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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Just unsubbed. They are letting this get too out of hand. Being Republic was bad enough, with the animation differences (I play a Sage) and population imbalance, but this is too much.


Another thing I realized today is how poorly optimized the game is. I have a 2600k at 4.4 GHz, GTX570, and 8gb of 7-8-7 1600MHz RAM. When the battle started happening on Ilum, I had to turn my graphics to low to get above 8 FPS. This was before 100 Imps were there, it was maybe 15 vs 30 at the time and the game just had a meltdown. Too much lightning I suppose.

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Account is Canceled.. If they do not reset the Valor from today will not be back. Its sad worked hard to get 65, and this is such a great game. Would hate to see one patch kill it. There are better ways to do Ilum but main thing right now is valor has to be reset. Being Able to get to 70 in no time like some people have on sith side?? thats insane..Good Luck to you Bioware hope you fix it because i would really love to keep playing. If not looks like Diablo 3 going to have alot of people to play with.
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ugh. if it wasnt the valor farming, the lag alone is enough to make it unbearable. i love playing a game where i get 1 - 3 fps because there are over 50 ppl on my screen even with all my graphics settings set to low. This is countered to usually having 60-80fps with all graphics settings set to high (or whatever they really are.)


A middle ground is needed. Bring back Ilum v1.0 and just add a small number of kills on top of helping the war effort. Nerf the valor rewards completely so its on par to the same amount of time spent in a warzone.


oh and roll back all valor to server start after patch.


*snicker* until server start? someone is a little delusional.

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Just unsubbed. They are letting this get too out of hand. Being Republic was bad enough, with the animation differences (I play a Sage) and population imbalance, but this is too much.


Another thing I realized today is how poorly optimized the game is. I have a 2600k at 4.4 GHz, GTX570, and 8gb of 7-8-7 1600MHz RAM. When the battle started happening on Ilum, I had to turn my graphics to low to get above 8 FPS. This was before 100 Imps were there, it was maybe 15 vs 30 at the time and the game just had a meltdown. Too much lightning I suppose.


Gotta turn off name plates

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As of right now pvp on ilum is unplayable for healers.



To be fair, it's unplayable for pretty much everyone. I have yet to see a gameplay vid of 1.1 Ilum that is running at any better than 5-7 FPS, with 5-10 seconds of ability lag to boot.

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I have been at work all day, so no. I haven't even seen any of this, but if you are too impared to type /quit instead of being farmed, thats on you. if its broke don't sit there feeding it, basic common sense.


Crying about how stuck you are when you can leave the game at any time is beyond obtuse.


What you really just said.


Hey guys I'm gonna go ahead and grief you to the point where you cannot play your character and act self righteous afterwords, ok?

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For all the people that are saying that getting valor points from doing Ilum is exploiting, well you don't make any sense. They set the amount of valor you get for killing people for a reason. Therefore they wanted it in the game. Its not an exploit. Wheither they decide to change it is up to them so stop complaining. If you don't like it don't play. Most of the people that are doing raids in Ilum are going to grind Valor ranks anyway. Are you guys really afraid of competition??


In my opinion playing a game as its designed to maximise the benefit to your character is not an exploit its being clever. Its human nature to do this.


When everyone has full Battlemaster gear will they still go to Illum? Is there any reason to suffer the lag just to farm points?

Would they still play the game or cancel subs?


Delete PvP gear from the game and see what happens, we can all run around naked and punch each other.


All that has happened in this patch is that its moved flipping objectives to flipping valor.


**** then, **** now...if you have the class to take advantage do enjoy.


50 Bracket is Warzones is good!! Well done for that one.



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pretty simple. Don't lie and act like you have no way to quit. go play another toon.


I know, i just thought you weren't aware of the issue.


On the side note, i am amazed as well why the republic even shows up on Ilum with 60 blood thirsty Imps waiting at spawn point.


They messed up badly and it is their fault that the faction imbalance is this HUGE.

Their pro Empire oriented propaganda before the game came out.


Like someone here even mentioned they even put a MALGUS statue in all CE boxes....no SATELE, the Grandmaster of the Jedi order, seriously?!


Now their Empire bias form that period just came back to haunt them.


THIS particular problem just made it much more obvious for everyone.

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Nice, so I am not only forced to log off my character because of unintended gameplay but you are also rewarded at the same time.


My suggestion is that you try to save your mad for tomorrow when you log in and all your unearned valor from today is gone.


Also dont even bother loading up on the gear as they will be removed too.


