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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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I don't know about you but I like being able to have a friend ride shotgun with me on my ship or I on theirs. Damn that IA ship is smexy.

I find it funny no one has a problem standing around waiting for a boat to the other continent or the super long flight from one end of the continent or the other but they get to jump on their ship anytime they want and fly for 3 seconds. The only wait is a 30sec-2min load screen depending on your system and they cry?


In some games you travel for 10 min on the boat one way and there is only 1 boat so when you miss it you got to wait for it to travel 10 mins one way, wait to load passengers and 10mins back then wait for it to leave again to wait 10mins while you get there.


Yea walking through a spaceport is soooooooooo long.



This. There are other more important things, in my opinion, that the dev team should be working on and I am sure that when those things get resolve the load screen time will be shortened as an effect of those fixes.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


I'm NUTS! /cackle

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


FE boards all over again. Go away kid no one likes you.

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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.


Think in the case its the laziness of Bioware and their CS people that are killing the game.

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I mean, I agree. The amount of running that is required to get from planet to planet is a little bit much. I remember on my class quest after finishing a planet (I think it was Taris) I got told to go to my Intercom... the quest then went like this.


Taris >> Intercom >> Dromond Kass >> Intercom >> Dromond Kass >> Intercom >> Korribon >> Intercom


Each time I went to a new destination I only had to talk to one NPC and then proceed to the next destination. The amount of running that was required was absurd.

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Typical for this generation of WOW KIDDIES to want their entertainment to be entertaining!


Back in my day would had to cut a finger off and write a game developer's name on the wall in blood just to be allowed to log in. ONCE. We weren't afraid to earn things back then, and sit around doing nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end. Not only that but...





What was I saying?

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Being able to Quick Travel directly to your ship (or at least right outside the door) would be welcome.


Speaking of mail (someone did), why do I even have to go to a mailbox? I currently can read my mail on my phone pretty much no matter where I am, why not in a world with spaceships and insta-travel? If a "shuttle" can appear in the middle of the cave I'm in to whisk me away to wherever I told it, why can't I get a package.



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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


I agree and disagree.


I believe the number of loading screens are ridiculous, I cannot believe anyone would build that many loading screens. Insane.


However, I don't like the idea of instant travel because it does impact the ability to see and perhaps link up with others.


My suggestions:


Cut the number of loading screens

Increase the speed of the character:

Sprint at lvl 1

Enhanced sprint at lvl 14 (Sprint + some %)

Speeder at 25 that increases enhanced sprint speed some %

Speeder at 50 that increases speeder 25 speed some %

Have the speeders be able to fly and maneuver through the air, so we can fly over the mountains

Have the speeders have blaster cannons on them, so we have air PVP

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Being able to Quick Travel directly to your ship (or at least right outside the door) would be welcome.


Speaking of mail (someone did), why do I even have to go to a mailbox? I currently can read my mail on my phone pretty much no matter where I am, why not in a world with spaceships and insta-travel? If a "shuttle" can appear in the middle of the cave I'm in to whisk me away to wherever I told it, why can't I get a package.



You can Quick Travel to the Fleet Shuttle. Close enough.


Because mail is not instant. The reason why it takes you an he to get an ITEM mailed to you from another player is because someone has to deliver it to the mailbox. There's an underground system of tubes that track which mailbox you're near to so that no matter which mailbox you check it on it's there.


I agree and disagree.


I believe the number of loading screens are ridiculous, I cannot believe anyone would build that many loading screens. Insane.

Check out the post No more load screens!!!

Edited by DarthKhaos
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@OP: As you say everyone has their own opinion but I think you're nuts! Probably like many of the players here I came from WoW and honesty I think that having your own starship is WAY better than having to stand around waiting for a boat or waiting 3-20+ minutes on a flight path just to get to where you need to go. And if you want instant travel to each planet/zone then go play Guild Wars. Instant travel across the galaxy just wouldn't make since.
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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.


I love how "lazy" is thrown around in a video game. IF THE GAME ISN'T A JOB THEN YOU'RE JUST A STUPID CASUAL!

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Gotta agree with this one, fast travel, and while you are at it take away NEEDLESS travel in general. Finish a quest or flashpoint, give us a fast dungeon/flashpoint exit. Have to go kill 10 rats, don't make us run across the entire zone, having to go around that inconveniently placed mountain range, then run all the way back to hand in the quest just to get the next quest in the series which sends you across the zone yet again. This is NOT laziness, I'm sick and tired of people who keep saying I'm lazy because I do not want to spend the majority of my game time running. It's also not immersion, running constantly is not an "immersive" thing to do in a science fiction universe, especially when you have ships and instant teleports all around you.


You know if bioware had built a MMO based on olympic running then I suppose running all the time would be acceptable, maybe you would get xp and commendations the more you ran. But the fact of the matter is that regardless if running is immersive or should be accepted as what MMO's make you do, RUNNING EVERYWHERE IS NOT FUN! I love to put in my hard work doing quests, running flashpoints, or playing pvp, make it so the majority of my time is doing these things.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.




I want to be level 50 on all my toons and have gear - epic at that given to me with no effort or time involved but they wont do it either.


Let me know if you get yours before I get mine.,..

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.




