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Casual = Happy and Re-Subscribing; Hardcore = Rage Quit


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If they keep the graphics (textures) as they are for the "casual" player ill be out after 3 months and leaving my stuff.


Star Trek Online being repeated im seeing .... i so wanted to remain positive with SWTOR but im really shaky at the mo.

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Probably because hard core players have played almost all this game has to offer and we see no value in it?


You actually don't speak for me so don't pretend you do. You speak for yourself and you alone, no use trying to pretend otherwise.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Quitting an incomplete, buggy pile of graphical dog vomit because superior products are a couple of months away is hardly rage quitting. I considered resubbing to see if they'd fix things, but realized with the engine limitations, it's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
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They are happy with it, dumbing down the game to get more subs. It's the same way in academia - school is so easy now, any idiot can get a degree. I would have loved to see some of these students in school before the 70s, just like I would have loved to see some of these gamers in vanilla wow ddo or eq.

DDO???? Is someone calling DDO hardcore?

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im an mmo vet who plays swtor casually, your generalization OP left me out.


heheh same


I play 8-12 hours a day but go out of my way to not level fast and putz around taking my time!


So guess im haldcore by hours but really im not anymore.


Still, while the rush to 50 crowd fall pretty much on deft ears to me

so do the "its all fine and happy" crowd.


This game does have issues and glossing over them does far more damage then those nit picking and QQing about every little thing could ever do.


Its always safer to have to much information then not enough.


And yes, even though I go out of my way not to speed level, you have to be a complete and utterly useless player to not see this game levels far to fast and is far to easy.


Personally I cant wait till the 20th so many of the complainers leave but really, unless we getting OFFICIAL (not some fanboy created at different address) subscription servers for players (like we had in beta), not much will change around here.

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Flaw number 1 -- define what "HARDCORE" is to you in "A" game vs this one.


Flaw number 2 -- assuming all of us "HARDCORE" MMO players or gamers are the same as you or your friends or that small bucket of people you deal with.


*IS hard core raiding 40 hours a week plus getting world top 20 kills in wow type things? That would play on the PTRs in all raid environments to get a jump on kills for hours on end? Raiding from 6 pm cst til 1 am cst every night of the week? Getting titles , mounts in the game that are no longer even in the games you play and playing to have the best gear and guild and raids on the server? Theory crafting until your eyes bleed with numbers?


Is that hard core?


Because if you so your thoughts are flawed... I resubbed... and did all of that.


SO your concept and information you are getting is not accurate sorry.


Here's the deal, if you're going to condescendingly give me debate lessons, you might want to actually know how to debate. Your Flaw 1 is fair (and I'll get to that in a moment). Flaw 2 is where your post falls apart. Nowhere did I say (or even imply) that all MMO gamers are the same as me or my friends (in fact, you don't know anything about my opinion on gaming or SWTOR, but based on the tone of that comment I'd assume you think I don't like the game, which is false). I noticed a trend and wanted to hear from other players. Nothing more, nothing less.


Back to my definition of hardcore. Yes, I would agree that you are (were?) hardcore. As others have pointed out in this thread, "hardcore" and "experienced" aren't necessarily the same thing. Experienced MMO players (since the days of UO, etc) are not necessarily the most hardcore gamers today and hardcore gamers today might not have even played MMOs that long ago. So, my definition of hardcore applies to individuals who either play a game the way you played WoW (actually, not quite THAT extreme, but you get the idea) and/or players who have played and understood, in great detail, MMOs for a very long time. It's not that I find players who fall into this category to somehow be more legitimate but rather that level of understanding and experience tends to be more critical (and nuanced) of a new game. PERSONAL OPINION ALERT: In my opinion, I tend to take the views of casual players with a grain of salt (ie, their opinions have never been a good barometer for the quality or longevity of ANY of the games I have played in my over 10 years of MMO gaming).

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I guess if hardcore means grind to 50 in a week, get battlemaster gear in two weeks, and cry on the forums in week three then you are right OP.


Why is a simple observation being taken as some personal assault on your love of the game? I really like the game. I'm making an observation for discussion. I have no hidden agenda. Geesh.

