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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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I don't mind the time we use to travel, it's part of making the game feel "bigger" and/or "longer" why all the rushing? I don't get it.


That's the point in making one look like an idiot when he or she claims there is too much to do ingame.


It's the simple fact your grinding in timesink rather than leveling making one believe he/she is in fact doing a lot, people wonder how people get bored, they blame adhd but no you don't have to have adhd to not be please with the tedious running.


The issue with choices in this game is lacking therefore will in fact displease many. People like to enjoy the game, Bioware themselves actually agreed on keeping the worlds life over all static for the fact when your in cutscenes and the same goes for weather effects and anything dynamic that could in fact make it more enjoyable [ingame], so the worst thing to do is put in a timesink along with that design choice, Mass Effect and DA would be boring as hell if you had to run like that, that's why in those SRPG's they made it to were you get to the action or good parts fast, yes there was some running but there were atleast events happening.


The fact this game is new and people were hyped for it will eventually wear down, even if someone disagrees, in the end it's a timesink issue which makes you feel your doing a lot, that speaks a lot for the actual in game activities.


Take care.

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Some people have busy real life things each day to do but still want a bit of down time to relax if just for 30 min. or so and play a game. If the time you have to play isn't very long, you don't want to spend the entire time looking at loading screens and running from ship to elevator etc.


I'm in total agreement that something should be done with travel. Cut the time from 18 hrs to 0 on the fleet travel in powers. Then the people that want and need fast travel can use it. Other than just want to sit watching loading screens and running through empty looking space stations can still do that. It would take nothing from players that want "immersive" play and those that have a few minutes and want to do a couple quick quest.


Does anyone not remember the 20 min. wait in SWG at each ship to travel and the long length in riding travel in WoW before flying was introduced? It was 2 companies that listened to the wishes of the people and they changed what was wrong. I don't think anyone quit playing either game because travel was made easier and faster.


I liked running all over in WoW, it meant running into people which lead to pvp, which is now basically nonexistant outside the dailies sometimes, and bgs. I don't want this to turn into 'sit in the fleet and queue up for flashpoints all day err'day,' everyone seems to "hate how it ruined the community" but with all the demands they make on some things I'm sure they'll be asking for LFD-type features soon.


Personally I don't have issues with the travel, just do the quests in groups by general location. It's ezzzzzzzzz, and seriously unless you're leaving the planet every hour (in which case it's your own fault) the orbit stations shouldn't be anything that gets the tears flowing, really. A bit annoying, sure, but nothing game-breaking.


Also I think the emergency fleet cd is a bit ridiculous, but I have yet to even use it so far so I guess that's another thing that just doesn't apply to me.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


There are quite a few transports that take you directly from a planet to the fleet, but not returning. I hate the orbital stations, I don't know what developer could have played a character to 50 and not said, "people are gonna hate this." It wasn't even this bad in KOTOR. I know lots of players complain about immersion, but this goes too far. I mean, would you watch a movie that realistically depicted the characters negotiating an airport. No, you show them at the gate, and then they are on the road or back home, they never show characters waiting for their bags, or taking the shuttle from long-term parking, unless its plot relevant, which it rarely is.

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If you want a lobby play CoD, this is a virtual world, and I want travel times to feel more real.


I maybe a minority but the alure of MMOs is that it is a virtual world that is continuous not some small lobby with gobby kids.



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<maybe it adds to the immersion of the game?>


All the spaceports and orbital stations look exactly the same--if anything it breaks immersion, since you're constantly reminded how cookie-cutter Bioware had to go to make a game this massive viable. I leveled to 50 and traveled to Ilum, wasn't exactly stoked to see the same orbital station layout greeting me ("Yeah! fresh, new content!")


"Mood" and "immersion" bits are way better-done in Mass Effect, in much smaller areas. Usually there's a cool poster, NPC, graffiti, lighting effect, dancing girls, animation, awe-inspiring vista in the distance--how does this apply to orbital stations, where there's nothing to see, and they're not even differentiated from one another, in the context of a game that's already unimaginably massive and time-wasting?

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It's the simple fact your grinding in timesink rather than leveling making one believe he/she is in fact doing a lot, people wonder how people get bored, they blame adhd but no you don't have to have adhd to not be please with the tedious running.


No, it has everything to do with ADHD.


You are singularly focused on leveling and believe that anything that slows that down is a "time sink', that takes away from the game. This is in your mind. Most players are not on that tread mill.


If you are bored in this game, you are doing it wrong.

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No, it has everything to do with ADHD.


You are singularly focused on leveling and believe that anything that slows that down is a "time sink', that takes away from the game. This is in your mind. Most players are not on that tread mill.


If you are bored in this game, you are doing it wrong.


See what I'm saying, and I don't even have ADHD lmao.


I must say I'm glad out of the whole post you picked that part.


Right now your in love with the game, it's your child anything true said against it is untrue.


This is exactly what it's like when people argue that Aion was not a grind in leveling, exact same argument.

Edited by Ryzerion
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No, it has everything to do with ADHD.


