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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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Paste the old code, add simple if/else function and add a checkbox in Photoshop - 15 minutes of work. Or am I mistaken?


Not sure if it is so fast, if they are using Scaleform for their UI (and i think that's what they use) it may take a little bit more time, like ... 45 mins ;)

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While i agree it should go back to the way it is... i feel compelled to point and say "drama queen!". Its not nearly as bad as you make it sound, and i play the same class you do.


yes i agree, it if it was unplayable no one was playing it right now... Personaly i dont see a issue but i understand others do, so this should be adressed, but its not the end of the world and isnt unplayable. And bioware already know this.

did you guys at leats see the vid?


at least it is something and proves that they are listening. The UI looks nice from the vid. But im pretty sure it isnt perfect and nothing is in life, and people will make it the end of the world because of some thing or another, its always like this a cicle

. If there is problem point out an issue dont make it like its "we are all doomed" people in todays day always want instant gratification, they have no patience whatsoever.

Edited by Spartanik
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While i agree it should go back to the way it is... i feel compelled to point and say "drama queen!". Its not nearly as bad as you make it sound, and i play the same class you do.


I was countingt last night, 11 abilities CD I have to keep check of in every fight.




That's hard enough with the old system, with the new system it's very difficult to tell what is off CD and what is nearly off CD (and by "nearly off" it can actually mean "have 7+ seconds left on CD" - 7 whole seconds where you could be trying to use an ability you cannot).


It's plain broken as it is. :mad:

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Hello folks.


I am having a rather disagreeable experience with the changes made to the UI, regarding the control of cooldowns.


From what I read on the patch notes, it was intended to make abilities not seem unavailable during the global cooldown. I did, however, have a very strong side effect of making unclear when certain abilities come off a long cooldown. It is not a fear of change, nor a "they changed now it is ruined" rant: it is an accessibility issue.


There are two ways, from the top of my head, to fix it:

1- Make it that the change *only* affect the global cooldown, and that abilities on "real" cooldown go back to being greyed out like before;


2- Make that we can see the time left to cooldown abilities as a number, instead of just a graphic cue.


Thank you for your time and attention.

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I agree it's definetly tricky to tell if a skill is ready or not in the last few seconds. I'm not really crazy about having numbers counting down on each skill tho, I think the best way is to make the count down on the skill display in a similar way to lotro, like a clock hand swinging from the top clockwise. Was always easy to read.
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I agree it's definetly tricky to tell if a skill is ready or not in the last few seconds. I'm not really crazy about having numbers counting down on each skill tho, I think the best way is to make the count down on the skill display in a similar way to lotro, like a clock hand swinging from the top clockwise. Was always easy to read.




Aye, and with a lot of the CDs the "last few seconds" can by 7 or more where you cannot tell if they CD has finished unless you mouse over it (or trying using it).


7 second is often an entire fight, where you're not sure what is ready.


The really needs to be sorted, ASAP, I think it's another example of the Devs are Bioware not actually playing their game (WAR had issues like this with the Bioware Devs making changes that seemed ok on paper, but anyone playing the game regularly would realise were daft).

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you guys are blind... played the game last night after the patch. and it looks fine


How can you always tell the difference between off CD and just nearly off CD (which can be 7+ seconds), it's very difficult to see if your just starring at that icon, if you are actually in combat and trying to keep an eye on 11 icons (and mobs and other targets) all on CDs, it's nigh-impossible.


I dunno if you are playing a class/spec with few CDs to worry about, or if you're just randomly spamming, but if you're not they you must have bionic eyes (and probably more than just 2). :D

Edited by Goretzu
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you guys are blind... played the game last night after the patch. and it looks fine


eventually you will click a button you think has become available and it does not fire because it still has a small sliver of a big cool down left. Then you will understand. Its not so obvious for everybody but I certainly notice the step backwards,

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i have to add my vote to change this too i wouldnt go as far as to say its unplayable but its frustrating...

its ok for easier questing but when u need exacts in ops or hm then it makes a diffrence ,and waiting for that cd to become available and thinking it is ,then it does'nt work till the 3-4 push is very frustrating and not enjoyable at all ....greyed out till available,count down timers, shout popups on screen are 3 much better options imo ,so i can focus on what im hitting more than looking at the hotbar and spamming an ability to see if its ready or not.

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Something else, not only it is too hard or impossible to tell if an ability is on/off CD but it's also overwhelmingly distracting when your whole toolbar is lit up. In PvP especially you often decide on an ability use based on quick observation of toolbar with your peripheral vision. You know where your ability is situated on the toolbar and a quick glance would give you ON/OFF sign based on quick color/light perception, which is enough for decision making to use or not this ability as it is ready.

This is now not possible as you would see a whole toolbar lit up but it actually doesn't mean those abilities are ready for use.

Directly influences your decision making and influences it for the worse, making it slower, making it incorrect, based on fast observation, in many cases.

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I notice this in PvP with my force cloak. Very important for me to know when it's available. The first few times I clicked it and I didn't go off I thought it was ability lag. Then after dying I moused over it and saw 10 second left yet the icon showed the ability available. This *is a bug. Not sure why people think it's a QQ. In EVERY MMO i've played CDs stay gray then flash back to normal when they are availabl again. I know that's shocking to some here but its true.... Edited by AugustusD
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I notice this in PvP with my force cloak. Very important for me to know when it's available. The first few times I clicked it and I didn't go off I thought it was ability lag. Then after dying I moused over it and saw 10 second left yet the icon showed the ability available. This *is a bug. Not sure why people think it's a QQ. In EVERY MMO i've played CDs stay gray then flash back to normal when they are availabl again. I know that's shocking to some here but its true....


Indeed, which makes me wonder again, who and why decided to "innovate" in this exactly case, which is one of the cases you don't need touched.

Mind boggling indeed.

What is starting to become annoying too is the 60 pages of posts with reasonable concerns and constructive suggestions and not a single official response.

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