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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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Yes, it is rather lazy for them to reuse the same orbital station and the same generic hangar for many planets that you have to run through to actually get to the real planet.


Frankly, I think there needs to be more banal hallways in the game.

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Pretty sure the OP was just asking to do away with going from your ship -> airlock -> shuttle bay -> planet, and the loading screens associated with each step.


Going from your ship to the planet (with one loading screen) is a step in the right direction.




That's not how I read it, but any whoooo.

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We should go to space port and into our ship, no elevator needed, the ship is an in world story area, like the hundreds of others in world.


Ship launches from space port to orbit or direct to destination. Cut scene of launch


If in orbit choose where you are going.




Land on planet at space port, cut scene, walk out into world, no elevator


Can see no point to orbital stations in between hyperspace and planets, by all means have them for FP's etc but if I want to land let me land.


Really there should only be a need for world-->instanced ship-->world, unless there is some reason for all the extra faffing about that BW wont disclose?


I don't want instant travel but I do also think that the above (or similar) plus a shorter way to get a group to a raid is needed. Raiding takes a long enough time to set up, why oh why should it also need 15 minutes of pointless travel and load screens, that by the way, mean the whole lot of em are laggig up everywhere they have to load into in between?

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Not to interrupt your lovely discussion, but one word for you : SSD


those 6 min i do in 20 seconds... And you all want better graphics? if this ran on u3 engine you could double that time..


And i like some of the traveling, but they could half the fleet pass cd. Other than that your fast skills is 30min and its ok. Fast travel to main base and go to ship/trainer.


I got samsung 830 128gb and no loading screen is in 6 sec, stuff like nar shadda, tatooine and alderaan have ~1 min+ loading screens



ALSO one thing that would really speed things up is if they just remove the gosh darn completly useless BLACK LOADING SCREENS, which aren't loading screens, they are just there so it seems like you're taking the elevator...




just counted alderaan, 55 seconds on phenom 2 x4 965 be @3,9 + 6950 @910, 1400 + samsung 830 128gb


not acceptable.

Edited by Fentz
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The travel makes me not even want to play. It's like 4 minutes of loading time to play a 10 minute PvP. (2 before and 2 after) No thanks.


Just going to fleet to repair my stuff and make a few transactions or whatever and get back to where I was takes a half hour.


The SOLUTION is to say NO to this nonsense, cancel your subscription, and come back in 3-6 months when the game is ready to go.


There is no reason we should be PAYING to BETA TEST.


Come back when the game is ready to go and maybe we'll have fun instead of angst every day.


There's so much wrong with this game, they never should have launched. But then again, if you're familiar with EA, you know this is their modus operandi.

Edited by al_giordino
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It is a bit weird to note the starport on Coruscant (the bright center of the Universe) looks amazingly similar to that on Tatooine (the planet farthest from said bright center). Personally a bit more differentiation in various starports would be nice, but it's not a game killer. Sometimes I do wonder why an airlock has to be as long as a football field. However, since I spend more time worldside than loitering in a spaceport, it's a minor thing. I wouldn't mind seeing some in-game minigames at the cantinas, as I would love to get into (or at least learn the rules) of that apparently fascinating card game they play on Nar Shaddah. Holo dancers are sweet, but picking up or losing a few creds in the corner table of a cantina would be pleasant. And social. (Social points for playing cards in addition to "winning" comment comparisons when talking to quest givers...there's an idea.)
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I'm not sure what Bioware was thinking... Probably what they were thinking when they made crafting tables and then decided they were too big a PAIN to find and added the CNTRL-Right Click feature.


There's a rule of thumb about loading screens in game development. For one they should be quick loading and another there shouldn't be more than ONE to change areas. They did it to add realism but all it added was an immersion breaking PITA system.


They need to add the quick travel and do it rapidly. Just give us the ability to bind across planets and that'd solve a huge part of the problem.


And hell yeah- GTM and Mailboxes on Starships! I hate having to go to the Fleet every friggen time to do things. Not because I am actually THAT lazy but we all know about the lag and getting stuck on invisible objects there.

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The worst part about this all is traveling to dromund kaas and needing to get to the center of the city >.>


Lets say im on Taris

And need to go for a class quest to dromund kaas this is how that goes..


> Travel to the shuttle

> Travel to the orbital station (small loading screen)

> Walk through the orbital station to get to the air lock

> Enter your ship (cutscene)

> Loading screen

> Walk to your galaxy map

> Select the destination

> Small flight cutscene (no problems for this one)

> Exit your ship

> Another loading screen (these take freaking long... i mean all to world loading screens are really messed up 1-2 minutes (without installing it on a SSD) )

> Walk out of your hanger to the elevator

> Go up (small loading /black screen thingie)

> Walk through the spaceport to get outside

> Use taxi to travel to dromund kaas entrance

> Use your speeder to get to the dromund kaas central taxi (since yes they are not connected for no reason at all ?! )

> Use the dromund kaas central to hop over to the back of the city

> Walk towards your Darth



And then finally get told to get back to taris! *nerdscreams! *

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We need to be able to teleport back to our ship any time, with no cooldown. It wouldn't be abuse-able because you could only go to your ship, and it'd still take you awhile to get anywhere. But that alone would speed up the whole process SO much.