You are singularly focused on leveling and believe that anything that slows that down is a "time sink', that takes away from the game. This is in your mind. Most players are not on that tread mill.


If you are bored in this game, you are doing it wrong.


Sorry, I disagree. Going through exactly the same airlock, then space station, then shuttle to the planet IS a treadmill, not a diversion from one. Would you also like to navigate your ship from the known hyperspace entry coordinates to the space station. Maybe we an add another 10 minutes of immersion there. Maybe we should have to wait 30 seconds for the ship to be decontaminated once its in the dock. I could think of a whole plethora of realistic, but unnecessary time sinks, that doesn't make them good for the game, and opposing doesn't make the player in question an automatic munchkin rushing to end game.

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I personally get sick of the endless loading screens. I spend more time traveling at times than I do actually getting to play. What I mean by that is. I get stuck sometimes on my ship and can't get out onto the planet that I've just traveled to via spaceship. So I log out/log in and give it another whirl. Still no go, I log out, reboot my computer, do a "repair" on my launcher and "bam" it works again.....or maybe not. Then I have to travel to another planet in order to travel back to the planet I was at before and then it'll finally let me load into said planet. However, thus far, the only two planets that's done this to me are Aldaraan and Nar Shaddaa. Still, this is "Star Wars." Where's the advanced technology of spending hours running to various spaceports just to travel?


At least give us a "Ship Recall" or either setup terminals in the spaceports "like SWG" where we can click the terminals to travel to said planet. Seriously, the endless hours of travel are getting old already.

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When I am running through these extra orbitals stations and whatnot, I do get a lite peeved. However, ultimately, I LIKE THEM. It gives the game an immersive touch. I remeber my everquest days. Vanilla, kunark, and velious saw the use of ship travel. Long epic journeys to get somewhere, a sense of grand scale. Eventually came the pop expansion with these dumb statues that will teleport anyone and their mom to anywhere with a touch... That in itself took away so much value from the game.


Keep the stations...

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.



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No, it has everything to do with ADHD.


You are singularly focused on leveling and believe that anything that slows that down is a "time sink', that takes away from the game. This is in your mind. Most players are not on that tread mill.


If you are bored in this game, you are doing it wrong.


Why is it that anytime someone doesn't agree with someone else, there's always a few people that resort to insults? Why can't you just state your opinion and move on? Are you that angry with yourself that you can't make a post without insulting someone?

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Agree so much. There are too many tedious timesinks in this game. The purpose of orbital stations is a mystery to me, other than to kill more time, and ships are so shallow and unnecessary that I'd rather just shuttle directly from planet to planet.


Give me my ship back when you take space off the rails.

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I liked the space station and stuff the first time...then when I realized all the spaceports and stations were the same no matter where I was it got kind of old.


I don't find it immersive to land on planet X and see the same spaceport layout as planet Y.


Going through a series of load screens just to go from planet to planet doesn't really do much for me either.


They were all fun to see the first few times, but ultimately it just gets tiresome travelling now.

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I agree, too much wasted time.


I am all for immersion but i want to immerse myself on the planet, instant travel may not be the answer but a little of the fat can be cut off as far as orbital stations and so forth, that time adds up.


If you want immersion cool down the aggro on enemy NPCs so I can explore a planet more with out feeling like i am playing just some shooter game.

Edited by kirorx
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I'm fine with the travelling, with perhaps the exception of some planets requiring an extra section with the Orbital Stations. Just be thankful you aren't playing Galaxies when it was in it's infancy, where you had to wait for ages for public transporters to ship you off to where you wanted to go. Mind you, at least that did create a more social aspect to it with people actually conversing with others during the wait.
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I remember in the early days of Wow, posting a thread complaining about some of the flight times of their 'taxis'. I know for a fact I timed one ride at 9 minutes.


My complaint was that it was pointless downtime for you to have to stare at a screen for 9 minutes, but people were defending it, saying "It gives you a chance to take a rest". /facepalm

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I'm fine with the travelling, with perhaps the exception of some planets requiring an extra section with the Orbital Stations. Just be thankful you aren't playing Galaxies when it was in it's infancy, where you had to wait for ages for public transporters to ship you off to where you wanted to go. Mind you, at least that did create a more social aspect to it with people actually conversing with others during the wait.


I do recall that and it was rough, so do agree with you. The social aspect their was nice though, the way chat is set up here I never know if people are talking to me or not, so i feel like a mute.

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Maybe a culling of some of the elevator/loading screens, but no instant travel please. Lets keep the space travel in, it makes the game world feel more like a world instead of a tool.


Pretty sure the OP was just asking to do away with going from your ship -> airlock -> shuttle bay -> planet, and the loading screens associated with each step.


Going from your ship to the planet (with one loading screen) is a step in the right direction.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


This is not Star Trek, this is Star Wars. There are no transporters. You should consider yourself lucky you have a personal ship and also have a fleet pass you can use every 18 hours.


This is a non-issue resulting from lazy player QQ.

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