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Harsh death penalty system compared to WoW


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There is no EXP loss or item loss, it's not harsh.


If a game were made today that had xp loss or item loss.. Do you seriously think it would stay an MMO for long.. And don't bring up EVE.. EVE is a freak of nature in the MMO market.. No other MMO can pull off what their customer base puts up with..

Edited by Tahana
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If you ask me, their system isn't harsh enough. You don't have to worry about losing exp or gear when you die, you just have to wait a little bit and pop right up like nothing happened. There's supposed to be some kind of penalty to death to make people NOT want to die. The way it is now (unless you suck and die constantly) you just wait a few seconds, no big deal at all. It causes people to not care about dying and therefore not care about refining their tactics. I think they should switch the wait time for an exp loss.
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If a game were made today that had xp loss or item loss.. Do you seriously think it would stay and MMO for long.. And don't bring up EVE.. EVE is a freak of nature in the MMO market.. No other MMO can pull off what their customer base puts up with..


Well the nice thing about eve is when you win a battle you feel like you have won a battle instead of oh hey he just spawend again before I could even check the time.

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What death penalty? Seriously there is no death penalty in this game. You rez yourself in exactly the same spot and keep going.


Death penalties are when you lose xp, are debuffed for a significant amount of time, or have to do a corpse run to get all your gear and xp back.

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Ah Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest. When you FEARED death because it might set you back HOURS of experience.


No offense to the WoW crowd, but there is nothing harsh about death in that game. You have to run back, but lose nothing other than a few minutes of your time? With DAoC try spending hours to gain one of ten bubbles needed to level, then getting ganked in pvp territory because it's the only place to get decent xp. You lose much of that xp, have to spend money visiting a healer to regain constitution so you can get your stats back to normal, and you have to run back to your xp spot so you can get started again...in some instances only to be ganked again. You can actually log off with less xp for the day than you started with. WoW and the recent games, including SWToR, only require a few moments of your time to get back up to speed. If that's harsh, I'll have two helpings please.

Edited by Bazalin
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I disagree. Graveyards in WOW were no where nearly as convenient as Med Centers are in this game. But honestly, death penalties in both games are pretty lax.


I use to make it so the only way for you to play the game again was to respawn at a GY.. I wasn't very nice to the horde. Mind you a few times they would retaliate and come back with 4-5 people and make me rez at the GY lol.


Ohh how I miss that :(. I miss coming to the aid of little ones being ganked or making little ones call for aid them selves and killing the aid hehehe.

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there's a death penalty in this game? lie!


seriously the cost of repairs are steep but the fat is if you are aware of what you are doing, particularly at high levels you shouldnt die. although i have agro'd entire sections on belsavis.....which makes surviving difficult at best.

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This is not WoW, it doesn't have to be like wow , this is swtor and that's the system they picked to go with. Learn to live with it, death should have some penelty.


They should rename WoW to world of whine , the only thing that game has done is spawned a lot of we want everything given to us on a platter gamer.


Be glad they didn't make your corpse able to loot after death, now that would be awsome. We could irrigate the deserts of the world with the tears from that lmao.

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Go die once in EvE in an un updated clone in a battleship after finishing a level 5 skill.


Go on do it and tell me the colors of rage you feel.


was thinking the exact same thing


EvE really does have nasty death penalties

Your ship, it's equipment, everything it's carrying, any implants and some skills if your clone isn't up to date or your flying a T3 ship.

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After dying 4 times i had to wait 10 minutes if i wanted to rez at my spot??? 10 friggin minutes???


The instant rez is really for if you made an error during a routine fight that you can handle with no problem 95% of time (e.g., wandering elite stepped in during fight with normals) or if you did something silly like take a fall. If you've died four times in a row, the problem is more likely that you are low level or do not have good equipment. Bioware has the insta-rez to not penalize players harshly for occasional mishaps. They do not, however, want to encourage "zerging" in situations where a player is outmatched.

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I find the death penality in this game rather light. I'm used to LOTRO's death penalty. One revive, then it's on a 2 hour cooldown. And on top of that a 10 minute debuff and of course damaged gear. Also fewer places to retreat to when you die. And even that was pretty mild. But still easier is just to avoid dying.
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If death isn't coupled with a threat, death becomes meaningless.
Fo sho


Honestly I think it's better then wow except the occasional wait time. I mean hell they allow ANY player to res people on top of that you also get a choice to respawn right where you were. I think that beats WoW, just me though.