No, you assume I am even in the game. I am at work. It doesn't take being logged in to know that any fool can type /quit and not get farmed or be stuck. There is nothing at all making you stay there and be farmed but YOU, so don't try to pull some "oh you must be getting mad exploits if you think i am dumb for letting myself be farmed" its just ridiculous.


I couldn't care less about ilum or wether or not they roll back the valor, which they won't. if anything they are going to try and figure out a way to only allow balanced factions into ilum.


Why? Because I don't have a lvl 50 yet. Yeah I have a job, and a girlfriend and stuff to do other than stay logged into a game and be farmed because its just so awful that I have to log out and play another character or god forbid do something that doesn't require being glued to your computer.

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I'm not sure if it's just today or this week, but changing from downing walkers and turrets to killing the other faction and gatgering armaments has ignored the fact that healers do not get credit for kills their ops group make. Also, when solo in the zone a healer needs a companion, which have been disabled.


As of right now pvp on ilum is unplayable for healers.


And Melee especially tanks. All I can do is saber throw once a minute and if a BH pulls someone choke. Actually glad I had to work today I really don't need to break another computer.

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Well, I'm certainly not reading 280 pages on how fail Ilum since the patch went live... that much is obvious without the eye-bleeding side-effects.


Seriously though, presumably the goal was to get the two factions to stop cooperating and actually compete/fight with each other, across the two factions.


Instead, we get one faction largely not present, and the other largely competing with itself for random spawns.


This doesn't feel like endgame PvP... this feels like an overcrowded Valkurm Dunes, competing for each and every EXP mob spawn to pull.


Epic Fail. The chests were just... I can't even say honestly without violating forum rules... but seriously. -.-;

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Well not much to say, but thanks for giving me a reason to go back and play some other games till I see a response. Been very addicted to this game so far but don't have an urge to play during this obvious guinea pig live testing you are doing. Since you couldn't test it properly with your test server it appears you just made it live to test. Pure speculation of course. So as I await a response I'm going to go beat up some punks as Batman :) I still have faith and will not cancel over this. See you "soon"
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I think BW should just bite the bullet and award all Republic players the same amount of valor points the Imperials farmed today.


I disagree, this still fundamentally hurts the game. Just do a rollback, people who farmed will suck it up knowing they shouldn't have anyways.

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They could just remove cannons and set god mode (or heavy healing aura) for republic in their own base - at least will give an opportunity to gather and fight back and stop valor farming. Edited by Elhana
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When I look at that picture I think, "There might be a potential problem" there, but I can't quite put my finger on it. We don't want to rush to judgement, what if there really isn't a problem?

Edited by Torcer
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I have been at work all day, so no. I haven't even seen any of this, but if you are too impared to type /quit instead of being farmed, thats on you. if its broke don't sit there feeding it, basic common sense.


Crying about how stuck you are when you can leave the game at any time is beyond obtuse.


You forgot one thing buddy...


The people who already are rank 60 plus on empire ressing on republic alts so other people can get rank 60.


In a stream over several hours (and saw the same thing on my realm) I watched the same people res over and over again. Add this to people who have no idea how to get out and have to come to a forum to find out how to do it (queue for a warzone).


Broken is broken. This crap needs a revert. All this did was screw over an entire faction on gear progression, screw pve progression (raiders didn't have as much time to run warzones), and screw over people who spent a ton of time getting the ranking the right way.


PvP isn't pvp when it is as 5 fps. The only way to fix this is to instance Ilum and make it give a REALLY good amount of valor (Just like Baradin Hold). When Imperials can't even get in the warzone (due to overpopulation) and aren't rewarded for joining a zerged faction? Maybe they will reroll...


You shouldn't have a huge advantage in a game at the faction selection screen...


You know what is sad? I have defended this game from the get go. I LOVE this game. The fact you could make me even think about cancelling my account and go from loving to hating this game in one day?


That means heads should roll.

Edited by biowareftw
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They showed a disturbing lack of foresight in allowing these changes to go live. They may be in over their heads in trying to balance a game system as large and complex as an MMO. Their total lack of communication over the course of the day is also really troubling. This is a bad day for all of us.


It is a sad day to be sure, but I attribute the lack of communication to the necessity for the response to be vetted and checked by the departments necessary before it is posted. They obviously know something is up, and the fact that it's taking this long means that they are discussing something...Like I said, I expect a free play time announcement until March and a fix for this issue very soon.

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Gotta turn off name plates


Nothing works...even tried 800 x 600 + everything else. I have similar system to the poster.


This game cannot handle Open RvR, don't try until you got something that has.


And for gods sake actually bother to test that it works propertly before you release it.


This game feels like a beta.


The game has potential.

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