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Tired of of skills dosen´t work


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So I am very happy witj my Marauder I am doing great in pvp dealing loads of dmg

I have been doing the Rage build but moved to Anni build wich is much better for defeating higher lvl players :o)


BUT the Skills is broken.. how many nights in warzone haven´t I used cursing that my battering assault, ravage, force choke annihilate are just animations ? the cooldowns work but the dmg dosen´t count, when do we see a fix on this ?

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I have been having troubles with Ravage since i first got the skill. Srly idk why BW launched the game with this class soo broken, i mean they had infinite time during beta to correct this and now with the new patch out, marauders were left to rot again in failness
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This is not a class issue. It is a client-server synchronization + animation priority issue.


Don't expect a quick fix. It's a pervasive issue that's caused by several aspects of the game design. I would personally expect 5-9 months to fix most of it.

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