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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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What a complete mess and a game-breaking exploit. This issue needs to be competently and quickly fixed, the valor gains from the turret exploit need to be rolled back, and Bioware needs to send a strong message to the community playing this game that future patches will not break more than what they fix.


I agree, how can I be proud of what I earn if tons of exploiters already got everything easy and quick?

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Sorry, but this is not a game where player ability can overcome 4:1 odds, yeah there are a few mmos where you could do this by being exceptional at your class, have detailed knowledge of what every other class is capable of and exploit it in order to win 3:1 or 4:1 odds but not in swtor.


I have zero interest in losing to a team simply because more people rolled there that is a complete cop out and unacceptable, this will easily be proven by the numbers becoming even worse off


Well yea, I never said it did. Our server is obviously reasonably balanced, and even then it's like usually the imps having the better coordination. I cant imagine the nightmare of the odss being stacked against us in addition to that heh.

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clearly there are problems with imbalance right now but I just wanna rofl at everyone who is saying "oh we got battlemaster legit" and "shut servers down now!!!" fact is illum was always supposed to give valor so just because you grinded out the broken system your crying foul and if they shut the servers down to appease 20% of the servers pop they would get just as much feedback as this post from people who are pveing or doing datacrons.
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Players, testers, people, human beings, and humanoids with a moderate amount of intelligence told Bioware that Illum would need a zone cap. The sad part is everyone who tested Illum, or didn't, realized how the new implementation of the open world pvp would boil down to faction imbalance, and the players simply farming that imbalance.


Are the developers currently working on Illum know what a video game is let alone an MMO? I don't need a degree in coding, computers, or even have a general knowledge of the gaming industry to know bad design when I see it.


Matter of fact a reasonable human being would expect some amount of common sense to fall into place, and realize how big of a mistake these current changes would bring. If the software is an issue that is your problem Bioware, and you should seriously consider upgrading so in the future you're able to implement the correct features needed for open world pvp.


It's sad that the players who played in earnest had to spend weeks, or more to earn their valor rank 60, yet with a lack of care, forethought, and prior planning players are now reaching valor rank 60 with the most idiotic of ease.


Is that all Bioware knows how to do? Write a good story? Seems that way.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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So let me get this straight....


1) No proof has been put forward that the turrents actually gave or give valor even if for a brief time....NOTHING.


2) The only other thing I see here is people complaing that Imp outnumber republics and thus are camping them.


While this needs a fix....there is a simple solution..DONT GOT TO ILUM AND FEED THE IMPS!


Yes I know you need to go there to get your dailes and such that is why I said this needs a fix..but it is hardly an exploit.


No sane man charges in solo against 30+

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Only way Ilum will "ever" be balanced is if they start doing something funky and start grouping sets of Imperial factions and Republic factions across the server and rotate groupings dynamically.


For example, Republic players from Server A and Server B share Ilum with the Imperials from Server C. Republic players from Server C and Server D Share Ilum with the Imperials from Server D.


As population ratios across servers change, these types of pairings would need to adjust accordingly. Seems odd as Republic players and Imperials from the same server may not actually be competing against one another (breaking up the server's pvp community).




Or instance Ilum and lockout players from the the overwhelming faction and provide buffs to the underdog faction.




Or introduce some sort of neutral npc faction that can ally itself with the underdog or work against both Imperials and the Republic.

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Lol, some of you people are just rediculous with your Chicken Little responses.


**** breaks. **** doesn't turn out like expected, despite the best intentions. I PvP for PvP's sake, not for dailies or Valor. If a patch breaks things, I trust that the people who want my money aren't just throwing their hands in the air and saying "well, we tried!" I'll go finish up hunting my Datacrons, or do some PvE, or any of the other **** ton of things I've yet to do in this game.


The baiting in this thread is just rampant. There are probably more trolls in this thread than people actually trying to discuss the issues.

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Ilum is just a living hell at the Republic base on my server. The Imperials are camping it and ganking zoning in Republic players asap for mass valour. World PvP died today in SWTOR. Edited by Ewgal
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