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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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  • 1 month later...
They had years to develop game! If they can't bring down eueopean servers since release at different times from US , was intentional, so no point complaining! My guess is that european servers are in europe simply for lower ping times! Either that or , as they do all maintanenance during american, nighttime, they can't afford a second team to work during american daytime, which is unlikely as they got millions to develop game! Third alternative is as many americans suggest is that bio like them assume only uneployed europeans are effected ! Edited by Vampari
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They had years to develop game! If they can't bring down eueopean servers since release at different times from US , was intentional, so no point complaining! My guess is that european servers are in europe simply for lower ping times! Either that or , as they do all maintanenance during american, nighttime, they can't afford a second team to work during american daytime, which is unlikely as they got millions to develop game! Third alternative is as many americans suggest is that bio like them assume only uneployed europeans are effected !


Having all servers down at the same time was a feature requested by some people.


BW could change that but first, I'm not sure they want to and 2nd, there's probably more important issues to fix first.

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I agree that it should be somewhere during the night. (like 01/02/03 AM+)

You think that because you don't play at night. I suffered with the shutdowns during my guilds prime-time in WoW for 6 years and I'm mighty happy that we're playing a game now which shuts down when most of the population are either working or at school. The current maintenance times are one of the reasons we moved to this game.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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You think that because you don't play at night. I suffered with the shutdowns during my guilds prime-time in WoW for 6 years and I'm mighty happy that we're playing a game now which shuts down when most of the population are either working or at school. The current maintenance times are one of the reasons we moved to this game.


You moved to another game because you can't play on one day each week? LOL! Comical.

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You moved to another game because you can't play on one day each week? LOL! Comical.

Which part of 'one of the reasons' is hard for you to understand? There were numerous reasons, however it's definitely a benefit that now neither of our two raid nights needs to be cut short due to maintenance. In hindsight I probably should've used the word 'benefit' rather than 'reason' since that is more accurate.


Kind of puts it into perspective though really. This entire thread is full of posts complaining they can't play the game for one day each week and yet not realizing that if the maintenance is moved to suit their schedule it will simply impact somebody else instead. What is really comical is people claiming the middle of the day is prime-time.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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Which part of 'one of the reasons' is hard for you to understand? There were numerous reasons, however it's definitely a benefit that now neither of our two raid nights needs to be cut short due to maintenance. In hindsight I probably should've used the word 'benefit' rather than 'reason' since that is more accurate.


Kind of puts it into perspective though really. This entire thread is full of posts complaining they can't play the game for one day each week and yet not realizing that if the maintenance is moved to suit their schedule it will simply impact somebody else instead. What is really comical is people claiming the middle of the day is prime-time.


The middle of the day isnt Prime time. But then US Customers dont get this they have the maintance in the early morning (1am-6am I think or there abouts) So that really is off-peak for them. but not for the EU.

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The middle of the day isnt Prime time. But then US Customers dont get this they have the maintance in the early morning (1am-6am I think or there abouts) So that really is off-peak for them. but not for the EU.


You won't get any sympathy. People don't give a monkeys. It'll be the same old reason, that they take the servers down at a time that inconvenients the least amount of people. Of course what people forget is that the same people are being inconvenienced every week. If they really wanted to treat every customer the same they would rotate downtimes, so everyone gets them at night at some point in a year.

But like I said, people don't give a monkeys about anyone but themselves nowadays.

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The middle of the day isnt Prime time. But then US Customers dont get this they have the maintance in the early morning (1am-6am I think or there abouts) So that really is off-peak for them. but not for the EU.


It's off-peak for the EU too. That's what makes this complaint so ridiculous.

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Ya know, they shut down the servers in the US from 3am-7am in my time zone, and that is in fact when I get to play with the hours of my job, but as it turns out, I have a life too, and other interests besides one. It might suit ya well to find a second and third hobby in life, just in case your carpel tunnel kicks in. :p
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You do get used to it... For us in Oz it starts at 6:30pm. :confused: I can't think of any mmo's that I have played where we aren't effected.


I thought the EU times were bad enough..... is this for your new Asia-Pacific Servers? If yes.... then GG Bioware...once again

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I remember when it used to be a bannable offence to ressurect dinosaurs on the forums this thread has been dead since april


lol yeah, just goes to show ppl replying to old threads without reading previous posts.


this thread basically got nuked after (sacked) Stephen Reid said 'we will be looking into this issue' then after they looked into the issue they turned round and said 'tough, deal with it, they arnt changing ever so like it or lump it' (well...words to that effect)


and this kiddies could be one of the reasons the vast majority of EU servers are constantly at 'light' but EA/BW cant/wont change it, everytime its resurected some americans feel the need to post here saying 'tough, deal with it' etc etc etc


leave it die, just like the majority of servers are

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  • 1 month later...

I am an American Player who works a graveyard shift job. As a 13 year veteran of MMOs, I've spent the past 10 years in the same League across several games comprised chiefly of Oceanic players because they match my play times and raids can be scheduled during my available hours. When 4am is your start time for gaming, it becomes doubly important that you have gaming in your life, as I cannot exactly go out and do much of anything for several hours before businesses start opening.


I accept the lag of playing on the Asia Pacific server so that I can have gameplay during my own peak hours and so I can play with my mates. I never say a word of complaint about the lag I endure because this is my decision, and one that I have made based on educated weighing of options and lengthy experience over other MMOs. Understand, I voluntarily sign up to lag so that I don't have to wait through maintainence when I'm trying to play, and so that I can do my raids without interuption.


Why then do I find, on an Oceanic server where our primetime is just starting up, that multiple times each week we get shut down for maintainence as convieniant for Americans. If we wanted to do what was most convieniant for Americans without regards for our Oceanic players, we wouldn't have split off onto our own servers in the first place! What is the bloody point of having an Asia Pacific server (with a cruddy population and no hope of transfers) if the only perk we were hoping for (that we might be able to have the Asia Pacific server be handled on the Asia Pacific timetable) gets completely ignored? Why shouldn't we just play on the West Coast servers then? What's the point of multiple regional server options if we're going to pretend like West Coast, East Coast, European, and Asia Pacific all exist exclusively in California?


After 2 weeks of missing my Operations because near daily maintainences shut us down for our scheduled raid time, I've reinstalled Everquest and started dusting off the old Enchanter. You cannot honestly expect us to remain subscribed much longer if you turn off our game when we get home from work every day.

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We all know that without servers being segragated and regional players not able to chose which region they want to play on outside of there actual region the only way for a work around on this is rotation. one week us, one week eu and the next week ap.


But for peeps who this effects use that time for something else until something gets done. I also think emergency maint should be done when its ready to be applied not based on the normal mat time, if its an emergency it should be treated as such.

Edited by Shingara
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