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My Companion's will fearlessly fight Sith, but won't set foot on an elevator!?!?


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I don't understand it. They charge fearlessly and without complaint into a battles where they can't possibly win on a single command from me. They never complain. Not once. They get knocked unconscious over and over again after I sacrifice them as cannon fodder so that I can be left standing. They utter not a single word of derision as I revive them for the 1000th time after the battle is over. Nor is there ANY hesitation to do it all over again and again.


But when it comes to elevators they quake with mortal fear. They watch motionless as I descend into the darkness and when I get off they somehow have "found the stairs" and are ready once again to support me in battle.


I have tried to be sensitive to their fears and occasionally say "hey I think I need take the stairs today I am getting a little 'thick around the middle' ". I then wander aimlessly around for hours looking for these stairs that only they seem to be able to find.


I have tried to figure out what the under lying cause for this fear is to no avail. At first I thought it was a fluke affecting only my first companion but as I added others they all seemed to have the same problem. Even my droid has the issue, which seems weird as it would imply that someone wrote code that makes him afraid of elevators.


I thought it might be some sort of claustrophobia but I've ridden elevators the size of starship landing pads and they won't get on those either.


I then thought hey maybe they are afraid of getting crushed. So I figured I would show them there is nothing to fear by having them sit with me at the bottom of an elevator shaft while an elevator came down right on top of us. Oddly just as we were about to get crushed we appeared on the elevator (some passive ability they have that they have keept to themselves apparently).


To my surprise they rode the elevator with me all the way to the top and even got off with me. I said "wonderful, see how easy that was, there is absolutely nothing to fear. Lets go back down". I rode the elevator down... Alone... while they watched from the top of shaft yet again.


Maybe I just got a weird batch of companions. I don't know. But I guess I will have to live with it. I shudder to think of battle with a Sith Lord that takes place on an elevator. I can pretty much expect to have to do that one alone.

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