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Dark side choices...how do you feel about them?


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When you make darkside choices for a character, like the major ones of killing a good npc and such, do you feel bad about it any?


Do you feel gleeful, detatched, or what?


Define a "good NPC". ;) Most of the ones I remember having a choice to kill them or not had good tactical or emotional reasons for wanting them alive or dead, and most of them were not shining beacons of light I'd consider "good". ;)


If my Hunter decides to kill someone, it's because 1) it was stipulated by my employer, 2) it's tactically sound or they're too dangerous to let live, or 3) because they freakin' deserve it (her discretion and impression of the character comes into play here). Haven't really had any regrets yet. There have been some NPCs who I thought should be killed but I haven't been given a choice, though... :p

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I've barely begun my BH, but one case...



I think of regards a job to retrieve a woman's kid from the kid's father, so the mom can send the kid to sith academy. You're given the choice of not doing the job or killing the father in front of the kid. I consider this an evil act, as the father just wanted a better life for his son.





Another quest (diff class) gives the choice of killing a lightside jedi or darkside sith. Lightside npcs are normally considered "Good". But also, any non-harmful npc would be considered at least neutral.


That being said, I think many of the choices are really more Lawful/Chaotic choices...and I've seen some choices where the "dark side" choice is the more "good" one. (anything where the choice is...the truth must come out...blegh)


But my question is about the obvious evil darkside choices.

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I'm not very far into the story, only lvl 24 with my Sith Inquisiter, but I really REALLY wanted Nefarie, my sith inquisiter, to kill Darth Lachris the 'mayor' of Balmorra. I disliked her intensly, and really disliked her treating me like her errand monkey so I actually refused her last quest. Too bad there wasn't an option to cauterize her throat with a lighsaber.


I want to kill Zash. And Khem certainly doesn't like her. For now I have to put up with her, but I have a feeling her time will come.


Other than that, Nefarie is a 'good' sith, if that isn't an oxymoron. I only kill people who are arrogant, mouthy jerks.


I have over 2000 light points and 150 dark. My character hates the Impire anyway, how could she like a form of government that made her a slave? For now, it suits her to go along, but she does whatever she can, however small, to undermine it.

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I'm not very far into the story, only lvl 24 with my Sith Inquisiter, but I really REALLY wanted Nefarie, my sith inquisiter, to kill Darth Lachris the 'mayor' of Balmorra. I disliked her intensly, and really disliked her treating me like her errand monkey so I actually refused her last quest. Too bad there wasn't an option to cauterize her throat with a lighsaber.


I felt the same way, playing my sorceress. She clearly looks down on you so much. I wanted to just stab her in the face, and say "You know, I've killed one darth already. What's one more?"


I want to kill Zash. And Khem certainly doesn't like her. For now I have to put up with her, but I have a feeling her time will come.


Zash started out well. I liked her at first. Now I realize she just sees me as a path to power. *sigh*


Other than that, Nefarie is a 'good' sith, if that isn't an oxymoron. I only kill people who are arrogant, mouthy jerks.


I have over 2000 light points and 150 dark. My character hates the Impire anyway, how could she like a form of government that made her a slave? For now, it suits her to go along, but she does whatever she can, however small, to undermine it.


My sorceress is a "light" sith too. She treats non-sith politely (unless they're jerks), is friendly with the soldiers and working people, tells them to stop calling her "my lord" and such (at least when the dialogue gives me the option). With sith? It's the exact opposite. She treats them like garbage, and thinks nothing of them. She'd happily carve a swath through their whole power structure. :)


There's a woman in one of the tatooine quests that's sending you off against a force-user, and ranting about how they have to be culled because "what would happen if the lowest of the low, some SLAVE, could think they could wield the same power as a sith?" In the cutscene, my sorceress folded her arms and just stared at her, but sadly it didn't give me any sort of dialogue option to backhand her, or even clear my throat and say "You know, *I* was a slave..." I was disappointed at that.

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As an overall light-side JK, most dark side choices I made don't make me feel bad.


I spare most but there are ones I don't tolerate. Traitors always die unless they are useful and should be interrogated. Certain people are too dangerous to be left alive.


Some dark side choices and some non-LS choices involve preserving dangerous technology. I believe files and weapon prototypes are valuable and should be improved or at least studied. When a project fails, I believe one should look back several steps and study what's wrong, instead of burying the whole project.


Interestingly, burying dangerous weapon projects strikes to me as choices coming out from emotions instead of reasoning. So much for there is no emotion, there is peace.