As Gabe from Penny Arcade puts it:


"I also really dislike the Orbital Stations. When someone on another planet asks for help I think “I’ll need to go from ship to airlock to hallway to elevator to orbital station to shuttle to spaceport to -- **** you I’m not helping you with that quest.” If I want to quick travel (or space hearth as we like to call it) I click on a doodad and a shuttle is sent to pick me up. How about you just send my ship? or a shuttle to take me to my ship or whatever just get me to my ship without making me go through a maze of hallways and load screens."

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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


Just 2 more days and I won't have to see anymore of these absolutely moronic posts...


Go back to WoW.

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idea for speeding it up.


remove the black screens when using elevators etc, the stuff is allready loaded.


load the whole ship area when you're on a planet, so rpetty much, always have the ship loaded except when in dugeons/warzones.


remove the whole shuttle run in the space port, make a console at the door to the whole space station thing where you enter your ship.

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It's not that I'm unwilling to say it OP, it's that I don't agree. I like travel the way it is. The only thing I would like to change is being able to enter my ship without taking off. Besides, it's not like traveling anywhere takes very long at all. You just want instant gratification instead of waiting maybe 5 minutes to get where you want to go. Anyone who played original EQ and had to wait for the boat ride knows what excessive travel times really are, complaining about it in SWTOR is just ridiculous.
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I agree, and to the people saying it makes the game easy...... what part of hard is it to have to jump through hoops to get to places? It doesnt make it easy, it makes it convenient.


If it ruins your immersion, dont use the tools.


+1 vote for more efficient travel methods.

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Although I wouldn't mind a quick travel to my ship option once in a while, I must ask, how many times are you guys leaving the planet? Once you get to a planet there is no reason to leave until it's actually time to head to the next planet. I mean if you haven't already planned for being there before hand, or if you are going to the fleet in between each planet then I'd ask why? Besides the few run around to here and back to there type story line parts, the travel is really non invasive.


Need a quick way to get items on the GM? Spend the 1.5 hours it takes to level a mule and set him at the GM on the fleet, mail your crap to him and be done with it. There are literally mailboxes at every little outpost while leveling. If you want less travel time, travel less times IMO.

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I have never heard, in 20 years of gaming, the argument that loading screens ADD immersion.


It's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Everyone agrees that loading screens in every other game KILL immersion. But here, I guess Bioware magically reversed that!


Pretty much this.


Just when you think you've heard every fanboy defend even the worst mechanics, BAM! Now they're defending loading screens.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.


To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.


It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


People might be more receptive to this argument if the situation wasn't so exaggerated. I suppose it is a good thing if people can only complain about a few minutes of travel time after 2 - 3 hours of questing.


Seriously, guys, we are talking about doing this once an hour at most. If you have to travel any more than that, then you are traveling for no reason and essentially arguing against yourself.


Be more efficient. Don't go to the fleet if you don't have to. Everything you need is on the planet you just left.

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No one willing? LOL there's plenty of people willing to say it...it's whether or not they will listen that's the issue here.


This has to do with comfort of living in the game world...right now there are some basic "this thing is a PITA because someone designed it that way" issues with the game that need to be corrected.


99% of the time nothing happens in hangars...why can't we fly a damn speeder through there when they got fricking forklifts for unloading ****. Especially when we can fly our speeders wherever we like in fleet.


Mail only in certain places...what is this the frickin 1850's where we have to go pick up mail at the post office? We can make holocalls but we can't get a bit of text and some electroincally transmitted money on a screen in our ship? Or heaven forbid our Droid calls us on a holocall and reads our mail to us. Or why isn't there the equivalent of a handheld communicator that can give us text and let us know those jawas never want to see us again and are paying us tribute to stay away. You know...a smartphone.


Explain again why I can't fly a taxi between the speeder pad next to kaas city and the citadel speeder pad? Is there some invisible barrier there? I mean seriously...why not allow use to travel directly to the middle of kaas city from the spaceport? Why force us to run into Kaas City.


There's just some PITA design decisions in there right now. It's those little things that make living in the game world a bit more difficult...and they could be resolved so easily.

Edited by Thunder-God
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We brought this up early last year in beta and kept letting them know for months on end how boring and unnecessary the whole process they have is. As usual, they ignored us.


Another thing that always aggravated me was when doing quests I could use my holcron or whatever you call it, but during class quests I am required to go to my ship, go to this planet, then back to this planet, then over to another planet, do some running around, then go back to starter planet...why can't I just use the holo instead of all the running around?


You will run. And you will like it.



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hey i have a idea!!!! maybe just maybe it adds to the immersion of the game? it does for me, how realistic is it to insta port somewhere? did they do that on the movies? nope.


In the movies, there are few scenes that waste as much time as we do traveling in this game. You do not sit and watch someone spend 5 minutes walking through airlocks and hangers. If they have a scene at all, it usually has some "action" taking place, and then skipping to the next location.


Some people want full immersion in their mmo. That's great, they have RP servers for that. Some just want to kill time, and they don't mind wasting it running through an airlock to get to another loading screen. Some people have limited time to play, and they don't want to waste it on non-relevant things, like running through an airlock.


What I don't understand, is why Bioware didn't make the exiting of your craft ONE scene, showing you walking through the airlock and using any elevator, etc, to go arrive at your destination. Then, for those who wanted, they could sit and watch the movie as much as they want, and the rest of us, well, we could hit the space bar and get on with our game play.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


You can already do this... Buy some Fleet Passes.

Edited by GregoriusMaximus
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