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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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Guess some people don't get that this is Star Wars. Traveling between zones on a planet is one thing, but you're talking about traveling between planets and there should be some minimal effort, generally speaking, to travel between planets. They are trying to create the SW universe here, not just some random game. How many times do you really visit the fleet and switch planets in an hour? It's not like you can crank through all the quests on a planet in 15 minutes.


However, I could see them adding more convenience features in the future like lowering the cooldown time on the fleet pass and maybe letting you shuttle to a planet where a friend is located.

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I fully agree. The quality of life issues (or lack of...) that plague this game have caused me to consider unsubbing.


There is no lack of quality of life features in this case. None. This has been pointed out to you clods repeatedly, but I'll do it once more in the vain hope that it sinks in;


1. 30 minute shuttle ability - this will take you directly to the Starport from anywhere on the planet, or directly to the bind point right next to the Fleet Shuttle.

2. 16 Hour generic Fleet Pass - everyone gets one of these, it's in your Abilities pane.

3. One hour Fleet Pass - you can buy these from the Security Key vendor for a thousand credits.


So, you can reach your ship with one load screen every thirty minutes, the fleet with one load screen every thirty minutes, you get an additional free travel to the fleet with one load screen every sixteen hours, and if you install the FREE security key app on your phone, you can bring the sixteen hours down to one single hour for what amounts to pennies.


You're all levelling so fast that you desperately need to go to the fleet more than once every thirty minutes? You're so short of time that the twenty seconds it takes to move from the bind point to your ship, or the <five seconds it takes to go from the bind point to the fleet shuttle, enrages you? Seriously, consider not playing MMOs, you're evidently not suited to them.

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I disagree.


Even the Star Trek Online MMORPG doesn't let you beam all over the universe for instant travel... and that game actually has transporters!


A slight delay while you are flying around in space, which fits the theme and style of Star Wars, is no big deal. It actually makes the univerise feel like it has some size to it.

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What I hate are the Orbital Stations.


First of all ... its incredibly stupid that it literally shows my ship flying towards and INTO the planet ... yet I end up at an Orbital Station.


Who is the genius that thought that one up? Second, why? There is NOTHING there that isnt or couldnt be moved to the planets surface.


Third, ITS ANNOYING! Click ship exit, *shot of ship flying towards planet*, load screen, walk down corridor, click elevator, load screen, walk down THAT corridor, click on shuttle, another @#&@$*#%$ load screen!


Why couldnt you just make it so we skip all the in-between crap, walk out of our phased dock and straight into the shuttle? Really? How did that design decision come about? "Hey those spaceports are getting repetitive, wouldn't it be great if we made players just walk and load for 5 minutes every time they enter and leave a planet?"

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I don't see what the big deal about going to a star/spaceport is. MMORPG's are all about the journey and the adventure. If you want something quick...play Battlefield 3. It's Star Wars for the love of god. In the movies, 99% of the time that you saw a ship it was at a port. It takes an extra 3 minutes to take a taxi somewhere and then run to your ship. Stop whining and stop trying to ruin the game. I really hope they leave the travel system alone.


The journey and the adventure... well, i had two adventures in a starport. When i got my ship on Coruscant and on Tatooine. But I went to Coruscant about 8 times just to watch a cutscene in the senate.


And about the 99%, that is about right.

Like the famous first attack on the Deathstarport.

Or when Luke stood on his head while lifting his X-Wing out of the elevator it fell into.

Or when the falcon landed in the Maw of the giant sewerrat.

Or the scene where Luke clinged to the antenna of the hangar ceiling.

Or the scene when Quigon and Darth Maul battled in the Mos Eisley starport.

Or the battle around endors starport.

Or when the AWings took out the AT-ATs that entered their hangar.

Or when Darth Vader made the ambush to capture Leia and R2 got away by using the catapult Starport fast travel.


Yes, 99% about tackles it.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


Should be part of the Legacy Bonus system.


Along with shared storage and credits for all your characters.

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I would mind starports less if there were something implemented that made them a hub for something like;


A Shuttle going to flashpoints.

Attaining some future random dailies.

An updated GTN in each one.

A bank access.

A guild bank access point.



However, a couple of those things are available on planet. My point though is if the ports had a purpose I would mind them less. As it stands now they are a bit of a nuisance. Contested planet or not I would think most planets would have a port on the surface.


I do not want a mailbox on my ship. The mail service would be economically unfeasible and feel somewhat odd to me. I don't mind having to go to social points to pick it up.


my two cents.

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  • 2 weeks later...
All nice with the travel in orbital stations and what so ever, just let us land in Dromund Kaas city (as there already is a space station!) and give us an emergency ship call on a whatever 2h cd or something with the choice to get to our locker by companion by sending them with the stuff to put or get from there like selling gray items.
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