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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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you know what you sound like?


Exactly like the fanboys in Age of Conan, Warhammer online and othose other games..

I am not trolling, EXACTLY 100%.


(disclaimer: This game will not just die thanks to how strong the Star Wars franchise it. But it will never be what it could have been if all the small fish leave the water)


BTW where have all the TOR Fanboys gone? I said this million of times on this forums and got flamed for it by the fanboys and the romance people.

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They lost a lot of that good faith when they rolled this patch out to the live servers despite repeated protests that precisely this situation would result.


And where are these posts telling them not to do this because it was likely gonna happen I would love you to link me some?


Because I can't find a single one on the test forums ?


Not saying there not there I just would like to see em....

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The game was in development for 5 years. It was released with a lot of problems. The performance in Ilum is horrible for absolutely everyone no matter what kind of hardware you're running. On top of that they managed to completely destroy the PvP reward system in less than a day. Now... What gives you the impression that they can fix this in a reasonable period of time (as in right now?) when they didn't manage to do it properly in 5 years?


Agreed. I have completely lost faith in Mythic. My trust of BW, whom I used to hold in the highest esteem, has been severely compromised.


I'm not canceling because the PvE side of things is still relatively fun to me, but I'm mainly a PvPer and am extremely disappointed that I have no endgame now on my Pub toon aside from Raiding. The $15/month sub is nothing to me, I still pay monthly subs to other MMOs that I haven't even played for months.


But they do need to right the ship. At the same time, any optimism I had that this could be done is completely gone. I truly believe BW and Mythic are inept at developing an MMO. Sure they are good at making cutscenes and writing questlines, but everything else is sub-par. What happened today with Ilum just cemented my complete and utter lack of faith.

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All of you saying you are going to cancel your subs your a small fish in a big pond ,do you think that really frightens Bioware lol ,you sound like WoW *****es and the less of them around the better.



CRY ME A REAVER !!!!!!!!


That's a very dangerous road to go down. BioWare is going to lose subs over this forever because the first real patch is a big deal and this one didn't go over so hot. That's just the way it goes in the MMO world.


Word of mouth and reputation are also very important. While they may just lose a relatively small amount of people permanently over this, chances are those people are going to tell X number of people to not even bother with SWTOR, which will cost BioWare future subs.


If a company starts to get a negative reputation from the start, that can be a very difficult thing to get rid of no matter what progress they make with the game. Some companies and games never recover from it once they get pegged with a bad reputation.


Believe it or not, the immediate future is an extremely crucial time for BioWare to right this ship. We just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

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change illum into wz 32vs32 or 40vs40 because u wount find good solution for that

if you make kill enemy figth will be in bunkers

if u make destroy machines there will be no pvp

if u make kill enemy and destroy machines there might be pvp but in the end it also come to fighting in bunkers


if u change it into wz it might bring less problems to you and more fun to us ppl will have goal different than killing enemy undear base and will gain more fun first they will have to take down enemy machines than take turrets undear base and at the end take base by destroing guns there

it should be long it should be painful and bloody

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They lost a lot of that good faith when they rolled this patch out to the live servers despite repeated protests that precisely this situation would result.


Not to be crude, but making everyone else's smaller won't actually make your own any larger.


Also applies to Valor, coincidentally. Yes, oh yes, the other side -will- have better gear now. They will have gotten it earlier than we could have, and than they should have. But we -can- still get ours, with work similar to what it will have require beforehand. Our opponents may be tougher, but it is definitely still possible.


Can we not simply be happy that others have gotten something good, instead of being enraged that we have not shared their bounty? This entire thread reeks of Aesop's dog.

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you know what you sound like?


Exactly like the fanboys in Age of Conan, Warhammer online and othose other games..

I am not trolling, EXACTLY 100%.


(disclaimer: This game will not just die thanks to how strong the Star Wars franchise it. But it will never be what it could have been if all the small fish leave the water)

you need a a hell of a lot of fish to leave for that to open not the odd one or two who are spitting there dummies out in here .

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What do you expect?


Actually, this is a great example of what I was talking about earlier. When Faction Imbalance is allowed to get so out of control, such as Empire players massively outnumbering Republic players, this kind of thing stops happening. Some Republic players reroll Empire for easier pvp and grouping because of higher numbers, some Republic players realize they're massively gimped in PvP and stop participating, and others just quit out of frustration.


