a big pond ,do you think that really frightens Bioware lol ,you sound like WoW *****es and the less of them around the better.



CRY ME A REAVER !!!!!!!!


Save your anger for tomorrow when you log in and lose all the valor you gained today

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They fixed quite a few issues from the looks of it. This will be another that will be fixed.


That may be the case, but it certainly wasn't Ilum and that's what I was looking forward to the most. So while they may have improved other aspects of the game, things aren't going so hot with Ilum.


I'm a reasonable person. I've cut them a lot of slack on things, but anymore it's starting to feel like I'm back in beta again. As an example I'm now getting a random loading screen popping up while I'm trying to do warzones that just started happening today.


Things are just starting to add up and it's getting annoying. I already had my sub canceled from the error 9000 issues a while back, but those have since cleared up for me. However, I just can't see myself resubbing now with this latest patch.


I love the game, but I think it's a better choice to cancel my sub until the next patch to see what BioWare does with that and make up my mind then.

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What people seem to not understand is that this is a PERMANENT impact on the game it cannot be hotfixed without a rollback. No people arent getting a level an hour like some claim, but people are getting 4 or 5 levels of valor already today while in the late 50's. That used to be a full day of warzones (10+ hours) and even that wasn't enough for the last couple of levels.
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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


A bit ignorant, aren't you? Even on the most populated of servers, sharding prevents server load from having even the slightest of effects on gameplay. MMORPGs are supported by their communities, and quickly fail unless they can reach "critical mass," which only WoW has really been able to do and maintain.


You're a white knight, and your kind isn't needed here.

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All of you saying you are going to cancel your subs your a small fish in a big pond ,do you think that really frightens Bioware lol ,you sound like WoW *****es and the less of them around the better.



CRY ME A REAVER !!!!!!!!


Actually they should be...reptutation and word of mouth is everything in the gamer community. If they dont make this right, they will NEVER shake the stink of this off them or the game.

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All of you saying you are going to cancel your subs your a small fish in a big pond ,do you think that really frightens Bioware lol ,you sound like WoW *****es and the less of them around the better.



CRY ME A REAVER !!!!!!!!



wel when u have a 2 faction game , and 1 of the faction cancelled in 1 day i think it makes a a point even more if the pvp community will say THIS GAME S....S from pvp point of view NOBODY from the high lvl pvp guilds will ever play this game


and in 1 month will pe F2P

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PvP gets a quarter of each factions home base, half of the endgame gear, and probably a third of overall endgame play time. It is not insignificant. Just because something doesn't affect you does not mean it is not a problem. And have fun finding Operation groups when you lose a significant portion of your endgame players.


By no means do I find PvP insignificant. If that is the message I conveyed, I apologize.


I only recently got into PvP, but I'm enamored by it. Tons of fun. I never thought it could be so entertaining and team building. I've made many friends on both sides, and enjoyed learning from the Imperials who have handed me my *** on a plate.


Moreso I meant that during the short time that PvP isn't operational (practically or functionally), Bioware has used preventative efforts to give us many other diversions for the time. Believe me, having just gotten 50 and jazzed on PvP, Ilum is exactly where I want to be, and I'm quite disappointed that I won't be able to feed my new urge. I simply want to implore others to understand that there are real people behind the big "Bioware" sign, and these real people have real lives and yet -still- are attempting to help us in every way possible.


Its been echoed countless times in this thread, and I don't mean to blend in with the rest, but it has been one day since this macabre update went live. Not even a day. It hasn't even been a month since the game has been live itself. Give Bioware and their employees some credit, and therefore some faith, and therefore some time.

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With the advent (and continuation) of:

  • Encouraged Valor farming in Ilum after patch 1.1
  • Unrecoverable pvp advantages to the opposing faction provided as a result of the Valor boost given to the opposing faction
  • Still struggling with the fundamental differences in faction animations and the advantages that provides
  • Appalling randomness on pvp loot bags that means effort is not rewarded
  • Bizarre loot randomness in the new flashpoint


I have cancelled my sub with 14 minutes to spare. I did wait for your 'official' response to these fundamental pvp-breaking issues, but as I said in my previous post - it's midnight in 14 minutes in the country I live in and I am not resubbing to this in it's current state.


