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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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It's the game engine. IF they could do seamless loading between zones it would already be implemented. You will always have loading screens and load times. Change and improvements will come with content addition.


But the game engine is final. What you want isn't possible. Though they may take out the hangar or give you the option to jump straight to ship. Just wouldn't count on it for a while, as again, time sink.


How is it not possible to remove an unnecessary area between loads? Just get rid of the orbital stations and hangers, that's what this thread is about.

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By that logic, they should do it right and make us pilot our ship off the planet and into hyperspace, possibly fighting our way out against en3emy ships... in fact that would be awesome and very star wars like and would give space battles meaning. What would be more star wars than "man those turrets while I charge up the hyperdrive! keep those fighters off us!" But loading twice thorough a pointless copy-paste orbital station that is identical to the orbital station on every other planet has no purpose and adds nothing to the star-wars-ey environment of the game. Think about it. Does it add ambience to be running through the same exact scene every time you arrive or depart from a planet even if they're on opposite sides of the galaxy? Maybe if the stations were different, maybe if you stopped in for information from travelers or some other roleplay element, then they would serve a purpose and add to the atmosphere, but as they are, all they are is another space to load in and out of and run through.


This is a beautiful and constructive post.


Now please. Suggestion forums so that it might be heard.


Good gaming everyone.

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Maybe Bioware should consider making every character a mythological god that can magically blip anywhere in the universe any time they wanted. Oh wait, space travel is science not magic - nvm.


What? What does this have to do with the OP's request? The Force is magic too...who cares? You think loading screens are science?

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There really isn't much time spent on a station to get to a planet when you compare the amount of time you spend running to/from your spaceship to the exit/entrance to the star port.


ALL MMO's have "time sinks" of nothing to do when traveling or walking [running] to get where you need.


I do agree - it does get tedious after a few times of traveling between your ship and the star port and between your ship and the shuttle to the planet.


Perhaps they just need to add random events to make it more interesting...

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I agree with a faster method of getting back to your ship, but instant travel between planets is a very dumb idea.
STO's method of allowing players to beam to and from their ship would solve the problem. Except there might be a Star Trek branding rights issue with it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


LOL.. blizzard is killing wow . what make you think this? they introduce the anual pass to try to stop the bleed giving free diablos 3 a game that took then 5 years to develop....and MOP with their pokemon onlines i one of the last blows :p

Edited by cripito
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How is it unrealistic for your spaceship to pick you up wherever you are? You have a companion on board anyways, who should be more than likely to pilot no? Helicopters in real life pick people up from almost any location, why can't our ships do it in a science fiction game?


Helicopters in real life generally don't operate with impunity, they are regulated up the wazoo and everything has to be cleared six ways from Sunday with multiple organisations. What, you think that because they swapped rotors for hyperdrives there are suddenly no rules, regulations, or bureaucrats? Your Fleet Pass is essentially a representation of all the paperwork and similar crap that your crew had to go through to get permission to lift you from wherever the hell you are at the time.


So, yeah, no. I very much hope they don't just give everyone a limitless ability to port up to your ship, we already have the shuttle(which you can take right back to the starport), the default Fleet Pass, and the purchasable Fleet Pass with a much reduced cooldown available on the Security Key vendor.


I do however agree that there seems to be quite a bit of running which serves no purpose other than to delay you, and there are things that can be done about that. For a start, make Orbital Stations MUCH smaller, there's really no need at all for them to have a massive concourse, there's hardly ever more than just yourself in them anyway; have the four elevators open out directly into the bay with the shuttle in it. I'd also cut out the unnecessary "extra room" in the Starport hanger bays, you shouldn't be required to run through the bay's administrative area to reach your ship; have the elevator open out right near your ship's ramp, and move the control bay up on to the wall as an inaccessible feature. The goal should be to provide us with the immersive experience of actually using a starport, without causing drastic inconvenience - they've -almost- got the balance right, but it's not quite there yet.


Frankly, I've never understood people who want to travel everywhere instantly, it's as if they view the game as a disconnected series of individual fights, an outlook which completely ignores that games such as this are about immersing you in the world as much as providing you with things to hit over the noggin.

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Frankly, I've never understood people who want to travel everywhere instantly, it's as if they view the game as a disconnected series of individual fights, an outlook which completely ignores that games such as this are about immersing you in the world as much as providing you with things to hit over the noggin.


Well to be fair the world is just a series of corridors and hallways. Not saying that's a bad thing or a good thing inherently but it is what it is.


I don't see why people care about how other people choose to "immerse" themselves? Give the option for faster travel and less load screens. If you feel those load screens and jogs through the orbital stations are immersive to you continue to use them, for those who don't they can skip.

Edited by HoneyBoy
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Immersion, immersion, immersion... blah blah blah blah....


Funny, I don't feel very immersed by loading screens and identical copy-paste orbital stations, hanger bays and star ports on every single planet. If the goal is immersion, it has failed.


You forgot to add 'in my opinion' again.

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Immersion, immersion, immersion... blah blah blah blah....


Funny, I don't feel very immersed by loading screens and identical copy-paste orbital stations, hanger bays and star ports on every single planet. If the goal is immersion, it has failed.

Funny you mention that because caves, caverns and town buildings in WoW make judicious use of a layout recycling system. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Funny you mention that because caves, caverns and town buildings in WoW make judicious use of a layout recycling system.


Yeah... and I didn't play WoW... because it sucked... not digging the cartooniness geared towards kids, the generic fantasy setting, or the pokemon creatures. I've played other much better MMO games lol.


In fact I think alot of the problems I hear people saying they had with WoW is due to immature playerbase... it was just too much of a kids' game, so of course alot of kids played it.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I remember swg being altered for the sake of people wanting everything removed to make it faster and more like an arcade game, look what happened to that. I really want to swear at people who want things removed to make it easier for them, all I will say is your in the wrong gaming enviroment, you'd be better off sticking to multiplayer games and leave mmo's to those who appreciate them.:rolleyes:
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