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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I am going to make a really long post about what is wrong with PvP because I'm obviously smart and BW really messed up.


First, I will make a comment about how imbalanced my server is. Please note how I emphasized what I think is a serious problem.


Now I dont want to see like I'm just jumping on a band wagon here so I'll use eye catching words like unsubscribe and gamebreaking. Now that I think that my post matters, I will use some colored text to really drive the point across.


Now, to finish on a strong note, I'll put up a list of fixes that will undoubtedly solve the problem. (I need to make sure to make them look organized).


1. A technical fix that I do not understand.

2. A penalty to people that live at home in their basements.

3. Something in GIANT LETTERS


Also poop


Poop is CRITICAL to the Success of your post

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As a Republic player I have to say us getting whooped is alot down to ourselves.


I came on Ilum and people were just running around one by one trying to avoid the imperial juggernought that farmed turrents in our base.



A bunch of pleading in the chat later we actually got an ops group together at one of the side taxi stations and we had an equal fight in the middle of the park and did our dailies with ease.


But alas after they hit 30 people usually left so it soon dwindeled down and fell apart.


So it's not as much the problem with the game as it is with the organizational side of our faction (atleast on our server on day one apparently).



BW did make one HUGE blunder tho, giving players a way to farm easy valor with the turrets and all. Jesus Christ guys. WTH. Use some empathy, your players are always going to exploit "innocent" things like this. One would have thoght Illum 1.0 tought you that, but no, in 1.1 you substituted easy gear cheese with easy valor cheese (especially for the imps since us Republic players seem to suffer from a big inferiority complex/defeatist attitude).


Take the cheese out for petes sake. Theres talk of people with 100 valor running around already.

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100% Agreed,just cancelled because of this.


hero engine is fail engine. 2011, practically 2012 MMO launch... wow what a huge error in design.


SWTOR wanted to be innovative? A custom engine is a good start! Just like other recently released games in various genres. How can you even begin to start with innovation by using a 2004 archaic engine? (arcaic in MMO history)

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The lag is so bad that i get a loading screen half way into fights.. And i have a very good computer and im getting 15 fps and constant freezes, making playing a melee class impossible.


Also all i see is constant purple lightning..


I guess im lucky i play on a server were we arnt getting camp in the spawn area, But trust me, your not missing much (other than valor ofc) :p

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1) You need to have guard NPC's at the camps that spawn (champs and more will spawn for the side that is outnumbered)


2) All valor gains as of 10 AM central time 1/18/2012 need to be erased and reset


3) Valor should only be able to be attained through fighting with other players or the amount given from the pvp objectives drastically reduced.

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I'm confused. Why is it this Gabe guys fault?


Also, I'm unable to play today for the next 3 days so what are the actual numbers on Ilum valor gains?


I'm almost valor 59 currently and it took a long time to get there. I'm really hoping all the 50s won't be battlemasters when I get back.


the fresh 50's at valor rank 20 will be far ahead of you when you get back if they are imp.

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If they have to roll back valor they have to roll back everything.


I'm guessing most people think changing something to the way it was on a game with millions of lines of code is as easy as copy and paste.



Simply put, if there isn't a seperate database for valor gains they HAVE to rollback EVERYTHING.


exp gains, character creation and EVERYTHING else.


I think the levelers would be more pissed off if they lost a level or 2 because some kids QQ about life not being fair.

That's not true at all. Infact it's pretty much the opposite of true. If I have a db with two values of X and Y, all I need to do is set them to be equal. Now what you are suggesting is that they do not store valor in it's own discrete unit. If that were true then the game programmers are horribly inept. I do not believe that is true, the "designers" maybe but not the programmers.


I mean hell a simple c++ would do it.


define two ints x, y

get the inputs from two files

ifstream and you are set. Then just set y(new value) == x


The big problem they would actually have is the stuff people have purchased today. That would require setting many things back. So a better way is to pull a log of every character that has gained more than say 500 valor today, then set their rank to 0. That is also easily done.


Neither of you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Edited by Sirauq
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this, that is all.


no... it's not that simple anymore.


I want to see heads roll. literally.. there had better be a post announcing the firing of known individuals on the design and development team for pvp. this is gross incompetence.


people will get fired for this. there is no doubt. when the final tally on canceled subs come in from today... people will be getting fired.

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