I also believe in military strategies. He who defends everything defends nothing. Be unpredictable instead of predictable. Jedi should measure between cause and symptoms, and try to solve the cause if possible, instead of running all over the place trying to heal the symptoms.

Edited by Sraom
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My sorceress is a "light" sith too. She treats non-sith politely (unless they're jerks), is friendly with the soldiers and working people, tells them to stop calling her "my lord" and such (at least when the dialogue gives me the option). With sith? It's the exact opposite. She treats them like garbage, and thinks nothing of them. She'd happily carve a swath through their whole power structure. :)


Oh, I'm exactly the same way with Nefarie, she's a sorceress as well. I'm polite to non-sith people (Khem hates that). I let The Flame go, and even though the commander was almost frothing at the mouth, I just told him basically to shut up and deal with it. Way back on Korriban I let the Jedi go and told him about the plan. I did kill that one commander's sith son in the prison on Balmorra because he was an arrogant jerk. I didn't feel bad about that at all, though I did feel a little bad about kill his dad.


There's a woman in one of the tatooine quests that's sending you off against a force-user, and ranting about how they have to be culled because "what would happen if the lowest of the low, some SLAVE, could think they could wield the same power as a sith?" In the cutscene, my sorceress folded her arms and just stared at her, but sadly it didn't give me any sort of dialogue option to backhand her, or even clear my throat and say "You know, *I* was a slave..." I was disappointed at that.


Have you tried several conversation options? Sometimes I'll hit escape during the conversation and try different options because sometimes your character says something different than what you think they're going to say. I'll keep an eye for this woman. I have more class quests on Nar Shaddaa yet, and then off to Tatooine. Can't wait to meet Andronikos Revel =D

Edited by ejadavidson
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Sometimes the dark options make me feel bad, and sometimes they make me feel euphoric :) Depends on what they are. I'm not generally a malicious person but I certainly value the concept of retribution. The flesh raiders are killing the villagers? Heck ya I'm going to throw one on the barbeque.
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It's funny, I've had the exact opposite reaction. When first starting out, it felt a bit uncomfortable making dark choices. Now, I get a kick out of it.


That's how the character is developing, and it gives her her own personality different from any of the other alts I have.

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Oh, I'm exactly the same way with Nefarie, she's a sorceress as well. I'm polite to non-sith people (Khem hates that). I let The Flame go, and even though the commander was almost frothing at the mouth, I just told him basically to shut up and deal with it. Way back on Korriban I let the Jedi go and told him about the plan. I did kill that one commander's sith son in the prison on Balmorra because he was an arrogant jerk. I didn't feel bad about that at all, though I did feel a little bad about kill his dad.


Yeah, I've done the same stuff. I let the force-sensitive people go on balmorra, too. I killed the guy's kid, too, cause he was such an incredibly arrogant putz, and I didn't feel like rewarding his behavior. :) And yeah, his dad took it badly. Poor guy. I let the scientist go who made the serum, too, and Khem HATED that. I got like -120 affection for it.


Every now and then I'll pipe up in general chat when Khem particularly dislikes what I do with something along the lines of "*bonks Khem on the head* Yeah, I know, I'm not Tulak Hord. But you're not a cute twi'lek girl who follows me around making snarky comments. We both live with disappointment."



Have you tried several conversation options? Sometimes I'll hit escape during the conversation and try different options because sometimes your character says something different than what you think they're going to say. I'll keep an eye for this woman. I have more class quests on Nar Shaddaa yet, and then off to Tatooine. Can't wait to meet Andronikos Revel =D


I usually esc out and go recheck the other options if what the voice actor says doesn't mesh up with what I thought they'd say by the option text. :)


I just picked up Revel last night. He's interesting so far. My favorite is one of the guys he's after is babbling, and I said "Oh just kill him, it'll shut him up!" and I got like 230 affection for it.

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  • 3 months later...
I'm not very far into the story, only lvl 24 with my Sith Inquisiter, but I really REALLY wanted Nefarie, my sith inquisiter, to kill Darth Lachris the 'mayor' of Balmorra. I disliked her intensly, and really disliked her treating me like her errand monkey so I actually refused her last quest. Too bad there wasn't an option to cauterize her throat with a lighsaber.


I want to kill Zash. And Khem certainly doesn't like her. For now I have to put up with her, but I have a feeling her time will come.


Other than that, Nefarie is a 'good' sith, if that isn't an oxymoron. I only kill people who are arrogant, mouthy jerks.


I have over 2000 light points and 150 dark. My character hates the Impire anyway, how could she like a form of government that made her a slave? For now, it suits her to go along, but she does whatever she can, however small, to undermine it.