I'll put this one down to lack of experience and the only frustrating thing is, my kids won't understand why we don't have the game any more.


No, you can't have my stuff and no, the door won't hit me on the way out. Fact is, if you, the player, hold on to the shrivelling possibility that this game will meet your rapidly reducing expectations, you may as well get onto Amazon now and order your hard hat, sit at the back of the bus and lick windows with the rest of the strange kids.


Very disappointed.

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When creating a game, the successful ones are going to follow three rules...


1) no lag


2) smooth game play


3) no lag


When you have achieved this, you can now start designing a successful game.



Test center... Why in the world would have you people level up on test center? Test center should have the ability to be max level, use any equipment, etc. Otherwise, you can not test accurately.


The sad thing is, before this patch we knew about server load lag in Ilum. We had a lot of it with 20v20.


How do you expect us to play a game where we can't really play a game due to the amount of server lag and lag that we receive with that much going on?


Want to fix it?


Reduce animations that cause lag. This game is full of them. I realize that this goes against much of which bioware makes games... but guess what? This isn't a single player game, so stop treating it as such.


When you say you fixed something, actually fix it. I get the feeling that the developer notes are all just blatant lies.


MAKE THE GAME SMOOTH, especially in mass. You failed to buy servers that were good enough to run the game. Sorry, but you had to know this, I pointed it out many times in BETA.


If the game is unplayable, it doesn't really matter what you put in game. I remember in BETA, I pointed out that the game wasn't ready for release. The Devs claimed that we were 3-4 games behind the one they were on. There really isn't much different in gameplay when I started playing over a year ago and now.


Take a step back from the game, and realize that you made this game bad. You ignored many people telling you what you needed to fix. You did not put this game in the best position to succeed(ignoring beta players, buying bad servers, not producing a smooth game).


Start making moves towards putting this game in a good situation to thrive. Many of you developed some many other failed games. The gaming community is small and word will eventually spread that you guys can not do your job and hopefully will become unemployable in the near future.



All this crying from when you played BETA a YEAR ago...and yet...here you are still playing. Hmmm. Can't be that bad I guess.

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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


I'm also glad that SWToR has as many different activities (Space Combat, PvE fights and puzzles, Flashpoints, Datacron hunts, crafting, etc) to do. One sub-set experiences problems, in this case PvP, and manifold other options still exist whilst it is being fixed.


As a Republic player and a Jedi that doesn't plan to play anything else, I'm not worried about the faction imbalance or the farmed Valor and Battlemaster items. Being a Jedi represents sacrifice, working hard for tempered power instead of easy and quick power, and being grossly outnumbered due to choice of ethics and practices. If anything, I praise Bioware for making this situation exemplify the Jedi philosophy.


For those who are getting steamrolled on Ilum: please don't take it out on Bioware; find alternative forms of entertainment and trust that their great game so far is insurance that they are interested in a great game in the future. Realize that complaints and rage do nothing to improve the situation.


For those who are taking advantage of the situation: I truly wish you wouldn't, but you pay your money to Bioware for the ability to do so. Therefore, if you choose to do so, do so in good conscience and don't take the numerous cries of my butt-hurt Republicans as representative of us all. I'll be back to Ilum when planetary politics and technology are back under control, and hope to meet you there.


For Bioware PR folks: I'm so sorry. You are doing your job, and I'm sure you understand that your clientele is comprised of flustered teenagers and homebodies who choose not to acquiesce to any change whatsoever. Even so, I truly hope you can continue to work as hard as you have been, and rest assured that at least some of us appreciate your efforts on behalf of your company and will remain patient.


I signing this:)


People are so impatient. In a few weeks the only people who will still talk about this day are a small group of WoW fanbois.


Be patient and do some warzones or whatever :) The reason people are upset is of course because the love the game and wants it to be good, but there is no need for immature rage:)


Now...hold hands everybody!

Edited by andreas_barth
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Do you realize how long it will take to get that gear? While imps are completely finished with endgame us reps will be slogging through every difficulty. Plus PVP wil be UNWINNABLE.


Do you realize how little effort it takes to get columi gear? As long as your raid group doesn't have downs you'll get at least to hard mode soa.

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