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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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"The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met."



Let's break up their patch note statement, addressing each sentence on its own:


"The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable)."


Ok, I'm not even sure what they are saying here. I play a Sith Assassin tank, if I used any ability that had a CD, that ability did NOT cause any other abilities to be greyed out at all. It sounds like they "fixed" a problem that never existed in the 1st place. I never witnessed this problem all my time leveling to 40 before the patch went live.



Now onto their second patch note statement:


"Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met."


What the above statement fails to take into account is that the cooldown itself is an activation condition. There are 3 activation conditions: the resource, the range, and the remaining cooldown on that ability itself. An ability that is still on CD *should* still be greyed out, because it means that it is unusable. This was a huge oversight.


I noticed this huge detriment immediately as soon as I logged in after the patch and started tanking.


What this change does is 100% destroys the fluidity of chaining your attacks one after another with as close to zero delay as possible. It completely negates any benefit conferred from a players reaction time, because that reaction time no longer has a visual cue (trigger) with which to act upon. This was the benefit of greyed out abilities that are unusable (due to CD) even if their "resource costs and range were met".


This change is resulting in players mis-clicking on abilities numerous times because they think they are off CD when they are not (and in this game, reaction time is everything, even 1/20 of 1 second is significant). This destroys all continuity and seamlessness of executing attacks and defenses. This is something that absolutely needs to be reverted back to the way it was, it hobbles the execution of tanking actions, as well as the dps abilities of classes like a sniper which my GF plays.


Throw in that as a Republic player (Sentinel) most of my icons are made up of the same blue color used by the CD fader (Imps got mostly red icons) and we have another issue of epic fail on our hands.


It's like the devs don't put thought into what they do at all. Or favor the Empire. Oh wait.....

Edited by darthtoph
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OmniCC is one of the most loaded addon ever for WoW, and it's been there for years.

Only thing it does, is that it makes your CDs have numbers instead of rolling grey layer.

Even without any configuration, that number would be a lot better option atm.

If people cry and whine that it'd block the cool icons or whatever, there could be a simple option to, say, turn it off or something equally hard-to-code stuff..


But seriously, I would have thought numbers on CDs would be a staple at this points in mmorpgs.


The issue with current format shows especially well with higher resolutions, and I just tried it with a 2min CD spell, I could barely see the sliver of grey at the bottom of the icon when it still had that 8seconds left.. Really, why wouldn't you let players decide themselves what they want. =/ Good configuring options makes game a lot more enjoyable. Everyone likes their stuff their own way, why not give people that option, instead of trying to stuff triangles though round holes. :(

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Did you try the PTR? Did you report it?


HAHA yeah I expect a answer in about 2 weeks.. thanks


Side note.. I sent a thank you and take a guess how fast THAT got answered.. no lie.. WOW one day.

Edited by Dosblade
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People are this upset over a cooldown icon animation for an ability ... in a video game? It will be a sheer miracle if half these posters live past the age of 40 without serious heart problems. Seriously. Edited by Alkiii
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Till they fix it.




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Because I like it.

Edited by Alkiii
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There's one more thing that I haven't seen mentioned (then again, this thread is long):


I had my Ability Queue Window set to 1.0 seconds before. I noticed that after the patch, the Ability Queue Window was reverted to the default of 0.5 sec. I changed it back to 1.0 and it helped a lot. I know this isn't the issue that people are talking about here, but it may make the problem seem even worse.


Personally, I would be happy if CDs turn abilities grey, but GCDs do NOT turn them grey and only show the slider. Not only is the GCD pretty fast, but the queue window is there if you press it early.

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How in the heck....?


Because I am 64 years old, and I have a senior discount that allows me unlimited game time. Why? Because the stress I get from reading all you stressed out kids freaking out over video games not being perfect in every way, may cause me to take a permanent dirt nap at any given moment.

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But seriously, I would have thought numbers on CDs would be a staple at this points in mmorpgs.

I've never used OmniCC in WoW, but I have used another similar addon that I absolutely would never play WoW without. Rogue Power Bars. It has not been updated for a very long time but it still works. What I like about it is not that RPB had a numerical indicator so much, but rather that it had an extremely visible color bar that you could make any color you wanted, for any duration based damage (and many buffs) in the game. It didn't show remaining CD's on abilities but it showed you when you needed to recast DoT's (for example) for a Shadowpriest or Warlock. I also used it on my DK to know when I needed to reapply my diseases on time.


I mainly played a resto druid, two CD's which were extremely critical to monitor was when Swiftmend would be reusable again, as well as Wild Growth. For that I used Druid Timer Bars, which presented the same type of visual bar indicator as RPB did for DPS abilities, procs, etc. These WoW addons didn't give you useless information like the current implementation of this patch does for this game. When the visual color bar disappeared, you knew that that ability was now 100% available for recast--AND it even had the numerical values on top of that if that helped you more.


The bottom line is this: Every player relies on knowing exactly when their abilities can be used again, and this patch makes it so that an ability that is very nearly ready to be usable again indistinguishable from one that is actually immediately available. 99% ready to go (99% off CD) is still 0% ready to go if you need that ability right then at that exact moment.

Edited by CallmePilikia
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While I wouldn't say the game is unplayable, I agree with the fact that this is a bad change & needs to be reverted sooner than later. If devs insist on keeping it, at least add a timer on the bar so we have SOME idea of when it's coming off CD, not just "soon". Edited by GRINnBARRETT
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also the entitlement... mind boggling frankly.


If you are paying a subscription to something and that something is supposed to be working correctly, then by all means you are entitled to complain if it's not working. Given that the majority of the people that have posted in this thread have given specific examples of how this UI "fix" has made things worse, I think it's safe to say that you're just trying to be a wise-*** (either that or you are so blinded by your fanboism that you can't see reality).

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I think 1.1 was brought to us by a bunch of passive-aggressive developers.


"You want to see your reactive abilities light up when your GCD is going? Well, now everything's lit all the time! How you like me now?"


"You don't like Ilum win trading, huh? Well, try THIS on for size. It's what you asked for!"


Maybe someday people will learn and stop asking for fixes.


or maybe they will simply band together and beat the passive- aggressive designers intentionally ruining their own game with sticks ;)

Edited by LrdRahvin
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This new 'feature' forces us to stare even more at the icons to guess the remaining CD.


For tanks (or probably melee classes) it is even more annoying because most of our important abilities - interrupts, defense skills - have quite long timers. Now try to tell if there is one pixel row of the icon left (~2 seconds) or 2 rows (~6 seconds)... multiplied by number of important abilities.


Makes planing your next moves a nightmare and while you stare at icons trying to figure it out, the healer in the back gets eaten by <insert something ugly>.


At least give us the option to switch back to the old UI.


Baud, not amused tank

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From the PvP thread i started. Now this is only only Ability being used an an example:




As a Republic Force Sentinel your using the same CD color Indicator as the majority of our abilities. Below is an image taken from my Pc.


Is Force Stasis on CD?







Six seconds remain on Force Stasis CD. The visibility of the small line decreases even further at

one to two seconds.



For those that dont know which icon is Force Stasis. Sixth ability in from the Bottom Right.

Edited by Mahdii
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