Hmm. I imagine that my Sith Warrior, (who is also Light Sided, but is fiercely loyal to the Empire, and is constantly trying to improve it) would like to have a word with you.


Especially once The Hand gets word of your dealings.



I felt the same way, playing my sorceress. She clearly looks down on you so much. I wanted to just stab her in the face, and say "You know, I've killed one darth already. What's one more?"


My sorceress is a "light" sith too. She treats non-sith politely (unless they're jerks), is friendly with the soldiers and working people, tells them to stop calling her "my lord" and such (at least when the dialogue gives me the option). With sith? It's the exact opposite. She treats them like garbage, and thinks nothing of them. She'd happily carve a swath through their whole power structure. :)


You too. Seriously, the Wrath pretty much exists to kill people like you.




On topic, at least 80% of the Dark Side choices here are just stupidly evil.

Edited by Velaran
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Personnaly, it depends on the decision itself. I'm playing my Sith as dark as possible AND making sure I always choose decisions that would help the Empire and/or damage the Republic.


That being said, most of the time I can choose the Dark Side with no problem. There does come times when my concience gets the better of me and makes me regret those decision. Two examples that come to mind involve a unfathful woman in Balmora and ships filled with refugees on Taris.

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I just started Nar Shad on my IA and, at the end of the quest where you're given the option to kill and be rich or refrain and let the person walk, I was actually pretty torn. My IA has 0 dark points and I was tempted to break that streak because the person in question was an incompetent idiot and really did deserve to die. But I felt killing them for money was the wrong reason. They needed to be punished by a higher authority.


That being said, I would have liked to see an option to kill Lachris. She would have taken a snipe shot to the face and I wouldn't have felt bad in any way, form, or fashion. :wea_14:

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I'm not very far into the story, only lvl 24 with my Sith Inquisiter, but I really REALLY wanted Nefarie, my sith inquisiter, to kill Darth Lachris the 'mayor' of Balmorra. I disliked her intensly, and really disliked her treating me like her errand monkey so I actually refused her last quest. Too bad there wasn't an option to cauterize her throat with a lighsaber.


There is another class story in which you meet her under... different circumstances. You may enjoy it.


Say what you want about the Jedi Consular class story, but the encounter with Darth Lachris is pure awesomeness.



About the original post: I try to go Dark Side with some of my characters, just to try different things. But some decisions do make me feel uncomfortable. And some of them I cannot bring myself to do it - one would be the Coruscant slicer girl from the Smuggler class story.

I have not played much Empire side, but it does seem to come more naturally. My Rattataki Inquisitor has been enslaved, and everyone around him insult him and call him a slave at every turn. Anger flows, and anger makes him strong in the Force, and the first chance he gets, they will all fry!! :D

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they don't really make me feel bad. i just dont like them because its often times stupid and unnecessary. alot of times it doesnt even make sense. its just being evil / violent for the sake of being evil / violent, theres no real reason behind it. and thus is boring to me.


if my character has reason to kill someone, i'll absolutely take the darkside choice and kill them. but most of the time lightside is the one that actually makes sense.


i just dont find random violence and being a total jerk for no reason to be "cool" or "******" but thats just my opinion.

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The only darkside choice I have ever felt remotely bad about on either my republic or empire characters was:



On hoth, on my republic characters, blowing up the power generator with the ortolans inside. I'd been ordered to do it, because there weren't the forces to defend it, but the ortolans were so cute and sweet, and they didn't stand a chance. It was compounded when I got the mail later saying they found ortolan bodies inside.



Other than that, no. And it's fun making some darkside choices on my empire characters.

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It depends on both the character and the choice in question. My characters generally frown on the wanton killing of civilians or innocents. Other than that, alignment hasn't really played much of a part in their decision-making process.


A lot of the dark options that I have seen don't really make sense as dark choices to me (and the same is true for light options). For example, my agent is still haunted by the dark side choice she had to make at the end of chapter 1. It was a hard thing to do, but it was the right one, despite the cost. Personally, I don't really feel that the alignments assigned to the choices there were accurate - both choices were pretty dark, to be honest.

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tFor example, my agent is still haunted by the dark side choice she had to make at the end of chapter 1. It was a hard thing to do, but it was the right one, despite the cost. Personally, I don't really feel that the alignments assigned to the choices there were accurate - both choices were pretty dark, to be honest.



i was not able to make that choice, i decided to disable them, but the guy escaped, i think it was a light side choice i did....was not worth the sacrifice for my agent



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