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I noticed each time you die, it takes longer to respawn if you decide to revive at the same spot you died at. Most of the time, the medcenters are too far away especially on tatooine and you don't want to fight your way back since the respwn rate from mobs are also quick.


The mission completion credit reward sometimes barely covers the credits to repair your gear. And when finally we had some open world pvp on tatooine, the battle didnt last long probably because of the reasons I just stated.


I love it this way, SWTOR made sure repeated camping and assaulting doesn't take it to another level. Compared to WoW, it's a harsh system. I remember in WoW it takes a few seconds after death to join an ongoing battle anywhere in the world.


I think we can say SWTOR is a little harsher than WoW in this regard. Don't you think?


Harsh? No, you're use to being spoiled by WoW. You should have played EQ1 back in the day when dying meant losing experience, hence the possibility of losing levels.


If you repair after each run, and know how to play your toon, you shouldn't have much trouble at all.

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Harsh? No, you're use to being spoiled by WoW. You should have played EQ1 back in the day when dying meant losing experience, hence the possibility of losing levels.


I used to play a game called tibia where you'd lose 10% of your collected experience if you died. You could literally lose weeks worth of work over one silly moment.


kids these days....

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What's harsh is repair at 50.

Wipe 6 times= 20,000 credits.

But I'm glad for it. So tired of WoW and it's trivial, kiddy arcade crap.

20,000 credits harsh? Just by doing the 8 daily quests (not counting the heroics) on Belsavis you get close to 100k credits.
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20,000 credits harsh? Just by doing the 8 daily quests (not counting the heroics) on Belsavis you get close to 100k credits.


Harsh is relative. And yes. It kind of is. But I did say I'm glad for it.

Regardless of having the option to do dailies to make credits ( what does that have to do with it?) you're still out 20,000 credits.

I fail to see the need to quote and respond with a wise azz remark.

Edited by Your_dominus
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This is not WoW, it doesn't have to be like wow , this is swtor and that's the system they picked to go with. Learn to live with it, death should have some penelty.


They should rename WoW to world of whine , the only thing that game has done is spawned a lot of we want everything given to us on a platter gamer.


Be glad they didn't make your corpse able to loot after death, now that would be awsome. We could irrigate the deserts of the world with the tears from that lmao.


Uh, were you reading the thread? The guy was posting about death penalties, and everyone's agreed that WoW's death penalty is more taxing than SWTORs because it involves a graveyard run. No one's saying they want it to be like WoW's ressing system. Hurr.

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If death isn't coupled with a threat, death becomes meaningless.


death in a game is meaningless. it is a game. frustration in a game has meaning. and not in a good way. There is already a repair cost, that is all the incentive they need. They need to fix some of the bugs that get you killed like evading mobs before they add any "meaning" to death.

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What's harsh is repair at 50.

Wipe 6 times= 20,000 credits.

But I'm glad for it. So tired of WoW and it's trivial, kiddy arcade crap.


I don't mind the repair costs.. I'm a slicer and make a decent amount of cash from that.. (not the missions)..


It would bug me however if I was actively engaged in raiding and was dying due to the amount of bugs that is currently being experienced in those areas with the repair costs being what they are.. But then this whole game is not even close to bug free.. Occasional glitches are one thing, sloppy programming is a completely different story.

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I noticed each time you die, it takes longer to respawn if you decide to revive at the same spot you died at. Most of the time, the medcenters are too far away especially on tatooine and you don't want to fight your way back since the respwn rate from mobs are also quick.


The mission completion credit reward sometimes barely covers the credits to repair your gear. And when finally we had some open world pvp on tatooine, the battle didnt last long probably because of the reasons I just stated.


I love it this way, SWTOR made sure repeated camping and assaulting doesn't take it to another level. Compared to WoW, it's a harsh system. I remember in WoW it takes a few seconds after death to join an ongoing battle anywhere in the world.


I think we can say SWTOR is a little harsher than WoW in this regard. Don't you think?


stop dieing >> problem solved...

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dude are you really saying there is a penalty for death in this game?


you think time is a penalty?


Look at it this way in increases as you die frequently. Longest I ever saw was about 2min, some people said they have seen 9min


Basically come down to this people suicide bomb to do certain things and those people are forced to wait and rightfully so


For the people who die constantly, ltp, or move to an easier area


And that is not a penalty, try dying and being ofrced to grind out meaningless mobs to get back the expeience debt you gained, thats a penalty


You pay a little money, they rez you right in the spot you died


Its a pampering system, not a penalty one

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