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5-6 sorcs in a warzone now common


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Yep not even that, 95% of the classes are sith inquisters.


You people are misleading.


The reason you see so many inquistors isn't because they are OP (that's Operatives, which is why PvP'ers are rolling that as their alt en masse), but because they are Darth Maul (assassin) and Palpatine (sorc) fanboys.


Just because there's a lot of them, doesn't mean that A.) they are good or B.) the class itself is OP.


This is a case of fanboyism, not pragmatism.


A real pragmatist would recognize this, stop QQ'ing, and roll the counter to a sorc or assassin to have more lunch in PvP.

Edited by MoarPowar
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You people are misleading.


The reason you see so many inquistors isn't because they are OP (that's Operatives, which is why PvP'ers are rolling that as their alt en masse), but because they are Darth Maul (assassin) and Palpatine (sorc) fanboys.


Just because there's a lot of them, doesn't mean that A.) they are good or B.) the class itself is OP.


This is a case of fanboyism, not pragmatism.


The fact they can all nuke for insane amounts and ranged is OP in huttball and Voidstar makes it seem 'OP"

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Ironic! I played a civil war today vs 6humans sorcs a marauder and a healing mercy. I recorded it. It was an evil lightning bouncy fest!! Check the sig link to see it.


I gotta agree that the sorcs overpopulation is just because they are cool. If you watch fathros 3? You'll see their damage is pretty balanced. Im doing about as much as a 44 sentinel. Just search youtube for fathros.

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The fact they can all nuke for insane amounts and ranged is OP in huttball and Voidstar makes it seem 'OP"


I have seen Smugglers nuke, I have seen Operatives nuke... all like Sorcs. Plus.



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You don't even know the correct class names.


A Sorcerer doesn't even have a single ability that can do more than half of what a Scoundrel/Operative or Gunslinger/Sniper nuke can do. Hell they don't even have a single ability that can match a Guardian/Juggernaut nuke, or a Sentinel/Marauder nuke, or a Commando/Mercenary nuke.


Vanguard/Powertech might be the only class in the game that doesn't have a more powerful nuke/burst than Sage/Sorcerer does.


But don't let facts and reality get in the way of another thread based on "untruths". I'd call it what it is but the Bioware mods are incapable of discernment.

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Sorcerers are NOT overpowered in any sense of the word, they are the squishiest class in the game and in fact should do more damage than they currently do. They do not do nearly as much damage as Operatives, Gunslingers, Mercenaries, Sage's or Commandos.


I would actually say that Sorcerers have it probably the worst of all classes, they are light armour and get out damaged by heavy and medium armour classes and they have no sort of invisibility or escape tactics. The only defense they have is a static barrier which is brought down in seconds by OP classes and a CC that lasts 4 seconds...


The only reason you think they are powerful is because they have AOE, which is the reason you may see them have high damage on the pvp scoreboard.


Light Armour should have the highest damage, Heavy the Lowest... It's only fair. At the moment it is backwards.

Edited by DarthViscus
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Sorcerers are NOT overpowered in any sense of the word, they are the squishiest class in the game and in fact should do more damage than they currently do. They do not do nearly as much damage as Operatives, Gunslingers, Mercenaries, Sage's or Commandos.


I would actually say that Sorcerers have it probably the worst of all classes, they are light armour and get out damaged by heavy and medium armour classes and they have no sort of invisibility or escape tactics. The only defense they have is a static barrier which is brought down in seconds by OP classes and a CC that lasts 4 seconds...





Fantasic survivablity with the games best bubble and the high speed run away gives them insane survivability. No other class has this kind of cc, damage, self healing, and top of the line survivability.


More stuns than a commando, better bubble, fantastic single target damage, they jsut need stealth scan to replace them completely.

Edited by Dooger
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lol in my guild of 60 people we only have 3 sorcs, 1 of which is in the 40's


Have also never seen a massive overabundance of them.


Maybe 3 max in a warzone.

See absolutely TONS of Mercenaries though, Mercenaries and alot of Operatives.


Maybe different servers and its easier to notice Sorcs because of MASSIVE LIGHTNING ANNIMATION.

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You people are misleading.


The reason you see so many inquistors isn't because they are OP (that's Operatives, which is why PvP'ers are rolling that as their alt en masse), but because they are Darth Maul (assassin) and Palpatine (sorc) fanboys.


Just because there's a lot of them, doesn't mean that A.) they are good or B.) the class itself is OP.


This is a case of fanboyism, not pragmatism.


A real pragmatist would recognize this, stop QQ'ing, and roll the counter to a sorc or assassin to have more lunch in PvP.


I have about 130+ Screenshots of PvP scoreboards sitting in my photobucket that can prove you otherwise. Sith Inquisitors are insanely overpowered to the point that it's not even funny. I rolled one myself to see what the hell was going on & yes, I was streamrolling republic players with great ease. Unless I got overwhelmed. I had no issues in a PvP match at all. Even at my lower levels. They are almost always on the top of the scoreboard in both damage & healing despite the skill levels of the opposing team. I've won matches on the Republic side with Sith Inquisitors still at the top of the scoreboard in pretty much every category. Screenshots can be provided upon request :).



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And I have seen games where 6 of the 8 republic are troopers. or Sages. Or Scoundrels.


It happens to both factions. You juts notice it more because you do not look at your own faction.


The Class is fine. people play it because it is very appealing to play a palpatine style class (as lets face it, he is the ****** tat destroyed the senate, corrupted Anakin, and ruled an empire....and shot lightning from his hands!)

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there is a jugg on our server who grinded incredibly hard at the start, he has been battle master for ages, he runs around with a pocket healer.


Is barely ever killed unless 8 people are focusing him, he hits like a freight train and pretty much is unplayable.


He is mega geared, biochem with all the buffs, uses pvp buffs, protects his healer and both are great players.


Ive seen him do 500k damage easy.






lol, as said earlier there is a reason why half my guild are leveling Operatives as alts.

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Ive seen him do 500k damage easy.






pvp dps is about kills, high damage is meaningless.


Good dps lowers their damage by bursting people down.

Bad dps dribbles aoe fluff to be healed.


in any event, sorcs are in huge numbers because they are broken stupidly op for pvp.

Its not a debate, the good sorcs know it as well.

Edited by Dooger
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there is a jugg on our server who grinded incredibly hard at the start, he has been battle master for ages, he runs around with a pocket healer.


Is barely ever killed unless 8 people are focusing him, he hits like a freight train and pretty much is unplayable.


He is mega geared, biochem with all the buffs, uses pvp buffs, protects his healer and both are great players.


Ive seen him do 500k damage easy.






lol, as said earlier there is a reason why half my guild are leveling Operatives as alts.


Does he scream "I'm the juggernaut *****!"?

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All most people see is that once a guy killed them , i mean they fight 50 of the class , but one of them is really OP full gear + bio + anything else you can think of.


Suddenly the class is to damm OP , need a nerf cause they cant win and so on ... really , they need to buff the warrior/knights , and that is it , not found a class too OP , just good at better things.

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