As such, I propose drastic balancing measures be taken. Ideas:


1. Institute caps on character creation on imbalanced servers. If the imbalance reached 2:1, prevent any more characters from being made for the higher-populated faction on that server until the balance improves. To prevent the Imperials from making a bunch of level 1 Republic characters to manipulate the balance, base the balance on the number of level 50 characters on that server.


2. Merge high-Republic servers (like those exist) with less balanced servers.


3. Move players or entire guilds from one server to another.


4. Provide more positive endorsement and advertising for Republic. Why endorse the Empire with a Darth Malgus statue in the CE, with no Shatele Shan option for Republic players. That was pretty messed up and shows obvious bias.




Bioware's heavy oriented Empire propaganda before the game out made a mess of things.


The fact that legions of people found force lightning to be so incredibly amazing is another issue.

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With the advent (and continuation) of:

  • Encouraged Valor farming in Ilum after patch 1.1
  • Unrecoverable pvp advantages to the opposing faction provided as a result of the Valor boost given to the opposing faction
  • Still struggling with the fundamental differences in faction animations and the advantages that provides
  • Appalling randomness on pvp loot bags that means effort is not rewarded
  • Bizarre loot randomness in the new flashpoint


I have cancelled my sub with 14 minutes to spare. I did wait for your 'official' response to these fundamental pvp-breaking issues, but as I said in my previous post - it's midnight in 14 minutes in the country I live in and I am not resubbing to this in it's current state.


I'll put this one down to lack of experience and the only frustrating thing is, my kids won't understand why we don't have the game any more.


No, you can't have my stuff and no, the door won't hit me on the way out. Fact is, if you, the player, hold on to the shrivelling possibility that this game will meet your rapidly reducing expectations, you may as well get onto Amazon now and order your hard hat, sit at the back of the bus and lick windows with the rest of the strange kids.


Very disappointed.



Yep I guess, after following this through an entire workday with no real information provided... I have to agree.


8+ hours waiting and nothing in today's world is probably unacceptable to more than half of people. I won't unsubscribe today as I have time. But, in the morning if there isn't at least something useful to read about the subject... I regret to say that only my freedom of choice can make a statement that is recorded analytically.


Tomorrow I suppose... I can wait another 12 hours. I've waited 8 so far.


BW please advise.

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They should rollback. The Imps will have an advantage over Pubs for a long time to come, as pubs have to make up a deficit, and Imp players will get bored because there are no Pugs to fight.


Roll it back while it's just one day.


So pubs dont kill anyone? On what kind server are you? What advantage? Battle commendation are random drops, so will take forever either way, plus improvement in gear is like 10% have you looked at battle gear?

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What exactly is there to discuss? The turrets give massive valor, have no diminishing returns and respawn instantly. How is that in anyway shape or form valid?


As for faction imbalance, not much you could do except cap the zone.


Also, possibly take a page from the game that shall not be named and implement something like Tenacity. Now they borked it because they didn't get the numbers right but with tweaking it could help.


Honestly you have one basic axiom, people love to win but will accept a fair fight. If you leave it such that it's a giant snowball (i.e. bigger faction wins more and the rewards get boosted by winning therefore giving them a greater ability to win), then the losing side (mostly Republic) will simply stop trying and give up. Then the winning side will have no one left to fight.




Do you guys need a spoon with that info up ur arse to get it in??

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They lost a lot of that good faith when they rolled this patch out to the live servers despite repeated protests that precisely this situation would result.


Every couple of pages I see a post from someone who has unsubbed because of patch 1.1 AND because of how the dev/community management team has handled the situation... and that's just a vocal few out of many who have unsubbed and simply chose not to let the world know on these forums.


I really really loved this game, and I'm so sad to see it hemorrhaging players like this... really wanted this game to succeed and having a thriving community of millions of players for years to come. Bioware has not shown any sense of urgency, their proxies to the playerbase are silent. In my head, I'm picturing the powers that be at Bioware, locked away in a small conference room, talking about how best to save face in this situation instead of taking action and rectifying this harbinger of a patch ASAP.

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