I'm not sure it needs insta travel between everything all the time. But they have a lot of unnecessary load screens. They're fine for those of us with SSD's, but for people with slow computers it's just brutal. We've had situations where 7 people in a raid have wiped and run back to the infernal ones room, and one person is still suck loading back into the instance. Thats' bad enough in a raid, it's pointless and insulting when you have to run through airlocks etc. When I click on the 'hanger' from the main floor of vaiken spacedock I shouldn't have a load screen, then a load screen onto my ship, then a load screen onto an orbital dock. It should be one load screen from Vaiken spacedock to the main planet I want to land on. That sort of thing. I'll, for the moment, buy the RP of needing to go to a spacedock to hook up to my ship( though that's kinda sketchy).

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How about when it put in carebear mode raiding and THREE difficulty levels?




Yeah, how dare they put in difficulties to cater to their entire customer base, rather than just the elite 5% that have the time and patience to spend 20+ hours a week raiding! Everyone knows that 5% pay all the bills, so Bioware should cater to them exclusively!



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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


You should be banned for that blizzard statement. They RUINED wow.

Edited by Meluna
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Gotta agree with this one, fast travel, and while you are at it take away NEEDLESS travel in general. Finish a quest or flashpoint, give us a fast dungeon/flashpoint exit. Have to go kill 10 rats, don't make us run across the entire zone, having to go around that inconveniently placed mountain range, then run all the way back to hand in the quest just to get the next quest in the series which sends you across the zone yet again. This is NOT laziness, I'm sick and tired of people who keep saying I'm lazy because I do not want to spend the majority of my game time running. It's also not immersion, running constantly is not an "immersive" thing to do in a science fiction universe, especially when you have ships and instant teleports all around you.


You know if bioware had built a MMO based on olympic running then I suppose running all the time would be acceptable, maybe you would get xp and commendations the more you ran. But the fact of the matter is that regardless if running is immersive or should be accepted as what MMO's make you do, RUNNING EVERYWHERE IS NOT FUN! I love to put in my hard work doing quests, running flashpoints, or playing pvp, make it so the majority of my time is doing these things.

This KINDA looks like a really bad troll but the sad part is I think you believe this. (Could be wrong and you're just being sarcastic)


  1. You get to instantly travel to any quick travel location on the map.
  2. You get to instantly travel to fleet using fleet pass or fleet shuttle.
  3. You get to instantly leave the planet whenever you want and not wait for a shuttle to arrive.
  4. You get to instantly travel from star system to star system without having a 10min travel time.
  5. You get to instantly receive quest rewards for random bonus quests acquired on the move.

And it's not enough? THAT'S why they call you lazy.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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I disagree for now, but I wish there weren't *********** loading-screen EVERYWHERE we go.


Loading screens using the lift, loading screens boarding our ship, loading screens for every planet and every instance. 2 Loading screens after every wipe....





If just about every other MMO can show a whole continent without load-screens, why can't SWTOR? What is it doig with our 4 GB RAM?

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This KINDA looks like a really bad troll but the sad part is I think you believe this. (Could be wrong and you're just being sarcastic)


  1. You get to instantly travel to any quick travel location on the map.
  2. You get to instantly travel to fleet using fleet pass or fleet shuttle.
  3. You get to instantly leave the planet whenever you want and not wait for a shuttle to arrive.
  4. You get to instantly travel from star system to star system without having a 10min travel time.
  5. You get to instantly receive quest rewards for random bonus quests acquired on the move.

And it's not enough? THAT'S why they call you lazy.


Nope, I'm serious. I'm also not a troll, and I understand the rampant misuse/overuse of the word "troll" to anyone who has a different viewpoint.


quick travel is every 30 minutes

fleet pass is once per day

the VAST majority of quests have to be manually handed in where the quest began


No it's not enough, and I'll correctly use the word TROLL for you who are calling me lazy just to elicit an emotional reaction (congrats, successful troll). I would be lazy if i wanted to be level 50 in 2 days, I actually think leveling should take much longer than it does. I would be lazy if I didn't want to earn commendations to get my gear. I would be lazy if I didn't want to do the quests themselves, etc etc. But calling someone lazy because they don't want to spend 75% of their time in this game running and traveling is just not rational. Running is NOT fun, running does not make sense in a science fiction world of instant teleports and spaceships, not wanting to constantly run does not make one lazy.


At the end of the day if you find running to be enjoyable and a necessary part of your MMO experience I'd suggest you feel free to incorporate extra running into your quest routine, say run around the entire planet 2-3 times extra before you hand in that quest.

Edited by spinedoc
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I disagree. Takes the illusion of being in a universe out of the equation. I've been exploring, and the notion of having to move around too much can only hold true if you don't want to move at all, for there is not much of a world outside the beaten path. Remove even that, and there is not enough left to be called a RPG at all.



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I disagree. Takes the illusion of being in a universe out of the equation. I've been exploring, and the notion of having to move around too much can only hold true if you don't want to move at all, for there is not much of a world outside the beaten path. Remove even that, and there is not enough left to be called a RPG at all.




This is a great point if we truly had the option to "explore". Everything is basically on rails and other than the rare datacron there really is no benefit to just going out there and getting lost. I'm a HUGE fan of exploring, but that's more for a true sandbox game. In that case I wouldn't mind foot travel and I'd actually enjoy it, seeing what's over that mountain range, or what's at the end of that cave. But this game isn't like that, it's basically just following waypoints on your map screen. That's why the traveling/running doesn't add anything immersive to me, it's just an obvious artificial time sink that feels like a time sink and not truly exploring.

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