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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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Travel times add absolutely nothing to a game. Zero. Zilch.


Would you be willing to watch a six hour long movie where five hours of it was just the main character driving and flying around to the next important piece of dialogue or action sequence? No the eff you wouldn't, so why do you tolerate it in your video games?


It's pointless.


Again, travel times are apart of an MMO's time sink structure, which exists to occupy you longer so you pay more in subscriptions. It also adds to game immersion. For some, not all.


The point isn't whether it's adding something or not, the point is you won't change it. No one is ever going to give you an instant teleport to go where you want to. It ruins much of what an RPG is supposed to be about.


If you don't like travel times, you most likely won't enjoy an MMO. Almost all of them have them. So again, it may be a genre you don't want to participate in.


It's not going to change. Scream, cry, kick, whine. It's here to stay, always has been, always will. So why bother arguing it? Leave. Tell the people who need your money I won't give it to you. This sends a very strong and clear message and is the best way to effect change in a game.


These forums are here so you can feel as if you're contributing something, when you aren't. They're a place for people to waste time, expelling their rage on whatever issue they might have, settle down, and then continue playing again. Or not.


Please prove otherwise. Show me constructive change that has come to any game that has resulted from a thread like this one.

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Ahaha. No kidding. Heaven forbid people actually...TALK in an MMO.


/sigh, I miss the Golden Age of MMOs, the Pre-Warcrap era. Now it's all ME, ME, ME.


This post really irritates me, people want faster travel to be able to help friends and guildies without pointless time waste, how exactly is that MEMEME? You sir should look into the mirror.


I say let people have options. And some random benefit if you use the space port traveling option, such as random encounter not available otherwise, that way it adds to the emmersion and encourage people to take space travel route when they have the time. There is much to be innovated right there.


Stop with the rosy golden MMO of the past nonsense. If the industry follow that vision, we will never have better entertainment as gamers.

Edited by soldenal
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That's fine, I respect it. But if you won't invest in current hardware to run a brand new game, it isn't Bioware's fault or problem. It's how computer gaming goes. And again, MMO's almost always have steep requirements due to so many different things happening around your character.


So again, please. You're not changing anything with this thread, you're wasting your time arguing about wasting your time. Try a different game genre. Play on a console. You will be so much happier.


My computer is only about 2 years old. I can't buy a new computer every 2 years. And that isn't that old. There's a problem actually when an MMO takes that long to load on a computer that's only 2 years old. It isn't streamlined enough for an online game community. And actually I'm convinced it's a design flaw, because I can run games with better graphics with little in the way of load time. But anyway, considering all that, they should just try to limit the loading screens.

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Again, travel times are apart of an MMO's time sink structure, which exists to occupy you longer so you pay more in subscriptions.


This is such a horribly flawed argument.


If they want to keep their players, they should work to keep the game as entertaining as possible, then we will stay. Trying to get us to stay by wasting our time is not the way to do it, in fact, it is a way to drive off many of us who WON'T continue paying for a game that wastes our time and ceases to be fun.


When I start feeling like something is tedious, I stop doing it, unless I'm being payed to do it. In this case, I'm paying to do it, so if I'm not enjoying it, I'll stop.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Again, travel times are apart of an MMO's time sink structure, which exists to occupy you longer so you pay more in subscriptions. It also adds to game immersion. For some, not all.



And reducing minding numbing time sink is why MMOs now have a bigger audience. Staring at scroll screen to meditate back mana would be your preference at this day and age I guess?

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This is such a horribly flawed argument.


If they want to keep their players, they should work to keep the game as entertaining as possible, then we will stay. Trying to get us to stay by wasting our time is not the way to do it, in fact, it is a way to drive off many of us who WON'T continue paying for a game that wastes our time and ceases to be fun.


When I start feeling like something is tedious, I stop doing it, unless I'm being payed to do it. In this case, I'm paying to do it, so if I'm not enjoying it, I'll stop.


That's not how they see it. They look for investors to pay for the development of these games. In current economic times, investors are afraid of new and shiny. They're looking for tried and true. Tried and true is very much what TOR is.


