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Very VERY confused :-S


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Hey guys, not much to say apart from I'm very confused about the crafting system and companion abilities system and such. I have looked for help but I don't even know which questions to ask, and when I try and read about it I just get even more confused :confused: What the hell is it about??? Lol... This is my very first MMO and I am a level 29 sith juggernaut and want to be able to build my own crystals and stuff but I don't even get any of this artificing stuff. I don't even know which skills I picked, at the beggining of the game I vaguely remember picking artificing from someone but I don't know anything about where to even begin. What is the crew skill thing? Where do I even begin??? This game is getting more complicated and confusing all the time lol... Can anyone help me??? I am so lost...
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Well, pressing the 'N' button should bring up your crew skils menu so long as you haven't changed that button. In you don't have any crew skills listed go and see the trainers on a planet or on the fleet ship.


To do any crafting you need the materials. You need to learn Archaeology and send the companions on missons or on you map legend click the little resources icon and they will show up when you get close to them

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I'd recommend you read the stickies in the "Crew Skills" Forum. There is a lot of information there.


In a nutshell, you can get a total of 3 crew skills. Crew Skills are split up into 3 major categories:


1) Crafting - these skills enable you to actually make stuff. You can only have 1 of these.

2) Gathering - these skills enable you (or your companion) to gather stuff needed to craft stuff. So these allow you to get the materials needed for any crafting skill. As you are questing around, you can generally find things to gather. You can have 1-3 of these.

3) Mission - these are missions that you send your companion on to find rare materials used for higher level crafting stuff. Each mission costs money, so be very very careful with these. You can have 1-3 of these.


Where to train - check your map and track crew skill trainers. Probably easiest to just go to the Fleet, as all crew skill trainers are there. Pick and choose what you want.


Once you get your crew skills, you can click the "Crew Skill" button at the top of your screen. It looks like a diamond. The window that opens will show your companions (i.e. your "crew"), and you can select what skill you want each companion to perform/level. The skills will show next to each companion.


Hopefully, you can take it from there.

Edited by Graelik
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Cheers guys. One last thing, how can I undo the skills if I chose the wrong ones at the beginning of the game? Can you even do that?


When you open up your crew skills window, you will see your chosen crew skills at the top of the window. Next to them, you will see your skill level, and an "x". Clicking the "x" will allow you to un-learn it.

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Go into your Crew Skills list by hitting 'n' and to the right of where it shows the skills you have there will be an 'x' there. Click that and it will ask you if you're sure or something. Then get your new skill.
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