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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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From your post, it would appear that you would prefer the type of game that gives you instant gratification. You will not find that in an mmorpg.
Though Blizz is trying real hard to make it that way for WoW. They are singlehandedly killing the MMORPG genre by twisting role playing adventures into a Multiplayer Fantasy First Person Shooter that is focused squarely on plundering instanced loot pinatas as rapidly as possible. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Totally agree. Mail on the ship too. Everything doesn't have to be a PITA to do in the game.


Yeah honestly they could keep these features to strictly RP servers. Then again it seems BW wants to focus on making the game entirely rp like.


but it wont happen since that would make it too easy to travel to the fleet, and the fleet would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full all the time it would crash ppl with minimum requirements every 10 secs lol.

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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.


Well you'd think that you would be able to access your email on your ship..


It makes no sense to have designated mail boxes in the first place, seeing at they literally are emails. I can't wait till the future when we have email boxes!

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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


You probably dont remember that in wow you had to travel to your main city every two levels to buy your new skills.

Catching the zeppelin etc.

It was *********** horrible.

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Why are you even playing an mmorpg? I'm sure you know that mmorpg = Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, so why does it bother you that your character would have to utilize starports and starships? The whole draw of an mmorpg is to "live" vicariously through your avatar and to watch it grow in strength and power. From your post, it would appear that you would prefer the type of game that gives you instant gratification. You will not find that in an mmorpg. They are all designed to be time sinks. You should know that before signing on to play one. I would suggest that you cancel your subcription and find something else to occupy your time. Instead of gaming, pick up a musical instrument and learn to play it. You'll find every moment you play and learn rewarding, and you won't have to rely on a game developer for your enjoyment.



While playing an instrument is not a bad thing, my interpretation is he wants to engage in the game - i.e. use his abilities, experience new content, etc - rather than walk through empty and unchanging spaceports.


I find it odd that several people in this thread consider static and non-interactive content to be worth logging in to a game for. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

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As someone who travels from planet to planet a lot, I grudgingly agree. Running through spaceports, hangars, and airlocks just to get to my ship is a bit much even if it's more realistic. Since there are at least three loading screens and I don't have a SDD, it makes for a lot of time wasted just watching screens load. I could see watching these initially but after the umpteenth time, it's rather fun-bashing.
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You know the funny thing is... when Star Trek Online started up 2 or so years ago, people complained and complained about how they wanted to goto their bridge to travel between planets.


Well now in SWTOR you can do this! Now I see all kinds of posts how people DO NOT WANT this!


People are so Funny!!


its not even that people dont want to go to their bridge.

its the unnecessary travel to get there.

there is no point in going to a shuttle, then a space station, then an air lock, then

actually entering your ship.

the most useless part of that process is the airlock. there is nothing there.

it doesnt add to the story, and it most certainly has nothing to do with any social aspect

since you are in your own private area.


if they keep this stupid airlock area, at least put a bind station there

or someway to teleport there using quick travel.

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its not even that people dont want to go to their bridge.

its the unnecessary travel to get there.

there is no point in going to a shuttle, then a space station, then an air lock, then

actually entering your ship.

the most useless part of that process is the airlock. there is nothing there.

it doesnt add to the story, and it most certainly has nothing to do with any social aspect

since you are in your own private area.


if they keep this stupid airlock area, at least put a bind station there

or someway to teleport there using quick travel.


That's why i play ZORK you get rid of all those useless graphics and get to the meat of the game.

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I think the problem is the loading screens..... each time you travel this loading screen comes up and breaks the immersion anyway.... if we are made to run through all the extra crap for immension purposes, remove the loadings screens, make it more seamless
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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.



what ??, you no like running around and riding elevators ?? you no like loading screens ?? you no like running in spash shep un ruuniun urund Hungars und Orblitstations un injto sheep agund ?? wat oh nao u rund back all hurr back aguunn.

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I think the problem is the loading screens..... each time you travel this loading screen comes up and breaks the immersion anyway.... if we are made to run through all the extra crap for immension purposes, remove the loadings screens, make it more seamless


I hear a gentle rawr of laggers complaining in the background already.

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That's why i play ZORK you get rid of all those useless graphics and get to the meat of the game.


If Zork does not have voice over or loading times it sounds exactly what a lot of people are after. Does Zork have ability delay?

Edited by corbanite
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As someone who travels from planet to planet a lot, I grudgingly agree. Running through spaceports, hangars, and airlocks just to get to my ship is a bit much even if it's more realistic. Since there are at least three loading screens and I don't have a SDD, it makes for a lot of time wasted just watching screens load. I could see watching these initially but after the umpteenth time, it's rather fun-bashing.


I don't get loading screens in the elevator, it's a quick flash and i'm in the starport


The only loading screen is going into your ship or leaving it.


Where are people seeing these other screrens? Are you on dial up?

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I agree.


I don't want a loading screen to an airlock to a loading screen to an orbital station to a loading screen to a planet.


I just want a loading screen to a planet.

Edited by Mhak
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If Zork does not have voice over or loading times it sounds exactly what a lot of people are after. Does Zork have ability delay?


It's a text adventure with no graphics perfect for the entitled kid who doesn't want to wait for anything.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


You can already do this once per day. Perhaps change the cooldown from 24 hrs to 6?


I like the system as it is but loading screens are too long on entering or leaving the ship and the spaceports are too empty.

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I agree.


I don't want a loading screen to an airlock to a loading screen to an orbital station to a loading screen to a planet.


I just want a loading screen to a planet.


What's worse is the loading screen to your ship, then talking on the holocom and being told to come talk to me on this planet, go through all that loading from ship to hangar, then elevator to main deck, then cross planet travel to talk to a guy, that tells you in person he just wants you to go to another planet.



Edited by Sarak
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For the people who want to race race race, blast through content, reach end game with blazing speed, I say that Warcraft is that way. ----->


For those who like environments and immersion, ignore this thread and its ADD infested posters.

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