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Bottom line: if you hate this game so much that you feel compelled to come onto these message boards for no reason other than to talk crap about it, odds are that there are problems in your life that a video game can't fix


Lol. Look at the drama queens coming out of the woodwork. Why does taking a work break to discuss a popular MMO somehow qualify a person as having "problems in your life that a video game can't fix"? Talk about the need for perspective.....

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I'm an MMO vet, been playing MMO's since UO and I love the game. I also play daily so no I don't see the trend. Maybe you think an MMO vet is someone that started playing WoW during BC ? I could be wrong but somehow I doubt it. Either way the game is great but some people will complain just for the sake of complaining.
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What do you consider hardcore?


This is my first MMO, so I'm not an MMO vet. Does that mean I'm not hardcore?

I just got my first character level 50 last Friday. Because I took my time getting there, rather than rushing to 50 in the first week, am I not hardcore?


I work for 8 hours a day, but almost every day at lunch I log in. I play for at least 3 hours every night, and probably average around 10 hours a day on weekends, at a minimum. So am I still not hardcore?


And I love this game.

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Well, to be honest. Where is the money at?


I used to raid at a good Guild when I had more time/back in the day. And it is easy to think you're the most important when you do.

But truth probally is 'with the big numbers' which probally means the casuals to which ranks I belong today.

When the casuals are happy the register rings....

Democracy its best.

Edited by The_Krill
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I'm an MMO vet, been playing MMO's since UO and I love the game. I also play daily so no I don't see the trend. Maybe you think an MMO vet is someone that started playing WoW during BC ? I could be wrong but somehow I doubt it. Either way the game is great but some people will complain just for the sake of complaining.


Thank you for your reply. Quick pro tip: You can give your opinion without assuming things about the poster. You could have simply said: "I looked for a similar trend and did not see what you're seeing."

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Why is a simple observation being taken as some personal assault on your love of the game? I really like the game. I'm making an observation for discussion. I have no hidden agenda. Geesh.


It's not, a generalization is a useless talking point that doesn't do anything to elevate the discussion on an intellectual level and that's all your post is.


All generalizations are false, including the entire basis of your post.

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I've been playing MMOs as a raider, or the game's equivalent, since UO. Even now, I play about 4-5 hours most nights, more on the weekends. I love the game and am "happy and re-subscribing." I also don't feel that casual players opinions aren't a good barometer about a game's quality. What an arrogant, elitist comment!


I think the issue here is people who don't seem to understand that a game at launch isn't going to be as polished as certain juggernaut games with years of experience, no matter how good that games programmers and designers are.

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Why is a simple observation being taken as some personal assault on your love of the game? I really like the game. I'm making an observation for discussion. I have no hidden agenda. Geesh.


You may not have meant it, or maybe you did and are not admitting it, or cannot see it, but you asked your question in a pseudo condescending manner.


You cannot be surprised if people take some offense. It was almost insinuating that if you like this game, you are a gushing newbie, but if you don't like the game it is because you are an experienced and knowledgeable gamer.

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Thank you for your reply. Quick pro tip: You can give your opinion without assuming things about the poster. You could have simply said: "I looked for a similar trend and did not see what you're seeing."


But yet you assume MMO vets and hardcore players don't like the game. So you can assume but not others is that the rule?

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I hope OP is correct the hardcore gamers are some of the most annoying people in modern society. They might be completely functional members of society but put them in a game and they are the equivalent of a drunken, jock, fratboy at a ***** bar in mexico. Get rid of them by not making games for them we'll all be better off.
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I've been playing MMOs as a raider, or the game's equivalent, since UO. Even now, I play about 4-5 hours most nights, more on the weekends. I love the game and am "happy and re-subscribing." I also don't feel that casual players opinions aren't a good barometer about a game's quality. What an arrogant, elitist comment!


I think the issue here is people who don't seem to understand that a game at launch isn't going to be as polished as certain juggernaut games with years of experience, no matter how good that games programmers and designers are.


Very good post.

Or to be more elitist: QFT.

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