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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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So limited in your time that you are spending a Saturday morning doing nothing more than complaining how you don't have enough time to play a game the way it was designed to be played.


Life is very pressing for you I see.


Yes, it's saturday, most people have off on saturday. Get a job and you'll see how the work week works. And I'm getting bored of this game and want to see improvements to make it less boring.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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To you. And others. I don't really mind since most of my time is not spent planet hopping but leveling in a zone. Again. Boring and stupid is an mmo norm. It happens in all of them. Just deal with it or play Diablo.


Or make it fun so we don't have to go to another game like Diablo for fun. See the point?

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The loading screens are bad enough without the distances involved...


Yep. I hate the loading screens. Especially the fact that if you die in a FP you have to load out to the fleet for no good reason, then load back in. They should respawn you at the beginning of the instance, not on the fleet. That's another huge problem I have. Especially for those of us who have a slightly slower computer and have to take a little more time loading while their team gets impatient.

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I do not feel they should just give insta-travel to any planet. The closest to that, I think, would be to have insta-travel to your ship's hangar on whatever planet you're on. The fleet is small enough to not need this but could come as part of such a system.


So, my thoughts:

  • No for Galaxy-Wide Insta-Travel.
  • Yes for Insta-Travel to your ship's hangar on the planet you're on. (or another option would be to put a bind location in each of the ship hangars across the Galaxy and let us use our global travel to select that bind terminal)



I think the main reason why so many are annoyed by the current form of travel is the many load screens it takes to get from point a to point b. If it were all more seamless, then I do not think there'd be much of an issue.

Edited by Zebular
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What's the need for time sinks? What benefit to the players does any time sink have?



the mmo company needs them, you knew that, dont be silly. no benifit to the player when the time sinks are boaring and obviuos however

Edited by ZEROUMUS
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Yes, it's saturday, most people have off on saturday. Get a job and you'll see how the work week works. And I'm getting bored of this game and want to see improvements to make it less boring.


You miss my point. It's your day off and your free time is so valuable you are wasting it here arguing about wasting time in game. Do you see the disconnect?


If this is the important stuff you have to do instead of traveling around in a computer game I think you can survive with the current system as is.

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This game is about as immerisive as wizard 101 and all these rat mazes you have to run to just to land is rediculous. Every movie you ever saw never had this many steps to land. You just went there, landed and then went through the space port. Its rediculous that you have to take 15 minutes just to get to ship to ground. I know its a programming thing and this game is laggy enough. This is supposed to help you transfer from one part of computer to another programming wise. But its really annoying as hell. In the new MMO Infinity quest for earth you go from ground to space through space to ground all in one whack and you are driving the ship the whole time. No cut scenes in the game at all.
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You think? So they should waste our time for subscription money? That's what MMOs are, or that's what WoW is? Play a real game, I played some other great MMOs while you guys were dicking around in WoW. I always had fun in City of Heroes, and travel time was limited, we had travel powers, flew to our missions, or teleported, or super jumped, it was short but fun travel. Anarchy online was great, and travel time was limited by the grid system and vehicles.


Another empty argument. You people who don't want convenient things because it's not exactly like WoW should just go back to WoW and ride around on your lions and tigers and dragons.


It's not empty, it's reality. AO was my first MMO. It had considerable travel time. Exactly like TORs actually, but longer since instead of smaller zones on multiple worlds it was one large world with huge zones. The grid was it's own zone you loaded into. Like a hangar or a ship. With limited exits where TOR is direct.


I've heard city of heroes is quite good. I also hear a lot of people say it keeps their attention for limited amounts of time. Their sub count has always been poor. Allowing players to move speedily about hasn't kept them any longer it seems.


I'm not saying I like it or agree with it. But it's apart of MMOs. Don't like. Don't play them.

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Or make it fun so we don't have to go to another game like Diablo for fun. See the point?


MMO devs are not aiming to please Diablo level attention spans. That is another genre that is far apart from the plodding pace of an MMO. Since it's free to play it's not even viewed as competion.


And if you want to talk about boring stupid repetition look no further than Diablo. That's the foundation of that game.