And while yes, I will agree that they have eliminated much of the time sink, they can't eliminate all of them. Investors want to see a return on their profit, and that profit is monthly subscriptions. If you travel faster, level faster, get bored faster, it puts more strains on development resources to pump out new content and keep you happy. Thus, the time sink.


An MMO is never going to be what you want it to be. It will always be tedious. If you can beat an MMO in 3 months in its entirety, then that game has failed to do what it's supposed to, keep you playing for years.


Even WoW has travel time sinks. And I'm not talking about how this was the golden age of MMO's, it's how the genre is built. The end. It's a business, and they will do what they think best to make money.


Which consequently isn't listening to you people whine in this thread about load times.


P.S. If you bought your computer prebuilt two years ago, then yes, by gaming definitions you have a dinosaur. While it would be prudent for Bioware to design a game that is friendlier to older machines to increase subscriber base as WoW did, it's something that most companies fail to do still. Why? Shiny graphics look better in advertisements.


Argue all you want. No one is listening, and you aren't starting your very own Occupy MMO here in this thread. You're whining about things that cannot and will not change in this game.


As a Stormtrooper once said...


Move along. Move along.

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Travel times add absolutely nothing to a game. Zero. Zilch.


Would you be willing to watch a six hour long movie where five hours of it was just the main character driving and flying around to the next important piece of dialogue or action sequence? No the eff you wouldn't, so why do you tolerate it in your video games?


It's pointless.


If 5/6th of my time in SWTOR would be travelling I'd agree with you. But that's not the case, is it?


Calling travelling times in an MMORPG pointless strikes me as very odd. Ofcourse you need time to travel from point A to point B. That's the point in an MMORPG.. you're going places, discovering new locations and finding stuff during your travels.


Complaining about repeated travels to and from your starship is a different matter. It's the same journey every time. Still, I like it the way it is. And I could agree to a solution someone mentioned earlier, to have fast travel options for people who like to skip it. Perhaps have a profession make some kind of teleporter available.

Edited by hushia
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Yes, if you consider riding around on our speeders that move at the speed of a bicycle.


Oh, hi Aeon. I see you're still using your very precious, very rare, very important time off to continue trying to change things that won't change.


My guess is you're the sort of person who grows thirsty and steps outside to scream at God to make it rain while holding his mouth open in anticipation.


You'll have the same success in your thread.

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Oh, hi Aeon. I see you're still using your very precious, very rare, very important time off to continue trying to change things that won't change.


My guess is you're the sort of person who grows thirsty and steps outside to scream at God to make it rain while holding his mouth open in anticipation.


You'll have the same success in your thread.


First, it takes me a minute to stop in and respond, I'm doing alot of other things around the house today.


Second... why do you people have to shoot down every suggestion on these forums? What makes you think they're useless? The POINT of these forums is to give the developers player feedback, that's why they have set them up. These threads are very useful to the progress of the game, and anti-progressives like yourself are useless, just holding things back, k? k, later.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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First, it takes me a minute to stop in and respond, I'm doing alot of other things around the house today.


Second... why do you people have to shoot down every suggestion on these forums? What makes you think they're useless? The POINT of these forums is to give the developers player feedback, that's why they have set them up. These threads are very useful to the progress of the game, and anti-progressives like yourself are useless, just holding things back, k? k, later.


Your OP was not quite a suggestion. It was more like a demand.


The only suggestion I've seen so far is putting in an option for people to make travelling to your spaceship instant or not according to preference.


Demands without proper motivation are prone to get shot more easily then respectful suggestions.

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First, it takes me a minute to stop in and respond, I'm doing alot of other things around the house today.


Second... why do you people have to shoot down every suggestion on these forums? What makes you think they're useless? The POINT of these forums is to give the developers player feedback, that's why they have set them up. These threads are very useful to the progress of the game, and anti-progressives like yourself are useless, just holding things back, k? k, later.


Every suggestion? I've just visited your thread actually, so that's one suggestion. And it's not actually a suggestion either, again, it's whining about things that cannot and will not change. Based around how the game is designed and implemented, and the standards of the industry, as backwards and unpleasing as they may seem.


