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Harsh death penalty system compared to WoW


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Harsh death penalty? Is that a joke?


I use death as a taxi service when my cooldown of my port hasn't finished.


And more to the point, why on earth are you dying? I only die when I try.


Like I was at Panteer the other day trying to get the datacron that body types 3 and above can't get to because the crack in the door is too small. I took off all my gear, used consumption until I was almost dead and then pulled the room.


It still took 'em a couple of minutes to kill me.


And I still couldn't get past the darn door.

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You get to revive yourself right where you died and you're given 10 seconds of invisibility. that's way more forgiving than WoW's death penalties. In fact, the worst-case death scenario in ToR (died 50 times in a row and having a long waiting time) means you have to do the equivalent of most other MMO's by reviving at the med center.
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I noticed each time you die, it takes longer to respawn if you decide to revive at the same spot you died at. Most of the time, the medcenters are too far away especially on tatooine and you don't want to fight your way back since the respwn rate from mobs are also quick.


The mission completion credit reward sometimes barely covers the credits to repair your gear. And when finally we had some open world pvp on tatooine, the battle didnt last long probably because of the reasons I just stated.


I love it this way, SWTOR made sure repeated camping and assaulting doesn't take it to another level. Compared to WoW, it's a harsh system. I remember in WoW it takes a few seconds after death to join an ongoing battle anywhere in the world.


I think we can say SWTOR is a little harsher than WoW in this regard. Don't you think?





How about you just don't die so much!?!?! lol

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^^ Right here. I played WoW from launch to firelands, it ALWAYS had gear damage on death. If you even played a tank that wiped at endgame it was freaking expensive. No to mention during leveling you could either be corpse camped or take a lengthy debuff that made you so pathetically weak a player or mob 10 levels below you could face roll you. I prefer the system they have here. If your dying enough to really get a lengthy time before respawn you are doing something REALLY wrong


Trooper questline, fighting Gunnery Sergeant Johnston. Vanguard DPS, Assault Specialist.


Wearing near full oranges and flashpoint gear with purple armoring and assault rifle orange with blue barrel + mod and crystal. Proceed to die 3 times fighting one elite. Go to medcenter, grab stims and medpacs, die twice more, repair gear, finally kill him with crits of luck.


Yeah, I'm doing something wrong. Probably my immensely good gear, or my rotation that leaves me with a high amount of ammo to spray him with constantly with virtually no regen probs.

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I noticed each time you die, it takes longer to respawn if you decide to revive at the same spot you died at. Most of the time, the medcenters are too far away especially on tatooine and you don't want to fight your way back since the respwn rate from mobs are also quick.


The mission completion credit reward sometimes barely covers the credits to repair your gear. And when finally we had some open world pvp on tatooine, the battle didnt last long probably because of the reasons I just stated.


I love it this way, SWTOR made sure repeated camping and assaulting doesn't take it to another level. Compared to WoW, it's a harsh system. I remember in WoW it takes a few seconds after death to join an ongoing battle anywhere in the world.


I think we can say SWTOR is a little harsher than WoW in this regard. Don't you think?



Oh also, no dura lost in pvp (even open world)

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This game rightfully took a page from the Rift handbook with the self res. Death is much less of a penalty here than in WoW. In WoW you had to run back to your corpse every time no matter how remote it was. In this game you at least get a mulligan and can get back up after an "oops" moment.


That is a BAD thing, gamers today are the biggest loser panzies I have ever seen. Death in WOW and SWTOR are a joke, its meaningless.... Lack of death penalty = less tension while playing. The dumbing down of gaming is in full force. Thank God for Dark Souls.

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If a game were made today that had xp loss or item loss.. Do you seriously think it would stay an MMO for long.. And don't bring up EVE.. EVE is a freak of nature in the MMO market.. No other MMO can pull off what their customer base puts up with..


If done right it easily would, your underestimating the hard core gaming fanbase.

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death in a game is meaningless. it is a game. frustration in a game has meaning. and not in a good way. There is already a repair cost, that is all the incentive they need. They need to fix some of the bugs that get you killed like evading mobs before they add any "meaning" to death.


