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Allow Faction Transfer - Petition Here


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Let me preface by stating that I am an imperial player because my buddies (guildies) wanted to try the "bad guys" for a change. So here I am. Had I realized the factional population would be this unbalanced, I would have convinced my guild to roll republic (I like being the underdog). The problem however is that I have now logged hours and hours of play time on my Bounty Hunter and once I roll a toon, I pretty much stick with it. Not one for creating tons of alts.


I really do wish I could somehow flip a switch and swap my current toon over to the republic side (or atleast to it's equivalent mirror class).


I would in a heart beat and I think a lot of others who want to see pvp a success in this game would do the same.



At this point the only way the devs can get server faction populations balanced is to:


A.) Allow faction transfers,



B.) Allow Server transfers,



C.) Allow both faction transers AND server transfers.



Option A is generally the best option and the easiest to implement as it generally helps balance things and does not leave vacant or dead servers by having a mass exodus of players moving from server to server.


I think factional transfer is the best solution at this stage in the game. If you agree and support this, please petition in this thread. Thanks.

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Not recommending server transfer. Its the option I recommended least.


Faction tranfer is very doable. Simple coding. A = X, B = Y, etc. You would get a diff story line on the other side obviously and all gear, rank, titles, etc. would transfer over to equivalants.

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whats the point, don't feed this company anymore money.. i've waited 4 years for this game to finally come out and its a total flop i wasted 150 bucks on the collectors edition and about 1 month worth of time leveling and pvping im done with it i have no more faith in this company
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By allowing faction transfers, they'd invalidate one of their big selling points: story. If you faction transferred, you'd have no incentive to re-level an alt to "see the other side". Many wouuld simply faction transfer, instead of re-roll. And in the end they might quit sooner. (On the other hand, some people might quit because of the imbalance... so who knows if it would balance out.)
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They could make Bounty Hunter and Smuggler faction independant when it comes to PvP zones (like Ilum). BTW I was planning on becoming a Smuggler after finishing my current Sith Warrior to help the Republic (I know it's one man, but still), but I'm considering to decide against it just because all those switchers. Edited by bigtukker
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I do not feel pitty for anyone who is Empire that wants to re roll now and have a free transfer... Anyone following this game in beta up to release knew that bioware expected at the very least a 3 to 1 population in favor of the Empire.


You should not get a transfer option. I wanted to play a BH but I rolled republic b/c I knew. You should have too.

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The option to join the majority, farm up all the free l00tz and then go back to the side I really want to play... Yeah that sounds like something I would abuse willingly.


...oh...so your that kind of person. kind of person that only contributes to the problem and not the solution. nice man.

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They could make Bounty Hunter and Smuggler faction independant when it comes to PvP zones (like Ilum). BTW I was planning on becoming a Smuggler after finishing my current Sith Warrior to help the Republic (I know it's one man, but still), but I'm considering to decide against it just because all those switchers.


Thats actually a really cool idea man. Hadn't thought about that. Would help even things out a bit. Would take some tweaking, but doable.

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I do not feel pitty for anyone who is Empire that wants to re roll now and have a free transfer... Anyone following this game in beta up to release knew that bioware expected at the very least a 3 to 1 population in favor of the Empire.


You should not get a transfer option. I wanted to play a BH but I rolled republic b/c I knew. You should have too.


Seriously dude... Someone creates a petition in an effort to HELP your factions situation and you still manage to say something negative and post garbage like this.

Edited by Bulde
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