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Legacy Surname Needs to Go!


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  • 2 weeks later...

HOW *********** ANNOYING


I reached the level where I can pick a surname... *** it applies to all of my characters on that server? How the **** am I supposed to pick a name that fits everything I might play?


Fine, I won't pick... what the ****, the goddamn window keeps popping up to tell me to put one in!?!? How *********** annoying!




I think I'll make my surname, Rages Against Idiots.

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The legacy name is for 1.2 patch in where you'll be able to create a family tree with your characters at the selection screen. Eg. Make two of your characters husband and wife, then asign your other character as the daughter. They said they may even have it so you get a family quest, in where you would play as one of your characters, and the other characters would show up as npc's in a mission. Which I think would be pretty sweet.


Oh yeah, that will be cool... So I'll have a male Chiss Bounty Hunter, Male Zab Warrior, Male Cyborg Agent, Male Twelik Jedi, Female Human Gunslinger... Yep familiy trees will be real sweet! NOT


Do the RP servers folks actually make 4-5 characters and make them all Chiss or all Cyborg, etc?

I doubt it!

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