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I think the main reason why so many are annoyed by the current form of travel is the many load screens it takes to get from point a to point b. If it were all more seamless, then I do not think there'd be much of an issue.


Right the load screens are annoying... Travel to shuttle, load to orbital station, load to ship, access map and travel to planet, load to orbital station, load to planet... That's alot of steps. Especially considering that they made hyperspace travel instant to save us time (you're across the galaxy in a second, they don't make us travel through hyperspace for a while), it just makes sense to cut out some of the tedious steps. If they did have seamless loading (like so many other games), then I probably wouldnt' have a problem with this, but it's so annoying to go through all the load screens. And it does bug me that I can't just use my speeder in the station and spaceport too...


And I still think speeders should be much faster... god they just crawl along... They're about as fast as a bicycle. It's just silly.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I'm not saying I like it or agree with it. But it's apart of MMOs. Don't like. Don't play them.


How about some progressive thought? How about improving things instead of just accepting the status quo? It's that kind of thinking that allows so much inequity in society to be continued.

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How about some progressive thought? How about improving things instead of just accepting the status quo? It's that kind of thinking that allows so much inequity in society to be continued.


You wrongly assume instant travel is an improvement. Like I said, I don't mind the travelling, it adds to the immersion. I would feel odd being able to instantly teleport to my ship via a 'beam me up, Scotty' ability. Allthough I do agree that the loading screens are a bit much :)


If I can travel instantly to anywhere I want by just pushing one button, the game would start to feel more like a grind than a world in which I adventure and experience a story. But maybe that's just because I have other RL things to do in between so I don't play for hours on end and have to experience a lot of travelling time and loading screens in a short period of time. I feel this game caters more for the casual players in that way.

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You can't change it the general forums whining like a child. Nor can you change it at all as the game is finished and the load times are apart of the engine design. The best statement you can make is constructive feed back in the suggestions forums or canceling your sub to say loudly this sucks for me.


As for future MMO change it is coming. Sub based games are dying out and f2p is coming into it's own as the preferred choice of gamers. Games based on TORs sub model are a dying breed. In time they will cease to exist.


This forum post however does nothing to hasten that dawn. It just makes you look spoiled, self important and entitled. Best of luck effecting your brand of change.

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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.


You're acting as if Swtor wasn't already dead

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You wrongly assume instant travel is an improvement. Like I said, I don't mind the travelling, it adds to the immersion. I would feel odd being able to instantly teleport to my ship via a 'beam me up, Scotty' ability.


But the already existing quick travel ability does not feel strange? The fleet pass that instantly takes you across the galaxy doesn't? How about the "medical probe" that can revive you instantly where ever you die?

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Does anyone else remimber 10 minute shuttle waits, i actually miss them. It forced some social interaction.

Ahaha. No kidding. Heaven forbid people actually...TALK in an MMO.


/sigh, I miss the Golden Age of MMOs, the Pre-Warcrap era. Now it's all ME, ME, ME.

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Ahaha. No kidding. Heaven forbid people actually...TALK in an MMO.


/sigh, I miss the Golden Age of MMOs, the Pre-Warcrap era. Now it's all ME, ME, ME.


But I pay a monthly subscription Jek. I should get what I want when I want how I want it NOW. I don't want to have to wait. I am going to complain about how they implemented everything until they change it to suit my needs. After all they had 6 years! 6 years! To contact me and ask how I think a successful MMO should look.


I shouldn't have to invest time in it. I shouldn't have to work for reward. I shouldn't be bothered with playing a game. Just make everything fun and exciting every moment I am logged in and give me everything I want at a push of the button!


If they just did what *I* wanted in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation to begin with. We could all be hitting our "I FRICKIN WIN" button and having a gay old time doing so.

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All you want is Epix and an AH to stand outside to show them off.


Personally if I am on a Spacestation and need to go to a planet I want to feel like I have travelled there, not insta travel.


Um... there's no cutscene between the orbital stations and the planet, it goes black, makes a shuttle sound, loads, then you're on the planet. Does that feel like travel?

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