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[REPUBLIC] Cancel your subscription and list Ilum as the reason.


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Resub if you want to continue playing, but the exit statistics and feedback are more closely watched than the forums. State very clearly in your cancellation form why you're considering this action, and I assure you YOU WILL BE HEARD.
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Your subscription has been cancelled.



























You have 9 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.

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I'm not here to try and talk anyone out of cancelling their sub, but I would encourage all Republic players to go to the link below and help petition to fix the issue. I am an imperial player and I feel your pain because I ran into the very same issue that you are experiencing when I played Warhammer Online. Lets try to nip this in the bud while it is still early and save the game so it doesn't become another WAR and wasted MMO.


Go make your voice heard and petition in the below thread if you want faction balance fixed.



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I'm not here to try and talk anyone out of cancelling their sub, but I would encourage all Republic players to go to the link below and help petition to fix the issue. I am an imperial player and I feel your pain because I ran into the very same issue that you are experiencing when I played Warhammer Online. Lets try to nip this in the bud while it is still early and save the game so it doesn't become another WAR and wasted MMO.


Go make your voice heard and petition in the below thread if you want faction balance fixed.




Faction transfers can't solve a problem like this. They're very technical and risky to do (all of the PvE story elements, flags etc. would be a frigging nightmare to deal with - I don't want that guy's job), will take a long time to create as a result, and it won't fix the problem quickly even when it does get implemented. There needs to be an incentive for the steamroller faction players to risk joining the steamrollee faction. What, you're just going to hope that the other half of the entire faction follow you over? Server transfers in WoW never worked for that exact same reason. People were too invested in one side to switch over, so they never got the population switching they wanted until people were fed up with years of having lag/login/high pop issues.


Its a problem that is cascading quickly. The fact that Imps are hitting valor 60 long before they 'should' is going to start affecting warzone matches very quickly. On top of that, frustrated Repub players are going to start leaving, making the population imbalance worse.


This problem needs quick action and some immediate core redesign, not faction transfers.

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This problem needs quick action and some immediate core redesign, not faction transfers.


I agree with some of what you said, but I disagree that faction transfer would not help. I think it would help tremendously. My entire guild would transfer to Repulic...if we had the means to. It woudn't be any more difficult in this game than any other game. When you change factions, your story has certain characteristics tied to it. Those characteristics would be matched to the equivalant mirror class (or what ever class you choose). If other games can do transfers from X class to Y class (which are completely different class types), then it can be done here with very similar/mirrored class types easily. Story line or not. It all transfers over to an equivalant. Core redesign does not fix the underlying issue that we are speaking of. Design does not dictate population. That is player choice and player driven.

Edited by Bulde
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