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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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I've used fleet pass ONCE on all my characters together. Where was I when I used it? Standing outside my ship. I still had to wait for the rest of the group to come from Balmora to get to Fleet to start the flashpoint but I was feeling extra lazy so I just hit the fleet pass button entered the flashpoint and waited.
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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


Sure you did ;)

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Yep lets have a personal transporter that takes us to every quest/mission. Lets just forget the spaceship altogether and transport us to each planet. Let get rid of speeders and any other form of travel and be instantly transported to were ever we wish to go, **** it. why quest I want a lvl 50 player from start. Stuff it. I'll stop gaming it's much easier.


I'm happy as it is Thanks.:p


I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.

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How is it unrealistic for your spaceship to pick you up wherever you are? You have a companion on board anyways, who should be more than likely to pilot no? Helicopters in real life pick people up from almost any location, why can't our ships do it in a science fiction game?


For contested planets? AA turrets would be the reason why. Some planets don't have the space to just land anywhere (Nar Shaddaa for example). Not to say there aren't some planets where it'd make more sense.



Also, why not just use the Fleet passes? I mean, that's what they're there for- instant travel to the Fleet. I think it's odd making a complaint about a feature that's actually in the game as if it wasn't... most if not all planets also have an instant Fleet transport area- THOUGH, I do think it needs to be more obviously marked, as some planets it doesn't even say where it is on the map.

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Yep lets have a personal transporter that takes us to every quest/mission. Lets just forget the spaceship altogether and transport us to each planet. Let get rid of speeders and any other form of travel and be instantly transported to were ever we wish to go, **** it. why quest I want a lvl 50 player from start. Stuff it. I'll stop gaming it's much easier.


I'm happy as it is Thanks.:p


Bravo ...Its an MMO the concept is you have to travel and do stuff. Imagine if this was a true sandbox,these people would be crying in their milk.


Also..I am fed up with replies to interesting threads like this that start with 'I have unsubbed' ...you have unsubbed leave, go, bye. your opinion is worthless ... and stop trolling decent threads with your tiny epeen extensions

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I love swtor, but I do not love all the running in big hallways, and big walls IN THE MIDDLE of the hallways (those are like a trademark of bioware. Do you see this in real life? Of course not, that would be insane), and space ports, and fighting your way into the end of the cave, then fighting your way OUT of the cave... Edited by DashFiss
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Another thing to consider- in other games, you could quick travel to a single spot- sometimes you could buy very expensive items that let you quick travel to your main city as well. Everywhere else, you likely had to fly- and it would take a while.


WoW as an example. If I were to port to Darnassus- it would take me about 24 minutes I believe to take a flight path to AQ40- going SW to Menethil, boat, then FP to Silithus was shorter, BUT, you had to be at your computer the whole time making the switches.


Point is- I can guarantee I can get from any spot in the galaxy to any other spot in far less time than it takes using flight paths in other games. The only reason it seems more is that there's more loading screens in this game than any other.

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Once you start with these kind of requests/ idea's you start removing the fabric of the starwars universe. You then start making the mmo into a simple mundain typical mmo thats not worth playing. This isn't casual players requesting this ****, it's kids with the concentration span of a gold fish. The more detail the better thanks.:rolleyes:
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what's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the npcs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, especially the mmo part.

there is no mmo part.

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Once you start with these kind of requests/ idea's you start removing the fabric of the starwars universe. You then start making the mmo into a simple mundain typical mmo thats not worth playing. This isn't casual players requesting this ****, it's kids with the concentration span of a gold fish. The more detail the better thanks.:rolleyes:


Because in a galaxy far far away in a long long time ago, they hadn't invented mobile devices you could read your email on yet.

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Once you start with these kind of requests/ idea's you start removing the fabric of the starwars universe. You then start making the mmo into a simple mundain typical mmo thats not worth playing. This isn't casual players requesting this ****, it's kids with the concentration span of a gold fish. The more detail the better thanks.:rolleyes:

You my friend just became my new hero...I couldnt have said it any better. If they think they can design a better MMO shut up and Do it.... BIOWARE did an Awesome job.

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I agree with part of this complains, but i would like to see mail box on the ship, don't know why isn't there since the begining, and Bioware could patch that in no time by putting a highlighted control panel with a envelope sign. They could at least let use speeder inside starport's to be quicker, some are too big (coruscant is an example), and the others where you need to go through a hall then a boarding station to get to the shuttle and then the planet? I don't really get that.
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Weird thing is, some space ports let you use the speeder all the way to your ship's door :p Oh well, I can see why this whole thing hasn't been very high on their list... They'll fix it soon enough I think, there are more pressing matters with the game right now.
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The actual purpose of these is less a story and atmosphere thing as it is a PVP thing I think. Having these slows travel considerably, and prevents people on PVP servers from getting aid from guildmates/friends faster. It helps keep the open-world pvp stuff more even. A mailbox on the ship would be greatly appreciated though. We can travel between planets but we still dont have email?
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