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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I'm a level 62 pvp Republic player and this spawn camping garbage by the Empire side is pathetic.


How did Bioware not see this coming?


Their has been countless threads about population issues/Illum and of course - common sense...


Sad, sad. 2 days and my Sub is up.


Pandas to the rescue.

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Horrible lag fest. Even if the turrets aren't being camped, the only other 'acceptable' option is to group en masse and fight face to face at one point on map. There's no point to this garbage. I've played other MMOs where my computer could handle world pvp with lots of people with no problem. Why is it so awful here? Please just shut west Ilum down until you guys come up with something worthwhile that has been thoroughly tested.:mad:
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Ok, think about it in a business sense. They don't have "proof", they have screenshots and some data floating around. There is no way they would shut down servers on a maybe. There is probably red tape to go through to get anything major OK'd. This means having data most likely in a predetermined format. They probably have some issue escalation process, which involves some form that has to be filled out with data they've collected and sorted etc, about what the problem is. Then they have a meeting about it. Then they go through the data and see what the best course of action is that would least likely impact $ but also provide a sense of "we're listening and care.


They can't NOT care. They want to have jobs, no one wants something they work on to fail. They'll try their best, maybe it will be enough for some people, maybe it won't be enough for others.


Am I happy about the current state? (not just the PVP issues) Not really. Did I change my sub to 1 month- yes. Will I wait to see how they handle this- yes. Will I continue to give them another chance- yes.


I like the game in general, but if I have to unsub for a bit until I'm comfortable coming back so be it. Or maybe I'll be fine with what they do and people will be like "oh we didn't actually get valor really fast".


I do feel like how they handle this is key, that's why they won't be making some rash decision or some poorly put together official response. I'm waiting, somewhat impatiently, and hope for the best!

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these changes to ilum pvp are very bad, especial on servers that have 10:1 ratio for either rep or empire. there are very lil crates, spawn to long, either up the crate spawn time and count, or let us.


What took maybe 30minutes will now take hours, forget about how long weekly will take on servers that have no republic or no empire

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if only the pvp were as cool as warhammers pvp.


I actually prefer Warhammer's end game city pvp to this garbage. Even if the instance you were in was overrun with the opposite faction, you could force them out slowly if you organised yourself since each instance was balanced in numbers when it was full.


Even with the lag when there were hundreds of players in the zone, you could still enjoy the pvp.

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They could perhaps use powerful NPC soldiers to even the balances out for either side, if one side outnumbers the other. As in, for example, if there is 10 Republics and 20 Imp's then give the Pub's 10 additional NPC soldiers. I think I've seen a game or two that used a similar tactic to decent effect . . .
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My only hope is EA force Biowares hand and ban all the kids abusing this when they take the servers down, we all know how EA loves there bans (UO and WAR)


Personally I utterly refuse to step one foot in Ilum until it's fixed, glad I read about it here first.

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It should be illegal to be this stupid.


There's just no way around the fact that this was a known issue AND anyone with half a brain could have figured out what would happen even if the issues weren't known to begin with.


But the issues were known and that makes this just ... I mean you lose faith in humankind when you see such lack of professionalism, intelligence and ... I'm at loss for words.


No words can describe how painfully inept some of the work in this patch is.


100% totally agreed! But what do you expect when Bioware confessed they play Empire characters and design the empire mirrors to be better than the republic mirrors?

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Rollback valor now or a lot us that legitimately ground battlemaster will be leaving.

Rollback valor now or a lot us that legitimately ground battlemaster will be leaving.

Rollback valor now or a lot us that legitimately ground battlemaster will be leaving.


Words cannot express my anger.


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You guys do realize that fixing problems takes time. They can't just wave their hands and make it all better in an instant. Be patient it'll be fixed in time they can only do so much in the little time you guys are giving them.


I am republic and I am frustrated too but just need to be reasonable about the situation.

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Ok, think about it in a business sense. They don't have "proof", they have screenshots and some data floating around. There is no way they would shut down servers on a maybe. There is probably red tape to go through to get anything major OK'd. This means having data most likely in a predetermined format. They probably have some issue escalation process, which involves some form that has to be filled out with data they've collected and sorted etc, about what the problem is. Then they have a meeting about it. Then they go through the data and see what the best course of action is that would least likely impact $ but also provide a sense of "we're listening and care.


They can't NOT care. They want to have jobs, no one wants something they work on to fail. They'll try their best, maybe it will be enough for some people, maybe it won't be enough for others.


Am I happy about the current state? (not just the PVP issues) Not really. Did I change my sub to 1 month- yes. Will I wait to see how they handle this- yes. Will I continue to give them another chance- yes.


I like the game in general, but if I have to unsub for a bit until I'm comfortable coming back so be it. Or maybe I'll be fine with what they do and people will be like "oh we didn't actually get valor really fast".


I do feel like how they handle this is key, that's why they won't be making some rash decision or some poorly put together official response. I'm waiting, somewhat impatiently, and hope for the best!


I didn't think rational responses were allowed in this thread. But seriously, thank you for not adding to the rage and flames of "FIRE TEH DEVS!!11one!1!"

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