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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Seriously? Your friends need to grow up then. I can't believe people would cancel an entir subscription after one bad patch and 6 hours of gameplay with it. Seriously, it's pathetic.


One bad patch and 6 hours of gameplay with it has destroyed the Valor system.


True story.

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As a Republic PVPer, I'm upset that this happened, but unlike 90% of the people in this thread, I know that it will be fixed eventually, sooner rather than later. I don't understand this paranoid point of view, where people are like "BW are doing this on purpose and covering up on purpose!" Really, not.


Just chill. I understand the rage you have over this, but if you have input, you do the community a dis-service by raging, name-calling and resorting to personal attacks, questioning the intelligence of developers who are putting a lot of work into this game. It's a mistake. Mistakes happen. Worst case scenario it will be fixed tomorrow. Can you all stop crying and just be reasonable for once? I already avoid the forums enough because of the overly vocal minority who are not happy with the game, but the amount of trolling and flaming in here is just silly.

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wow bioware. wow.


I am beyond disappointed. You fooled me pretty well - I actually thought the Mythic developers you had would be capable of doing something vaguely resembling competent, enjoyable world pvp.


Why not just drop an RvR lake from WAR out here? Various capturable objectives of different types...


Add PvE daily quests out there off to the side to encourage people to go out there. Add bank, mailbox to the base. Make the base *actually* impossible to siege. Bam. Now people will spend time on Ilum. With the announcements, people will know where to find people to fight.

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Yep. Lots of damn impatience here.




More like the engine's blown. Opponents with the best PvP gear = Opponents with a significant edge. Also PvP gear is better and easier to get so that means PvE needs to follow suit and do this too. It's not the end of the game, but you're playing the importance of this issue down too much.

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Yep. Lots of damn impatience here.




Are you kidding?


They broke the PvP system (valor) in this game...


It would be like the engine going out on a car. Some of us play the game for PvP you know, they even have servers for that kind of thing now I hear.

Edited by mrjoemama
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What was the point of the Guild Program?


One could have thought that by placing guilds on a server yourselves you would be able to balance the population. I'm not litterally speaking of a 1:1 ratio but at least something close...


This game is going to die faster than you manage to break it, I'm not sure if that's laughable or pathetic.


wow this actually completely escaped me. Good call! But, again, as is human nature, people quickly rerolled when they saw where the "easy" side was...

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Just so you guys know for future reference: if you want to BALANCE the factions, be sure to NOT reward the bigger faction for being bigger. Maybe a little bonus to the smaller faction that isn't gamechanging would help.


Stop making sense please :D


And ask for a job at BioFail. You would do better with no sweat.

Edited by demotivator
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Seriously? Your friends need to grow up then. I can't believe people would cancel an entir subscription after one bad patch and 6 hours of gameplay with it. Seriously, it's pathetic.


If his friends are like me its not just the patch and the following game play.


Its the entire lack of customer support and attention to feedback thats pushed me out the door.

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This is a discussion about faction imbalance here:




It seems many of you noticed that just now and act surprised, if there were as many posts in that thread as there are in this one i am sure Bioware would do something about it...


Bioware's heavy Empire oriented propaganda during development is one of the things that caused this huge problem.

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Everyone engaged in this should have their account banned for a month and their valor stripped from them entirely. ALL valor should be wiped back to pre 1.1


Valor gained via spawn camping should be stripped. Camping the re-spawn inside the opposing factions base is wrong, lame and should be coded out of the game ASAP.


But I got my valor today by fighting the Rebels OUTSIDE there base. In fact a bunch of them came out to the Southern control point. Sure we had the numbers and smeared them but we didn't camp there re-spawn point INSIDE there base.


At one point we had one entrance/exit camped and we all fought on the scaffolding and stairs. The other entrance/exit was open. At no time did we enter the Rebel base and camp the re-spawn area. Am I to be punished for playing by the rules because others broke the rules by spawn camping?



While I agree that valor gained toady by camping the spawn is bogus. Simply having the numbers and locking down the outside of the base isn't exploiting. It's a faction imbalance but it's not against the rules.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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If his friends are like me its not just the patch and the following game play.


Its the entire lack of customer support and attention to feedback thats pushed me out the door.




BW's behavior is a sign of the future things to come. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...

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Good job on the patch. Going to be completely awesome getting destroyed by the sith for the next few weeks due to the tremendous gear advantage you just gave them. Fell bad for all those guys that got battlemaster only to have it become meaningless in a 8 hour span.
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I don't think it matters what BW does at this point...what everyone said in beta was true...no one wanted to listen...here's their horrible fix...I think this ends my SWTOR tour...valor roll back or not...they really f'd up....no faction pop limit on ANY servers...how did they not see this coming??? Based on the pure stupidity of this patch I think I have to cancel, because I'm sure there is more horrible decisions to come...I'll wait for GW2 and D3
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