This forum is actually not at all about giving the developers feedback. As mentioned repeatedly in this thread by myself and others, this is a general chat space, used to chat about general things. So if you think Developers are reading your thread here..you're wrong. And honestly they're probably not reading suggestions either, because there is little they can do at this point when the game itself is finished and they're fixing rampant bugs. Again, it's a space for your to fill with rage so you can cool off and then continue to game unabated, another one of those MMO tricks to keep you occupied.


You delude yourself if you consider yourself progressive or in any way constructive to the development of the game. Once more, you're posting in the wrong forum to offer suggestions. And the manner that you posted is not constructive either, it's simply a way to be ignored or get a "Holla" from individuals like yourself who really want to play Diablo 3 more than an actual RPG.


Diablo 3 is an RPG, but it's a different genre of RPG. One that better suits you and the style of play you want. Which is lots of action with little standing between you and that action. I do hope it runs on your machine though, it would be a total bummer if Blizzard decided to release a game that demanded at least current hardware.

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Your OP was not quite a suggestion. It was more like a demand.


The only suggestion I've seen so far is putting in an option for people to make travelling to your spaceship instant or not according to preference.


Demands without proper motivation are prone to get shot more easily then respectful suggestions.


I'm not the OP...


Proper motivation? Making me load 5 times between planet is proper motivation to want a change.


And people who argue against others just for the sake of arguing, with no benefit to themselves or anyone else are just drama queens and attention seekers... and THOSE people do not deserve anyone's attention.

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I'm not the OP...


Proper motivation? Making me load 5 times between planet is proper motivation to want a change.


And people who argue against others just for the sake of arguing, with no benefit to themselves or anyone else are just drama queens and attention seekers... and THOSE people do not deserve anyone's attention.


I agree...Why are you still here then?

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What is this "cannot and will not change" nonsense? The game very much can and will be streamlined with time. An MMO must change and improve to thrive. If anyone is arguing against the inevitable it's the people who constantly say NO! to every suggestion for change and improvement.
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What is this "cannot and will not change" nonsense? The game very much can and will be streamlined with time. An MMO must change and improve to thrive. If anyone is arguing against the inevitable it's the people who constantly say NO! to every suggestion for change and improvement.


It's the game engine. IF they could do seamless loading between zones it would already be implemented. You will always have loading screens and load times. Change and improvements will come with content addition.


But the game engine is final. What you want isn't possible. Though they may take out the hangar or give you the option to jump straight to ship. Just wouldn't count on it for a while, as again, time sink.

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No.. bad idea.. you should always need to go somewhere then travel to some station then the planet. Its STAR WARS


By that logic, they should do it right and make us pilot our ship off the planet and into hyperspace, possibly fighting our way out against en3emy ships... in fact that would be awesome and very star wars like and would give space battles meaning. What would be more star wars than "man those turrets while I charge up the hyperdrive! keep those fighters off us!" But loading twice thorough a pointless copy-paste orbital station that is identical to the orbital station on every other planet has no purpose and adds nothing to the star-wars-ey environment of the game. Think about it. Does it add ambience to be running through the same exact scene every time you arrive or depart from a planet even if they're on opposite sides of the galaxy? Maybe if the stations were different, maybe if you stopped in for information from travelers or some other roleplay element, then they would serve a purpose and add to the atmosphere, but as they are, all they are is another space to load in and out of and run through.

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Fleets are cool, everything else is pretty awesome and travel is fine. But why does my ship have to dock on a massive space station above every single planet that has an access point for all the classes. Just to run past a bunch of un-important people? Sure, sometimes there is a character you talk to on the station, but they could of easily added them in on the actual planet.


I used to think (well the planets can't house all the starships) but even Corellia for example has this. It just seems like they were trolling us. "So we heard you like loading screens? So we put a loading screen in the middle of the loading screen that takes you to the planet, just so you can jump in a shuttle to get another loading screen trololol."-Bioware.


I mean, all the extra reasons to make a loading screen is... well unnecessary. Loading screens =/= more content, just annoying hassle. I could see them doing the space station thing one like 2-4 planets, just to mix it up a little. But practically every planet has one... cmon.

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