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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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No honor from turett kills, all the honor/valor/rainbow points were from killing the 30 people, Now the buff stack I was getting close to ~300 per kill, moved about a half a vlaor rank. All was done solo, no need for a group, just go in, spam say death field, when the lag and screen flicker will let you.


Also, was able to rezz some of us imps on the snow slopes up to the base proper, but not in the base proper.

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So let me get this straight....


1) No proof has been put forward that the turrents actually gave or give valor even if for a brief time....NOTHING.


2) The only other thing I see here is people complaing that Imp outnumber republics and thus are camping them.


While this needs a fix....there is a simple solution..DONT GOT TO ILUM AND FEED THE IMPS!


Yes I know you need to go there to get your dailes and such that is why I said this needs a fix..but it is hardly an exploit.


No sane man charges in solo against 30+


Strawmen more.

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So let me get this straight....


1) No proof has been put forward that the turrents actually gave or give valor even if for a brief time....NOTHING.


2) The only other thing I see here is people complaing that Imp outnumber republics and thus are camping them.


While this needs a fix....there is a simple solution..DONT GOT TO ILUM AND FEED THE IMPS!


Yes I know you need to go there to get your dailes and such that is why I said this needs a fix..but it is hardly an exploit.


No sane man charges in solo against 30+


You're the only person STILL talking about the turrets. Just stop talking.

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So Dev's have blundered here BIG time.


On a server such as mine, Warriors of the Shadow, you have a 3:1 IMP vs Republic Ratio. Now add to the fact that the 'evil' side gets most of the good PvP players. On top of this add the fact that there are some classes which have big advantages on the Empire side(no, they failed to make them mirrors) and now add the fact that EVERY SINGLE EMPIRE 50 NOW HAS BATTLEMASTER VALOR BECAUSE OF THIS PATCH exploiting the Turret Valor.


Need I explain further why this entire system is going to fail?


Has anyone at Bioware played Warhammer Online, Dark Ages of Camelot or other MMOs besides WoW and understands how things work? If so, put them in charge fast!

Edited by Hurkk
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Been watching this forum subject for the past hour "blow up" . Im at work all day and somehow Im jealous for not getting in on the action (Im Valor rank 52 atm). I understand the feeling with the "grinders" getting to battlemaster....so Im in line with the others thinking if there isnt a serious repercussion or rollback as many clamor for, or either a viable fix, Im ready to unsubscribe just in thoughts of what the future hold with upcoming big patches.



True epic fail....


At least the masses came out and voiced their opinions that got a actual Dev to respond....

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The planet needs some immediate attention. Here are some of the more obvious, yet easily implemented possibilities:


1. Strengthen the defenses around faction bases. Both of them. This will prevent massive incursions into the bases beyond the most organized of groups. Make this more than turrets. Perhaps a few Jedi Watchmen or Imperial Guards to be present as well. Base incursions should be a difficult task for any faction.


2. A defensive buff needs to be granted to the faction which does not control the zone. Some sort of base buff plus modifiers for the amount of positions which are not currently held. This needs to be a significant bonus as well. Something along the lines of an inherent expertise buff.


3. The Valor bonus for controlling the zone needs to be reduced immediately.


3b. Valor needs to be split between group members. Doing 700 damage to a player while 25 others do the same does not warrant the full valor amount!

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Buff the side with less population. Debuff the side with to many. Spawn NPC that are champions in the battlefield on the side that has less population.


Give people more incentive to play Republic. Like double XP or some awesome looking gear. Give a bigger boost of Valor to those that play on the side with barely any population.


I mean do something for those that play the losing side. Hell, put Heroes on the battlefield so it makes this like Star Wars: Battlefront.


Crud like this failed hard with WoW since Wintergrasp. It won't work here, either. None of that "balances" the fact that what people want to be is winning. Giving a faction awards for being slapped silly in PvP is a politer form of humiliation, but it's still humiliation and the minority faction will still be very much the minority while the majority have a lovely time with their Ilum Turkey (Turret) Shoot.


Here's your long-term solution:




In the short term? Rollback, pure and simple. This is a frenzy on some servers, and it's utterly obliterating your already fragile PvP system in the process. Ilum is Bioware's Chernobyl, and the irradiated derpy PvP zergs are growing by the second to Godzilla-like proportions. Put things back to pre-patch and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. Then start over with Ilum.

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Offifcial response should be. WE FU*CKED THIS UP AND WE ARE TRULY SORRY.

Servers will be brought down to close of Ilum and we are LOOKING into a rollback


They did not roll back valor when people first started queuing for warzones and having it get closed down due to the lack of players, they will not roll back now either.

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Fact: This thread has more outrage than the people against SOPA.


This is a sad, but true statement.



How if I yelled at a you for doing something wrong all the time. You'd hate it, but if you got constructive feedback you'd be more accepting and probably change for the better. Seriously, I think half the people are here are rage-filled 14 year olds that use mom's credit card.

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