This post is clueless I dont even know where to begin. Death is essential to any game, without it the game becomes pointless........ If you fear death a game can be tension filled and intense, without it its careless and boring.

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That is a BAD thing, gamers today are the biggest loser panzies I have ever seen. Death in WOW and SWTOR are a joke, its meaningless.... Lack of death penalty = less tension while playing. The dumbing down of gaming is in full force. Thank God for Dark Souls.


There is more to gaming beyond masochism.

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Harsh is relative. And yes. It kind of is. But I did say I'm glad for it.

Regardless of having the option to do dailies to make credits ( what does that have to do with it?) you're still out 20,000 credits.

I fail to see the need to quote and respond with a wise azz remark.

Wise *** remark? I was just commenting that 20k credits is really nothing in this game at 50 because you can easily make 5x that amount in a short period of time. Sure it maybe a death penalty, but it's a rather minute one.
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This post is clueless I dont even know where to begin. Death is essential to any game, without it the game becomes pointless........ If you fear death a game can be tension filled and intense, without it its careless and boring.


Ever played Planescape: Torment by any chance? The entire story is centered around the concept that the main character can't die. At worst you can be temporarily killed, at which point you wake up in the morgue. Winning the game is achieved by finding a way to end his immortality.

Edited by Kurnea
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If a game were made today that had xp loss or item loss.. Do you seriously think it would stay an MMO for long.. And don't bring up EVE.. EVE is a freak of nature in the MMO market.. No other MMO can pull off what their customer base puts up with..


Well, there was Vanguard and... I guess I see your point. (I think Vanguard died due to the hardware requirements and massive launch bugs, not to mention missing content, more than the mechanics which actually WERE implemented. I loved it, but it became unplayable when the population nosedived. Sigh.)

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dude are you really saying there is a penalty for death in this game?


you think time is a penalty?


Actually, in an MMO, ALL death penalties are time penalties (modulus those few games where you can lose rare equipment you may never get a chance to get again), it's just a matter of how much.


If you lose XP it will take you an hour to earn back, that's a time penalty. If you pay more in repairs than you can earn in an hour, it's a HARSHER penalty than the XP penalty, because it's costing you more time. However, in almost all cases, a cash penalty represents minutes, and the higher level you get, the faster you can recover cash, vs. the slower you recover XP. (Also, your alts can't make XP for you, but they can send you cash, which I guess sort of undermines my point...)


Bear in mind, I am *agreeing* with you that SWTOR has a light death penalty; I'm just pointing out that time IS a penalty in MMOs, as it's the only thing you, the player, ever really pay. Different games just disguise the time penalty in different ways, and it's all psychological. Would you rather lose 10% of your XP, or gain only half XP until you've earned the next 10% of the level? Even though mathematically they're the same, "XP tax" systems "seem" less harsh because you're still going forward, just slower... you didn't "go back". However, the total time to get to the next level is equally penalized.

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You're leveling. Why does it matter that there even is a death penalty?


But I agree, I feel like the SWTOR death penalty is actually a little worse than the WoW death penalty because of the linear nature of the maps, meaning you'll have to clear trash again to get back to the quest area if you need to rez at the medcenter.


That said, they're both super lenient.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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I noticed each time you die, it takes longer to respawn if you decide to revive at the same spot you died at. Most of the time, the medcenters are too far away especially on tatooine and you don't want to fight your way back since the respwn rate from mobs are also quick.


The mission completion credit reward sometimes barely covers the credits to repair your gear. And when finally we had some open world pvp on tatooine, the battle didnt last long probably because of the reasons I just stated.


I love it this way, SWTOR made sure repeated camping and assaulting doesn't take it to another level. Compared to WoW, it's a harsh system. I remember in WoW it takes a few seconds after death to join an ongoing battle anywhere in the world.


I think we can say SWTOR is a little harsher than WoW in this regard. Don't you think?


no not really if anything it is less harsh since you actually have the option here to rez right where you died without having to run back let alone if you run back into instance in wow you rez right at the start.

Edited by Baaddare
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